Dev calling out Iowa's clueless administration

I am not sure what my personal info has to do with this but I've been posting here for 15+ years so it's not hard to figure out. I have certainly had my own rough spots and I try to get better every day and be a role model for my kids.

I mean it takes a lot of work and effort to not get arrested several dozen times despite an entire community trying to help you out over three decades, but I managed to do it.
Originally posted by L. Wad...ldress:
I am not sure what my personal info has to do with this but I've been posting here for 15+ years so it's not hard to figure out. I have certainly had my own rough spots and I try to get better every day and be a role model for my kids.

I mean it takes a lot of work and effort to not get arrested several dozen times despite an entire community trying to help you out over three decades, but I managed to do it.
Not sure what kind of role model you can be when you attack a person in his low 20's who father is dying of cancer for saying he felt "blatantly disrespected".
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by L. Wad...ldress:
yes, I think dev was stupid and inconsiderate for calling out his alma mater who gave him a free college education. thanks for agreeing.
Or here. Carry on judging people from behind your computer screen.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm sorry, did I miss where it became wrong to criticize a public figure who made a conscious choice to comment via social media?
Babe Ruth, legendary baseball player and cigar smoking, woman chasing, lush. Loved by fans as much for his bombastic charisma as for his kindness (He often visited children in orphanages and hospitals.) When he could no longer play, he was denied several jobs in baseball mostly due to some of his behaviors while he played the game. I think it is fair to say Ruth is a legend among baseball fans today. Don't we even have kids playing in leagues named after him? And, he is in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Hell, he is a big reason there is one.

Magic Johnson. One of the best basketball players ever. Chased women around while he was a married man and ended up HIV-positive. Yet several years later a sitting President said, "For me, Magic is a hero for anyone who loves sports."

I could keep bringing up men like these.

Why are we able to give fond memory to these men who were certainly less than Saints? Does anyone still have to explain it? Who are we?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

We aren't so special ourselves, and we embrace that in who we are. And we love that we can rise above ourselves.

And this from someone closer to home, "To be a tough, rugged boy is every lad's ambition. But to be a gentleman, to be kindly, charitable, thoughtful as well as tough and rugged is much more to be desired. And he who can be both is much the better man and usually much tougher in the long run.", Nile Kinnick

Kindly, charitable and thoughtful? So said the guy who's name is on the Stadium.

We could have given Roy Marble a much better moment. If we did not because we took a measure of a man and found him lacking? Than we who took the measure are lacking ourselves.
I know others have said it but I found the whole thing incredibly forced and awkward. They has him follow Barta out to half court instead of introducing him separately and walking out alone, or having a teammate introduce him or something.

Whether you feel they should retire the number or not you have to admit this was terribly botched all the way around.
Originally posted by like-woahh:
I agree, retire the damn number.
Until someone at Iowa gets a damn clue nothing is going to change it has been a joke for a long time and continues to be so.
Originally posted by iahawkeyes17:
At the game. People around me and myself were surprised as well no video tribute, no speech by anyone besides PA guy talking, nothing else. Being that it was being promoted think little more to be done. Don't think it's asking too much to have that being done besides Roy standing at half court with barta. Of course Roy sr going to say he was happy to have the honor. What else would he say. Could of had a video tribute with former teammates, coaches ex Hawks talking about his importance to iowa. Let the man speak and express his gratitude to the fans. On another wise great iowa bball day wish our athletic dept would have taken that extra step in honoring an iowa legend.

As for moral high ground lot of people who have done worse who still have awards and accolades not taken away. Alex karras as mentioned good point. Heck oj Simpson at usc still has # retired and recognized as hesiman winner.

WOB Alert.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I would like to clear something up. Retiring a jersey DOES NOT EQUAL retiring a number. The administration can hang a gold #23 script Iowa jersey from the rafters of CHA in honor of Roy Sr and Okey Ukah can still run around Mediacomm court wearing his #23.
Anybody ever stop to think that this is all Roy wanted? Geeze the guy is sick and weak and maybe that's all he could tolerate or what he wanted.
I hope DanL that your post was understood here and I think will be if everyone that reads it will just reflect for a moment. Well done sir.
Originally posted by L. Wade Childress:
who is going to fire Barta? the president we don't have?

anyone who thinks that this is a great time for the collective fanbase to act like spoiled jackasses has no long term view whatsoever.

we should be getting behind the improvement of several athletic teams and creating an attractive environment for the next group of leadership. instead we are using what a jersey looks like and Mambo #5 as an excuse for not attending games and supporting the team. I'm a 4th generation Iowa grad and it's completely embarrassing.
If I were to guess I would say you are about 80 years old.

