Do you believe hoodienomics helps the poor?

Apple(Jobs), Microsoft(Gates), Oracle(Ellison), Johnson and Johnson, Ford Motor, Dupont and so on got rich off of cheap labor? Might want to check your facts. They have some of the highest paid labor in the world.

When Henry Ford was making cars he paid DOUBLE the national average and that was before the UAW.

The reality is the USA has the lowest class of poor. Our poor are lazy criminals. They have tons of opportunities and they fail with every President. They fail with high taxes or low taxes. They fail with Rs and Dems. They fail with diversity and without. They fail with mo school funding and without. They are the problem. They are not victims. They are the cause of the problems.

And if you drank a beer after your shift was over Henry Ford fired your rear.
Apple(Jobs), Microsoft(Gates), Oracle(Ellison), Johnson and Johnson, Ford Motor, Dupont and so on got rich off of cheap labor? Might want to check your facts. They have some of the highest paid labor in the world.

When Henry Ford was making cars he paid DOUBLE the national average and that was before the UAW.

The reality is the USA has the lowest class of poor. Our poor are lazy criminals. They have tons of opportunities and they fail with every President. They fail with high taxes or low taxes. They fail with Rs and Dems. They fail with diversity and without. They fail with mo school funding and without. They are the problem. They are not victims. They are the cause of the problems.
So you would rather starve them? What do you think will happen then?
1. THe working poor would have a much higher standard of living if they were not supporting the non working poor with high taxes.
Bullshit. It's pennies on the dollar that go towards welfare. The working poor might be doing better if the US didn't spend most of the tax dollars paid to the US military.
It looks like a little hoodienomics would help Nike.

poor people make decisions that keep them poor. Raising the minimum wage won't solve the issue because they will just continue to make poor decisions regarding money.

a friend of mine, her sister and her mom don't really have a pot to piss in. Her sister has 6 kids, and collects welfare, but they will find money to travel to Riverside every weekend.

One time at hy vee, this chick pulled out her WIC card, but she had on a pair of nikes that (i would imagine) was pretty expensive. I know those weren't shoes you could walk into foot locker and get off the shelf. her hair was did up really good also.

Perhaps when people get on welfare, there needs to be a system in place where the % decreases over a certain amount of time. This will slowly turn up the heat on people who find it easier to sit back because a check is always coming,
Bullshit. It's pennies on the dollar that go towards welfare. The working poor might be doing better if the US didn't spend most of the tax dollars paid to the US military.

They would be doing better if they had real skills. We waste about 200k per student k-12 and all they can do is flip a burger or push a broom. Pretty sad. Immigrants come here with no education, no language skills and have more skills five minutes after they arrive. Hoodienomics is a failure.

PS. Our military spending does not hold down the Asians, whites or the handful of blacks that want to work hard.
So you would rather starve them? What do you think will happen then?

No. I prefer they get a job and start showing some pride. MLK did not starve.

PS. When is the last time you saw someone starving in an inner city? Most of them are 100lbs overweight.
No. I prefer they get a job and start showing some pride. MLK did not starve.

PS. When is the last time you saw someone starving in an inner city? Most of them are 100lbs overweight.
I didn't ask what you would PREFER. I would think we would agree on that. I'm asking what you think will really happen. I have ideas AND preferences but I'm asking you.

PS. Our military spending does not hold down the Asians, whites or the handful of blacks that want to work hard.
Our military nor our welfare spending will hold down truly hardworking folks. What does race have to do with it?
Our military nor our welfare spending will hold down truly hardworking folks. What does race have to do with it?

Simple. When one group of people is blaming the system for their problems and other groups using the same exact system is successful then the system is NOT the problem.

It is funny that blacks make EVERYTHING about race but as soon as someone disputes their points they don't want to make it about race. HUH?

What system are the Asians, whites and the handful of successful blacks using? The same system as the poor.

The real problem with the poor is they do the exact opposite of the rich. The rich care about education, hard work and success. The poor destroy schools and then think McDonalds should pay them 100k to push a broom. The Asian kid sitting next to the black kid in a public school goes on to be an engineer. The black kid ends up working at McDonalds when his NBA career does not happen.
Simple. When one group of people is blaming the system for their problems and other groups using the same exact system is successful then the system is NOT the problem.

It is funny that blacks make EVERYTHING about race but as soon as someone disputes their points they don't want to make it about race. HUH?

What system are the Asians, whites and the handful of successful blacks using? The same system as the poor.

The real problem with the poor is they do the exact opposite of the rich. The rich care about education, hard work and success. The poor destroy schools and then think McDonalds should pay them 100k to push a broom. The Asian kid sitting next to the black kid in a public school goes on to be an engineer. The black kid ends up working at McDonalds when his NBA career does not happen.
You didn't address what I said. Is the tiny piece of our tax dollar pie being used for welfare truly bringing down a bunch of folks who pay the least in taxes as you propose? What do you think will happen if we shut off welfare? Like I said, I have ideas, good and bad, but want to know if you have any thoughts on it.
No problem helping the poor out..I think they should get a birth control shot before picking up their check...we vaccinated for other things why not this
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If the OP and jakeleg jake ever met in real life they would instantly start making out and giving each other hand jobs.
The poor are always poor. No matter how much we do for them they are still poor. WE gave them free housing, free breakfast, free lunch, free books, free education, free Obamaphones, free healthcare, free abortions, affirmative action, lower admissions to college and they are still poor. The more we do for them the less they do for themselves.

Not only do they not pull their weight but they are dragging down the middle class. The poor are unproductive but the worst thing about them is they are totally destructive. They have destroyed the inner city public schools with violence and crime.

