Desantis newsome debate

Perhaps Cali’s weather is 4X better, if you’re homeless? Better food? Nicer people? Better living conditions? No hurricanes or alligators....fewer icky snakes...more and better golf courses....
I'm sure the homeless in Cali are there bc of the access to premier golf courses 😂
I'm sure the homeless in Cali are there bc of the access to premier golf courses 😂
Do the homeless have access to premier golf courses in Florida?
Pebble Beach IS a public golf are many of the courses in the Palm Springs well as the Torrey Pines Golf Courses outside SanDiego....I mean homeless folks have a lot of time in their hands so a round of golf is probably a welcome relief to job searching....right?
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That's alot of words to say very little. Newsome is a much better speaker than DeSantis no doubt. The facts are, DeSantis runs his state better and that previous article you posted supported those points. Dems like feelings, if you like feelings, Newsome probably felt good. There isn't any denying the data though as Boring as the data is.

DieSantos does not have the charismatic personality necessary for a national figure. He portrays no warmth - exactly the opposite; he appears steely eyed and angry. This is crucial for someone appearing in front of the cameras constantly and can't be overcome by behavior modification and physical appearance.

Nixon had the same problem but succussed in part because cinematic technology at that time did not expose graphic detail. Apprerance and behavior matters.
DieSantos does not have the charismatic personality necessary for a national figure. He portrays no warmth - exactly the opposite; he appears steely eyed and angry. This is crucial for someone appearing in front of the cameras constantly and can't be overcome by behavior modification and physical appearance.

Nixon had the same problem but succussed in part because cinematic technology at that time did not expose graphic detail. Apprerance and behavior matters.
Very few, if any, politicians can pull off what Trump has due him actually being a celebrity with loutish behavior as part of his schtick. It was his persona built over decades and the (supposed) billionaire loud mouth bully act was why people flocked to him.

For everyone else who tries, they inevitably look like a think skinned, insecure putz.
RonnyBoy needs some massive statewide disaster to occur so that he can exit the campaign gracefully.

He can say that he "needs to deal with issues of his electorate".

Cause when he finishes behind Haley in Iowa and NH...he's done anyway.

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