Dev can say what he wants, and you know what? He was right. It was a poor effort by this university in showing its appreciation for one of the all time greats. They could have flown in Dr Tom or some of his teammates, but it was just Barta out there and a announcement of his accomplishments. No video highlights. No teammates or coach there. The wrong freaking jersey. No big surprise that Barta fouled this up. The guy is all thumbs.
Originally posted by DanL53:
Babe Ruth, legendary baseball player and cigar smoking, woman chasing, lush. Loved by fans as much for his bombastic charisma as for his kindness (He often visited children in orphanages and hospitals.) When he could no longer play, he was denied several jobs in baseball mostly due to some of his behaviors while he played the game. I think it is fair to say Ruth is a legend among baseball fans today. Don't we even have kids playing in leagues named after him? And, he is in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Hell, he is a big reason there is one.

Magic Johnson. One of the best basketball players ever. Chased women around while he was a married man and ended up HIV-positive. Yet several years later a sitting President said, "For me, Magic is a hero for anyone who loves sports."

I could keep bringing up men like these.

Why are we able to give fond memory to these men who were certainly less than Saints? Does anyone still have to explain it? Who are we?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

We aren't so special ourselves, and we embrace that in who we are. And we love that we can rise above ourselves.

And this from someone closer to home, "To be a tough, rugged boy is every lad's ambition. But to be a gentleman, to be kindly, charitable, thoughtful as well as tough and rugged is much more to be desired. And he who can be both is much the better man and usually much tougher in the long run.", Nile Kinnick

Kindly, charitable and thoughtful? So said the guy who's name is on the Stadium.

We could have given Roy Marble a much better moment. If we did not because we took a measure of a man and found him lacking? Than we who took the measure are lacking ourselves.
Thread winner.
If I were grading Iowa's AD, I would give him a C-. Under his leadership, Iowa seems to consistently put minimal effort into generating excitement for its athletic teams. Roy Marble's tribute is a good example. Honoring Roy while he can still be there to appreciate the gesture, was a good idea. The execution of the tribute, from the announcement language to the actual ceremony, was embarrassing. Is there anyone who honestly believes that the tribute was done well?
"The decision to retire numbers or jerseys rests in the hands of a committee that includes coaches, the athletic director, the media relations director and the Varsity Club."
You've hit on the biggest problem on Retiring a number/Jersey. Defined criteria.
Marble was a great player who scored a LOT of points. He was not a saint.

The problem is the administration doesn't have a clear criteria on what makes a jersey to be retired.
When you look at the list of Jersey's they retired, there are some that most fans would question. Why retire all 5 starters from a Final Four team but yet there are Multiple Multi-year All Americans who do not have their jersey's retired. None of the three former Big-10 MVPs have their numbers retired. Does it matter that Dev has more First Team Big-10 selections than his father?

Should a player have to graduate to have their Number retired as a "Student" Athlete?

Everyone has a reason why someone should or should not have their Number/Jersey retired. Without knowing the criteria, it's hard to know if it's the right call or not.

That being said, I'm not trying to support the AD since they've done a lot of "Questionable" performance.

Take a look at the history of Iowa Basketball on Wikipedia and tell me the top 3 players you'd want number's retired.

Wilkerson, Williams and Woolridge all stand out as probably higher on the list based on multiple year recognitions.
Well . . . I'm 47 years old, went to nearly every home game during my undergraduate years and fully understand that Roy Marble presents a complicated issue for the Athletic Department. You can't take away that he is the school's all-time leading scorer. You also can't take away his time at Hazelden. You can't take away the numerous post-graduate incidents of extremely poor decision making. Unless you were working in the Athletic Department in that time frame, you probably don't know the whole story with Marble (and Cuthpert, Moe and Horton). I certainly don't claim to know the whole story; not even close to the whole story.

Suffice it to say, there are lots of things that take place within a program and very few (if any) of us have a clue as to what is going on behind closed doors.

Did Iowa invite Dr. Tom, BJ, Bullard, Horton, Gamble, Lohaus, etc. to attend? I don't know. They might have and they might have received a polite "would love to, just can't make it." They might have received a "no way I'm going." Maybe they didn't extend invites. Maybe the AD thought that it wouldn't be right for Marble to share the stage with guys like BJ or Dr. Tom.

