Do you believe hoodienomics helps the poor?


May 8, 2015
The poor are always poor. No matter how much we do for them they are still poor. WE gave them free housing, free breakfast, free lunch, free books, free education, free Obamaphones, free healthcare, free abortions, affirmative action, lower admissions to college and they are still poor. The more we do for them the less they do for themselves.

Not only do they not pull their weight but they are dragging down the middle class. The poor are unproductive but the worst thing about them is they are totally destructive. They have destroyed the inner city public schools with violence and crime.

It is time to eliminate welfare. MLK did not dream about destroying schools, collecting welfare and working at McDonalds.
Interesting that you think it's the poor dragging down the middle class.

Can you tell us ANY system where the poor are self sufficient and successful? We have already tried all of your liberal plans and the poor fail on merit.

Will Smith's mom did not send him to live with his Auntie in Bel Air to get away from the violent rich.

It is interesting that I keep asking you for ANY plan where the poor will be successful and I have yet to hear one. NOT one.

We could send the poor to any country in the world and they will still fail. Most of the poor are just lazy criminals. They don't put in the work to acquire skills. Obama can't redistribute brains and work ethics so the poor will always be poor. Work ethic comes from parents.
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While the OP goes overboard, we do encourage the poor to stay poor, particularly when they lack the desire to be productive members of society. Once they have food, shelter, healthcare, etc., it's actually scary to someone to have those things taken away. How do they get taken away? They make "too much" money. Once a comfort level with your lot in life is reached, it's difficult to make changes, especially when you fear that you won't "make enough" to cover what you "lose." This can be scary for anyone, now place yourself in the shoes of someone whose lived their whole life in a way that positions themselves for government assistance, and it's no wonder people have a hard time getting off of welfare. A few can't, but for many, it's too scary to try very hard.

The tough love way is to do away with welfare altogether, which would work for some, and would leave others with nothing, or dead. So people say "raise the minimum wage..." which will only drive prices of everything up, leaving the same people with the same problems.

Maybe rather than giving money to people perpetually, we incent businesses to bring in people and "mentor" them to a more productive life, potentially even becoming a productive employee of that business. I don't know, it's just a thought. I think it's a complex problem that takes a little more thought than to "just take their benefits away."
Wait...are we talking about a TV show or reality?

It does not matter. They both apply. Can you name ONE safe public high school in Philly? There are NONE in real life so it does not matter if I used a line from a fictional tv show.

Before he was killed he was turning his march to help the poor and battle income inequality for all races.

MLK wanted jobs not welfare. He wanted his kids to go to school and put in the work. MLK went to college and he was married to his baby mama. MLK knew his kids. MLK wore a suit and could speak English.

Today's ghettocrats act the exact opposite of MLK.

MLK's solution for income inequality was to put in the work and get a quality job. Today's Dems look at work as slavery. They destroy the schools and then think McDonalds will pay them 100k.

If MLK was around today the bros would look at him as a sellout. Can you explain the phrases "acting white" or "selling out"? It is ironic that you talk about income inequality but the handful of successful blacks with high paying white collar jobs are called sellouts like Clarence Thomas. "No" what im sayin?
Welfare exists so that those who are on it don't rob and kill the rest of us.

Other than that, I agree with the OP in theory - depending on how liberal his use of the word "poor" is. It should probably be something tighter than how the elites of this board usually define it.
Keep them poor and unhealthy so you can shitpost about them.

I am not keeping them poor. That is on them. They have the same exact opportunities and they wasted them. If you think they are disadvantaged then how about we switch and rich can have all the freebies and the poor can start doing all the work and paying all the taxes for the rich to be disadvantaged.
Welfare exists so that those who are on it don't rob and kill the rest of us.

Other than that, I agree with the OP in theory - depending on how liberal his use of the word "poor" is. It should probably be something tighter than how the elites of this board usually define it.

