Dick Cheney (yeah, that one) will be voting For Kamala Harris

Kamala will let the Trump tax cut expire resulting in the largest tax increase ever on Americans.
Only on those earning more than 400k which is a small % of Americans.
Trump and his buddies passed this bill with those cuts expiring so they could make corporate cuts permanent. It is his tax increase built into his bill.
Kamala will save those households from a Trump tax increase.
Not voting. I didn’t vote in 2020 either. I’m in a complicated place politically and I don’t like it. It doesn’t bring out the best in people, and it certainly doesn’t bring out the best in me.
What is the purpose of not voting? Are you fine with either candidate winning or do you simply want to be able to say I didn't vote for them regardless of the person elected President?
Talk about a complete and utter lack of self awareness.

The guy was a major player on the team that lied us into a war that cost the taxpayers trillions, made him and his buddies billions and cost hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis their lives.

Reprehensible POS.
Were you a Republican when they did this stuff?
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The right wingers responses to Dick Cheney are simply hilarious. I've been on here for a few years now, and I have yet to see any of them criticize Dick Cheney. He lied us into the Iraq war costing thousands of American deaths and thousands more injured and many for life. Where have they been?
GOP has no one to blame but themselves. Any Republican with integrity is voting against Trump. GOP is gaining the RFK JRs and Tulsi's of the world (who are also getting jobs in a potential administration for their support).
Lol, finally! I never thought the bingo square with you posting about Dick Cheney as a "Republican with integrity" would ever hit! Bingo!!
Cheney: Harris
Pence: Won’t vote for Trump
Quayle: Potatoe (I’ll take that as a tacit Trump endorsement)
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Only on those earning more than 400k which is a small % of Americans.
Trump and his buddies passed this bill with those cuts expiring so they could make corporate cuts permanent. It is his tax increase built into his bill.
Kamala will save those households from a Trump tax increase.

It expires for everyone.
You've said you are not voting for Trump this time in past posts. Why do you question the reasons other Republicans are making the same choice as you? Is it just because they also said they would be voting for Harris or have you changed your mind and will be voting for Trump now?
We all know what she is going to do. She is going to go into that booth and vote for the man who made the big lie and then come here and lie her ass off and say she didn't vote for him.
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GOP has no one to blame but themselves. Any Republican with integrity is voting against Trump. GOP is gaining the RFK JRs and Tulsi's of the world (who are also getting jobs in a potential administration for their support).
Tulsi and kennedy for the cheney family and Adam kinzinger is nothing but an absolute win for Republicans lmfao
I don't think there's any way Trump will win. The only people that will vote for him are the far right nutbags. Even if you disagree with her policies, Harris is a functional human being. It'd be crazy to elect Trump, since he quite obviously is not. More and more people are seeing that. Even republicans.

I haven't seen any lifelong democrats endorsing Trump, not to the extent that Harris is getting from the repubs.
He had more votes than Obama the first time lol
The GOP got us into that war and now you call Cheney a POS? 😂 We continue to clean up your messes.
Biden cleaned up the mess in the middle east? I guess you're not wrong but he ****ed it up royally with his failed Afghanistan withdrawal. Cheney is a pos for starting that war and he's a pos now.
LMAO off how this thread is drawing the biggest MAGA troglodytes to have a foot stomping sad as they unsuccessfully act like no big deal.

Also there is a 99.9% chance W is going to do the same in the next 40 days.
Why wouldn’t he?
He’s a neocon as well.
When has he turned his back on the ‘stupid wars’ that he stirred up and their death and destruction, that still grinds on, with our troops dying on border outposts on the other side of the world, defending kings.
LMAO off how this thread is drawing the biggest MAGA troglodytes to have a foot stomping sad as they unsuccessfully act like no big deal.

Also there is a 99.9% chance W is going to do the same in the next 40 days.

W was a war monger and weakling on immigration. He fits in perfectly with the dems.
LMAO off how this thread is drawing the biggest MAGA troglodytes to have a foot stomping sad as they unsuccessfully act like no big deal.

Also there is a 99.9% chance W is going to do the same in the next 40 days.
Honestly, all of these so and so is voting for so and so threads are kinda stupid in a country where people claim to be their own boss.

As I was thinking about the election today — and I’m still not sure what I’ll do — it occurred to me that what I’ve told my kids is that you have to be for something and not simply against something else. I gotta figure out what’s most closely aligned with what I’m for.
The best part of this announcement is that the board libs thinks it helps Kamala.

Dick is not a popular man.

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