Even if they weren't invited, where were his adoring teammates and coaches? Marble is dying of cancer and no one makes an effort on his own to attend? Even if Iowa's AD dropped the ball, its not as if Marble's teammates and coaches wouldn't have known about him being honored. Where was the desire to see their teammate being honored in what may be the last year of his life?

Maybe the announcement didn't leave enough time for others to commit to attending. Maybe they received a lukewarm commitment from coaches and teammates and decided that it would be better to have Marble on the court by himself as opposed to having just Brad Lohaus on the court with him?

Marble was my favorite player when I was getting ready to graduate from high school. One of my favorite early moments at U of Iowa was playing in a pick up game behind Burge with Marble, Horton and Gamble and having the chance to guard Marble. However, despite truly enjoying his performances on the court and considering him one of my favorite players, I also realize that he likely caused a ton of headaches for the athletic department.

Could they have put together a video? Absolutely. I'm surprised that they didn't.
Should they have retired his jersey? I can make arguments both ways.
Should they have made a more elaborate presentation? Maybe . . . but honoring Marble at halftime seemed to be the best option. Pre-game (when tip-off is at 11:00) runs the risk of a half empty arena. Post-game . . . well you know . . . the arena may be half empty as well.

I'm not claiming that the presentation was a world beater. Not by any means. Just simply pointing out that there may be more to the analysis that what some are giving here.
no aurora, it is clear they did not care to put forth the effort. Try and white wash it as much as you want but that is the brutal truth.
Not trying to whitewash it at all. Far from it. As I wrote in my post, I would've expected a video presentation. However, anyone who claims that it presented a no-brainer decision for the AD doesn't truly have his/her finger on the multitude of issues surrounding Roy Marble and his time as a player and after he was a player. Even if you were to set aside his time at Hazelden and the drug issues after he played, one need only look at what a hot button topic that domestic relations charges bring to recognize the difficulties that are faced. Yes . . . I know . . . the charges were ultimately dismissed. But the charges cloud the picture. Immensely.

And, even taking your point of "they did not care to put forth the effort" to be true, it is the height of naivete to think that there were not serious factors (on both the plus and minus side) that had to be discussed behind closed doors to determine (a) whether to honor him and (b) how to do so. There is definitely a lot of "brutal truth" (using your term) surrounding Roy Marble. And, let's face it, a lot of it is exactly that - "brutal."

And the bottom line remains that I wasn't in the room. You weren't in that room. Neither one of us knows all that was discussed and why decisions were made.

Originally posted by onlyonenow:

no aurora, it is clear they did not care to put forth the effort. Try and white wash it as much as you want but that is the brutal truth.
Even if you were to set aside his time at Hazelden and the drug issues after he played, one need only look at what a hot button topic that domestic relations charges bring to recognize the difficulties that are faced. Yes . . . I know . . . the charges were ultimately dismissed. But the charges cloud the picture. Immensely.

It would seem hypocritical for the University of Iowa to hold the dismissed domestic relations charges against him when they let Pierre Pierce continue to PLAY at Iowa after his rape charges. Iowa really doesn't have an intellectual leg to stand on here. Whatever issues Marble had, they didn't occur while he was playing at Iowa and they only hurt him and his family, no one else.
Originally posted by Mohawkeye:
Even if you were to set aside his time at Hazelden and the drug issues after he played, one need only look at what a hot button topic that domestic relations charges bring to recognize the difficulties that are faced. Yes . . . I know . . . the charges were ultimately dismissed. But the charges cloud the picture. Immensely.

It would seem hypocritical for the University of Iowa to hold the dismissed domestic relations charges against him when they let Pierre Pierce continue to PLAY at Iowa after his rape charges. Iowa really doesn't have an intellectual leg to stand on here. Whatever issues Marble had, they didn't occur while he was playing at Iowa and they only hurt him and his family, no one else.
I'm really not trying to get into this argument, but the Hazelden admittance did occur while he was playing at Iowa. Just correcting a statement. And to add to that, I got the idea Iowa paid for that , which I think was the correct thing to do. (two others went also).
How'd that whole thing work out for Pierre Pierce, Steve Alford and the basketball program? It set the program on a downward spiral for many years. It was a disgrace and still serves as a giant black eye to the program's history. Making a massive mistake with Pierre Pierce doesn't mean that the U of Iowa shouldn't learn from those mistakes.