Except they are still robbing and killing. I have a plan for that. We should eliminate all the low income housing, busing and school choice bs. That will keep the poor in their own neighborhoods where they belong. We can then concentrate the cops in the badlands. I would then convert the worst school in each area to a prison style reform school. That will keep the really violent thugs from destroying schools for the masses. Under my plan the thugs will be isolated in their own hoods. If the thugs kill each other then so be it.
Except they are still robbing and killing. I have a plan for that. We should eliminate all the low income housing, busing and school choice bs. That will keep the poor in their own neighborhoods where they belong. We can then concentrate the cops in the badlands. I would then convert the worst school in each area to a prison style reform school. That will keep the really violent thugs from destroying schools for the masses. Under my plan the thugs will be isolated in their own hoods. If the thugs kill each other then so be it.
Just think of it as bribes and crime control and suddenly it's a bargain. Freedom ain't free brutha. Stop being so cheap.
Except they are still robbing and killing. I have a plan for that. We should eliminate all the low income housing, busing and school choice bs. That will keep the poor in their own neighborhoods where they belong. We can then concentrate the cops in the badlands. I would then convert the worst school in each area to a prison style reform school. That will keep the really violent thugs from destroying schools for the masses. Under my plan the thugs will be isolated in their own hoods. If the thugs kill each other then so be it.
Have you talk to John Carpenter about your idea for Escape From Detroit yet?
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Except they are still robbing and killing. I have a plan for that. We should eliminate all the low income housing, busing and school choice bs. That will keep the poor in their own neighborhoods where they belong. We can then concentrate the cops in the badlands. I would then convert the worst school in each area to a prison style reform school. That will keep the really violent thugs from destroying schools for the masses. Under my plan the thugs will be isolated in their own hoods. If the thugs kill each other then so be it.
They still will get out and come looking for your shit. At that point you better have a gun and be willing to use it. It's the GOP wet dream of all time.

Me? I'd rather pay less than 3% of my taxes to feeding these folks to keep them at bay.
Ever notice that the Democrats always want to expand failure? Just look at the poor and all the failing welfare programs. That is failing model the Dems want to expand. If we look at the successful capitalists(Dems and Rs) in Silicon Valley the Dems never want to expand that model.

It is hilarious that the Dems plan for the economy is for Mcdonalds to pay more. What a joke.
Ever notice that the Democrats always want to expand failure? Just look at the poor and all the failing welfare programs. That is failing model the Dems want to expand. If we look at the successful capitalists(Dems and Rs) in Silicon Valley the Dems never want to expand that model.

It is hilarious that the Dems plan for the economy is for Mcdonalds to pay more. What a joke.
And cons plan for the economy is to stop feeding hungry people.
I find it odd that people believe that people with little money or power are the cause of their problems.
Ok I'll bite - what benefit are the people with little money providing those who have a little more? Because I know they (little) aren't employing them (little more) and paying the vast majority of the nation's taxes to build roads and schools.
Ok I'll bite - what benefit are the people with little money providing those who have a little more? Because I know they (little) aren't employing them (little more) and paying the vast majority of the nation's taxes to build roads and schools.
Off the top of my head? Cheap labor?
Ok I'll bite - what benefit are the people with little money providing those who have a little more? Because I know they (little) aren't employing them (little more) and paying the vast majority of the nation's taxes to build roads and schools.

It's not a question of what benefit they are providing others it's the issue that many people think that it is these people that are causing the nation's problems.
It's not a question of what benefit they are providing others it's the issue that many people think that it is these people that are causing the nation's problems.

Who do you think commits the crimes, dumps the trash and sprays graffiti in all the problem neighborhoods and schools? The poor destroyed the inner city schools and neighborhoods that have most of the problems.

If the rich are the problem then why do they poor march and protest to go to school with the rich and why they also want low income housing in those neighborhoods? The rich try to move away from the poor but the poor want to follow. It is easy to see who is the problem. The poor know the poor are the problem. The first thing every poor person does when they get money is look to get away from the other poor because they know their bros are destructive.
Nope. They just got rich by taking nearly all of our economic growth these past several decades.

No. They created it. They are successful without you. They can move away from you and be successful. They are successful either way and You fail either way. If you were actually successful for ONCE with ANY system then you could make an argument but the poor fail with every system.
No. They created it. They are successful without you. They can move away from you and be successful. They are successful either way and You fail either way. If you were actually successful for ONCE with ANY system then you could make an argument but the poor fail with every system.
I just find it entertaining that you think that almost all of our growth going to the top is healthy for our economy.
Nope. They just got rich by taking nearly all of our economic growth these past several decades.

Apple(Jobs), Microsoft(Gates), Oracle(Ellison), Johnson and Johnson, Ford Motor, Dupont and so on got rich off of cheap labor? Might want to check your facts. They have some of the highest paid labor in the world.

When Henry Ford was making cars he paid DOUBLE the national average and that was before the UAW.

The reality is the USA has the lowest class of poor. Our poor are lazy criminals. They have tons of opportunities and they fail with every President. They fail with high taxes or low taxes. They fail with Rs and Dems. They fail with diversity and without. They fail with mo school funding and without. They are the problem. They are not victims. They are the cause of the problems.
There is a massive difference between the working poor and those who cause the problems the OP is not-so-diplomatically addressing here.

1. THe working poor would have a much higher standard of living if they were not supporting the non working poor with high taxes.

2. the working poor would also have more skills and better jobs if the problem poor did not destroy the schools with violence.

If you really care about the working poor then you should stop defending the violent criminal poor.

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