It is time to eliminate welfare. MLK did not dream about destroying schools, collecting welfare and working at McDonalds.
Even Jesus said the poor will always be with us. Look it up, it's in the New Testament.

As long as the poor (and certain religions) keep popping out babies like it's going out of style throughout the world, we will have too many poor to count.

I saw a hot babe decked out to go clubbing (including her little black dress and a pair of f-me pumps) at Casey's last Saturday night. She bought some Red Bull and Cheeto's with her "Iowa " card. Then she whipped out a roll of cash and paid for a pack of cigs with a 20. Her outfit cost several hundred bucks. This world is effed up.
I think the OP has a definite point. Our society encourages many to not better themselves. If people become dependant on "free stuff" then what's the point in going out and getting an education and a job. Quick story: My mom worked as a nurse for 40 years. She worked on the floor with the new arrivals (babies). She would share how so many of the single moms knew exactly what "free" things they were entitled to. And many of them would have multiple kids with multiple guys ... And each time they knew they could get a free car seat, baby formula, baby clothes ... She said it made her sad that these women became dependent on "free" things and so they were never really discouraged from having more kids because they knew the government would take care of them ... And on the flip side, if my wife and I at the time I had a kid we would be expected to pay the costs like the majority of people.

We provide too many crutches for people to lean on. I completely respect those who are working hard for a better life - and yet need a little extra help to get them over the hump - but I don't agree that someone should be able to make a living on government assistance (in whatever form). Sadly, those individuals then teach the same lifestyle to their children ... and the cycle continues.

Another quick story: My wife and I were fresh out of college ... living on the West Coast ... Degrees in hand ... She had a job. I did not. Her job paid next to nothing. And I had a heck of a time landing anything (even applied to work at bookstores) ... Finally, we got to a point where we were counting change (literally) to buy some food for the apartment ... We swallowed our pride and decided to inquire to see if we could get some "temporary relief" so we could pay rent, buy food, etc., just until we were both gainfully employed ... In a nutshell: We were told "no." My wife's income was too high (at I think $16,000 at the time) ... We couldn't qualify for anything ...

And that opened my eyes ... The system where I witnessed countless individuals making a "career" of living off the government was now telling us (two recent college graduates) that no help was available ... We were desperate and asking for help was one of the toughest things I had ever done (simply because that's not in my blood) ... But I knew we had to try something ... Heck, I was even selling plasma on the side to make some money ... So yes, times were tough ... And the town we lived in was pretty much made up of hotels and restaurants and swarming with transplants from California ... and so the job market was just horrible at the time ... (it eventually led me to moving back to Iowa.)

My whole ramble here ... is sadly, the government assistance should be about helping people get ON their feet ...It shouldn't encourage them to get OFF of their feet. It shouldn't reward those who have no intention of making their lives better. It really is a flawed system. To some people calling out the OP as making this a racist thread ... No ... He's calling it for what it is ... Too many people ... of all colors ... are milking the system, and they have milked the system their entire lives. And they are the ones who are having more children ... And sadly, those kids are taught the same values ... The decline of the U.S. is happening all around us (we are still pretty isolated in Iowa) ... but if you travel often to other major cities (which I do for work), you see it front and center ... Our country is decaying ... rapidly.
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This is probably true. Most of the welfare people make more than the poor folks who work every day. This is a problem for sure.

Probably true. That is why we should eliminate the welfare and eliminate the taxes that would have gone to welfare. The working poor will then have more money. We can also address the destruction of the schools by the hoodiecrats who don't work. Once we eliminate public housing and forced diversity the schools will immediately improve. The working poor can then get real jobs and won't have to work at McDonalds.
You didn't address what I said. Is the tiny piece of our tax dollar pie being used for welfare truly bringing down a bunch of folks who pay the least in taxes as you propose? What do you think will happen if we shut off welfare? Like I said, I have ideas, good and bad, but want to know if you have any thoughts on it.

If we shut off welfare the hoodiecrats will be forced to get jobs or starve. It will give them some incentive to stop destroying the schools and show some pride. MLK did not dream about collecting welfare. We have the second highest funded schools on the planet. IN Finland they don't need metal detectors or school cops. Their students learn engineering while our students are bustin rhymes about humpin beetches.
Even Jesus said the poor will always be with us. Look it up, it's in the New Testament.

As long as the poor (and certain religions) keep popping out babies like it's going out of style throughout the world, we will have too many poor to count.

I saw a hot babe decked out to go clubbing (including her little black dress and a pair of f-me pumps) at Casey's last Saturday night. She bought some Red Bull and Cheeto's with her "Iowa " card. Then she whipped out a roll of cash and paid for a pack of cigs with a 20. Her outfit cost several hundred bucks. This world is effed up.

Tax illegitimate breeding like they do in China. Dems love taxes so they should support the plan.
I am trying to help the poor my brothas. If anyone can suggest ANY system where the poor will be self sufficient and successful then I will support it.

I have YET to hear one solution that has a track record of success. The FACT is EVERY thing we have tried for the poor has failed. The real problem is the poor themselves. Brother Malcolm told you the solution comes from WITHIN. Today's poor keep looking for an external solution. EVERY plan supported by the Dems is for someone else to provide more or do more for the poor but not one plan supported by the DEms the poor actually do anything for themselves. Until the Hoodiecrats look in the mirror the poor will always be poor.

The poor fail with every system based on merit. They fail because they don't put in the work and they have no skills. WE spent the money on education but they did not put in the work. While the Asians are in the library the hoodicrats are bustin rhymes and playing xbox.