If you don't think that Roy Marble had some issues while he was a player, you'd be mistaken. He had some well-documented problems and the school paid for his drug rehabilitation. As I wrote before, he presents a complicated situation.

Put another way, Roy's choices in life made what should have been a no-brainer decision very difficult on several levels.
Originally posted by Mohawkeye:
Even if you were to set aside his time at Hazelden and the drug issues after he played, one need only look at what a hot button topic that domestic relations charges bring to recognize the difficulties that are faced. Yes . . . I know . . . the charges were ultimately dismissed. But the charges cloud the picture. Immensely.

It would seem hypocritical for the University of Iowa to hold the dismissed domestic relations charges against him when they let Pierre Pierce continue to PLAY at Iowa after his rape charges. Iowa really doesn't have an intellectual leg to stand on here. Whatever issues Marble had, they didn't occur while he was playing at Iowa and they only hurt him and his family, no one else.
Originally posted by bdg8:
Plus couldn't they find or create a jersey that was from Roy's era? Instead of that hunk of crap from the lick era
LOL, I was thinking the same thing. They could have at least made it look like a late-80's era jersey. It was probably some leftover unused jersey that was still sitting around, so they slapped a "23" on it. Here ya go, Roy!

They could have at least put together a cool highlight reel.

They could have at least let Roy speak to the crowd if he felt so inclined.

But what we got was something like a 2 minute thing where Roy just got to wave to the crowd some while they read off some of his stats, that any one of us could Google in 10 seconds.

The whole thing smacked of "doing the bare minimum".

I guess if Roy was fine with it, then fine, but I personally thought they should have acted like some actual effort was put into it.

Oh, and by the way - retire his GD jersey already!

This post was edited on 3/9 3:32 PM by TampaHawkfan
Originally posted by GarryO37:

Don't care about the number being retired, but he never said the only criteria what you did off the court. He specifically said, "Accomplishments on the court and character off the court."

Chris Street's number was retired because of what he did on the court as well as his character off the court, and he was killed in a car accident while still an active player for the UofI. If he was just a great basketball player, his number probably doesn't get retired.

Just being a great basketball player is not enough to get your number retired IMHO. If it was, then we we wouldn't have anymore jersey numbers to give players. From what I've heard, Marble wouldn't even be Iowa's all time scoring leader if Ronnie Lester got to play in as many games as Marble.

Like it or not, character counts.
Fixed that for ya.

Street's number would not have been retired if that accident hadn't happened.

And nobody is talking about retiring every number.. We're talking about the school's all-time leading scorer. Yes, it should remain very exclusive.

Hanging Roy Marble's jersey in the rafters doesn't endorse any off-court issues he had, any more than it does recognizing him on this new wall they are putting up, whatever you call it. If you can put him on that wall, then why can't you hang a jersey? What's the difference?
This post was edited on 3/9 3:40 PM by TampaHawkfan
Originally posted by AuroraHawk:
Well . . . I'm 47 years old, went to nearly every home game during my undergraduate years and fully understand that Roy Marble presents a complicated issue for the Athletic Department. You can't take away that he is the school's all-time leading scorer. You also can't take away his time at Hazelden. You can't take away the numerous post-graduate incidents of extremely poor decision making. Unless you were working in the Athletic Department in that time frame, you probably don't know the whole story with Marble (and Cuthpert, Moe and Horton). I certainly don't claim to know the whole story; not even close to the whole story.

Suffice it to say, there are lots of things that take place within a program and very few (if any) of us have a clue as to what is going on behind closed doors.

Did Iowa invite Dr. Tom, BJ, Bullard, Horton, Gamble, Lohaus, etc. to attend? I don't know. They might have and they might have received a polite "would love to, just can't make it." They might have received a "no way I'm going." Maybe they didn't extend invites. Maybe the AD thought that it wouldn't be right for Marble to share the stage with guys like BJ or Dr. Tom.

Even if they weren't invited, where were his adoring teammates and coaches? Marble is dying of cancer and no one makes an effort on his own to attend? Even if Iowa's AD dropped the ball, its not as if Marble's teammates and coaches wouldn't have known about him being honored. Where was the desire to see their teammate being honored in what may be the last year of his life?

