Do you buy a Christmas present for your boss?

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002
I did a few years ago, but then my boss got a different job with the company and I haven't bought presents for the bosses that have come and gone since.

This year I have yet another boss. Don't think I'm going to buy anything for him, either.
I buy whatever I want for myself. I am the boss. I'll s**t on my own desk.


However, I buy buy small gifts for my employees even through they get company bonuses. Maybe a gift card and a few lottery tickets.
We (the poors who work here) pitch in $$..."how much as we see fit"...some years I put in absolutely nothing (depending on the boss) and some years I contribute more. He/she usually will serve us breakfast sometime next week. Sometimes....they even bring....(get this).....Casey's breakfast pizza !
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I don't. My staff doesn't buy shit for me either, despite me buying all seven of them $50 gift cards the past two years. I'll be skipping that this season.
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