Maybe the announcement didn't leave enough time for others to commit to attending. Maybe they received a lukewarm commitment from coaches and teammates and decided that it would be better to have Marble on the court by himself as opposed to having just Brad Lohaus on the court with him?

Marble was my favorite player when I was getting ready to graduate from high school. One of my favorite early moments at U of Iowa was playing in a pick up game behind Burge with Marble, Horton and Gamble and having the chance to guard Marble. However, despite truly enjoying his performances on the court and considering him one of my favorite players, I also realize that he likely caused a ton of headaches for the athletic department.

Could they have put together a video? Absolutely. I'm surprised that they didn't.
Should they have retired his jersey? I can make arguments both ways.
Should they have made a more elaborate presentation? Maybe . . . but honoring Marble at halftime seemed to be the best option. Pre-game (when tip-off is at 11:00) runs the risk of a half empty arena. Post-game . . . well you know . . . the arena may be half empty as well.

I'm not claiming that the presentation was a world beater. Not by any means. Just simply pointing out that there may be more to the analysis that what some are giving here.
I don't know the answer to any of your questions as to "why this or that didn't happen", but the whole thing just smacked of something that was thrown together at the last moment with very little effort. I doubt very much if any effort went into trying to bring in Tom Davis, former teammates, etc. etc. And as you said, there was probably little to no time for other teammates to even make arrangements to travel, if they even know this was taking place.
Originally posted by AuroraHawk:
Well . . . I'm 47 years old, went to nearly every home game during my undergraduate years and fully understand that Roy Marble presents a complicated issue for the Athletic Department. You can't take away that he is the school's all-time leading scorer. You also can't take away his time at Hazelden. You can't take away the numerous post-graduate incidents of extremely poor decision making. Unless you were working in the Athletic Department in that time frame, you probably don't know the whole story with Marble (and Cuthpert, Moe and Horton). I certainly don't claim to know the whole story; not even close to the whole story.

Suffice it to say, there are lots of things that take place within a program and very few (if any) of us have a clue as to what is going on behind closed doors.

Did Iowa invite Dr. Tom, BJ, Bullard, Horton, Gamble, Lohaus, etc. to attend? I don't know. They might have and they might have received a polite "would love to, just can't make it." They might have received a "no way I'm going." Maybe they didn't extend invites. Maybe the AD thought that it wouldn't be right for Marble to share the stage with guys like BJ or Dr. Tom.

Even if they weren't invited, where were his adoring teammates and coaches? Marble is dying of cancer and no one makes an effort on his own to attend? Even if Iowa's AD dropped the ball, its not as if Marble's teammates and coaches wouldn't have known about him being honored. Where was the desire to see their teammate being honored in what may be the last year of his life?

Maybe the announcement didn't leave enough time for others to commit to attending. Maybe they received a lukewarm commitment from coaches and teammates and decided that it would be better to have Marble on the court by himself as opposed to having just Brad Lohaus on the court with him?

Marble was my favorite player when I was getting ready to graduate from high school. One of my favorite early moments at U of Iowa was playing in a pick up game behind Burge with Marble, Horton and Gamble and having the chance to guard Marble. However, despite truly enjoying his performances on the court and considering him one of my favorite players, I also realize that he likely caused a ton of headaches for the athletic department.

Could they have put together a video? Absolutely. I'm surprised that they didn't.
Should they have retired his jersey? I can make arguments both ways.
Should they have made a more elaborate presentation? Maybe . . . but honoring Marble at halftime seemed to be the best option. Pre-game (when tip-off is at 11:00) runs the risk of a half empty arena. Post-game . . . well you know . . . the arena may be half empty as well.

I'm not claiming that the presentation was a world beater. Not by any means. Just simply pointing out that there may be more to the analysis that what some are giving here.
Good post! I am older than you and I do not have the answer. I am not upset they did not retire number and if they would have I would have been all right with it.
Good guy or bad guy, we all have our opinions. But I would be willing to bet this is the only athletic dept in the country that took 25 years to recognize its all time scorer let alone put his picture or jersey somewhere in the basketball arena. Just saying, Iowa scewed this up and only pulled off this lame recognition because of his health and at the last minute. Hell, Devin was at game a couple weeks ago during NBA all star break, why couldn't you plan it then?
Originally posted by DanL53:
Babe Ruth, legendary baseball player and cigar smoking, woman chasing, lush. Loved by fans as much for his bombastic charisma as for his kindness (He often visited children in orphanages and hospitals.) When he could no longer play, he was denied several jobs in baseball mostly due to some of his behaviors while he played the game. I think it is fair to say Ruth is a legend among baseball fans today. Don't we even have kids playing in leagues named after him? And, he is in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Hell, he is a big reason there is one.

Magic Johnson. One of the best basketball players ever. Chased women around while he was a married man and ended up HIV-positive. Yet several years later a sitting President said, "For me, Magic is a hero for anyone who loves sports."

I could keep bringing up men like these.

Why are we able to give fond memory to these men who were certainly less than Saints? Does anyone still have to explain it? Who are we?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

We aren't so special ourselves, and we embrace that in who we are. And we love that we can rise above ourselves.

And this from someone closer to home, "To be a tough, rugged boy is every lad's ambition. But to be a gentleman, to be kindly, charitable, thoughtful as well as tough and rugged is much more to be desired. And he who can be both is much the better man and usually much tougher in the long run.", Nile Kinnick

Kindly, charitable and thoughtful? So said the guy who's name is on the Stadium.

We could have given Roy Marble a much better moment. If we did not because we took a measure of a man and found him lacking? Than we who took the measure are lacking ourselves.
Marble = Babe Ruth, Nile Kinnick and the Statue of Liberty all rolled into one. Someone please point out a more fanatical fanbase?

And people have the nerve to say we don't have anything to offer recruits. Pfffft.
Originally posted by bravehawks1:
Good guy or bad guy, we all have our opinions. But I would be willing to bet this is the only athletic dept in the country that took 25 years to recognize its all time scorer let alone put his picture or jersey somewhere in the basketball arena. Just saying, Iowa scewed this up and only pulled off this lame recognition because of his health and at the last minute. Hell, Devin was at game a couple weeks ago during NBA all star break, why couldn't you plan it then?
I'm fine with honoring Roy. glad they did it, but while he was living in Iowa before moving to Michigan recently there were a few things that went on, so maybe the delay was a fear of "what next." After one of them he apologized publicly to his kids, which is when I first knew how many of them! Not sure how many years he was in Iowa, but he was in the Des Moines area for some time, then in the CR area, where unfortunately the flood ruined the business he had.

Yes, I suppose his health condition precipitated this honoring and it wouldn't be the first time in many areas of the world, not just the Iowa athletic department, where that was the spur..

S'funny, after Devin graduated, someone came on here and proclaimed how happy he was that he wouldn't have to see the TV camera pick out Roy at games any more.
This thread still going strong...interesting.

I guess I don't understand what all the hubbub is. He's the leading scorer in school history...but he isn't the best player in Iowa history. Top 10 for certain, maybe top 5. But there ain't no way he was a better player than Ronnie Lester, and I can think of about 10 I'd lump him with as far as 3-4 year "impact".

I also believe...there's something the school knows about Marble and his time at Iowa that we don't in all this that is driving the treatment they've given in all this. Look at it this way. How would we feel about a non-suspended DJK by comparison? Would DJK deserve a similar treatment that people believe Marble deserves?
Originally posted by EpenesaEpenesa:

Originally posted by bdg8:
Plus couldn't they find or create a jersey that was from Roy's era? Instead of that hunk of crap from the lick era
Thats what I thought. I was wondering why they framed Doug Thomas jersey and gave it to Roy Marble
its my opinion that any jersey that is "retired" or "raised" or whatever term they want to attach to it, should be from the era that the athlete played in. it would be sweet to see all the different jerseys side by side. they should do a front and back as well, so we can see the different iowa logos.
Originally posted by Quintana:

Originally posted by EpenesaEpenesa:

Originally posted by bdg8:
Plus couldn't they find or create a jersey that was from Roy's era? Instead of that hunk of crap from the lick era
Thats what I thought. I was wondering why they framed Doug Thomas jersey and gave it to Roy Marble
its my opinion that any jersey that is "retired" or "raised" or whatever term they want to attach to it, should be from the era that the athlete played in. it would be sweet to see all the different jerseys side by side. they should do a front and back as well, so we can see the different iowa logos.

Perhaps, the era that style of jersey was used is considered to be so corrupt, so scandalous, so decrepit, depraved and darkly disturbing as to warrant that style of jersey undeserving of hanging in Carver Hawkeye Arena.

Oh, this Hallowed Hole in the Ground were the U of I makes money off the backs of College kids and then expects them to be eternally grateful...after we beg them to play here, of course.