Do you get Juneteenth off of work?

Snoop Dogg Yes GIF by ProBit Global
Would have had it off regardless as dad has a scheduled eye doctor's appointment at UIHC tomorrow morning, but I ended up taking the whole week off for staycation. csb

Company recognized no-work holiday? No.
But personally have the day off? Yes.
I don't own any flags.

Sure you're not talking about one of the gay days, this is June afterall
Nah flag day started way back in the day I believe Wilson was president so sometime in the teens. Wilson was racist as **** and gays weren't really an issue back then that I'm aware of but I'm guessing he didn't think too highly of them... certainly not enough to give them a holiday.
We have it off but our union mechanics are working which means we need to work. A bunch of us are just working today and then taking July 5 off. Swapping
No. I gave one of my employees the day off, but it was less because of Juneteenth & more because she had heart surgery yesterday.
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Yes. I assume the only ppl who don’t either work at a racist company or work in retail or something that doesn’t get any holidays.

Most 9-5s have the day off. And those that don’t should be publicly shamed.
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Nope but I keep pushing for it. We need more and more paid holidays in my book.
I do find it a bit weird which companies have it as a holiday. Seems like every bank is closed yet the university of Iowa and all of its equality still doesn’t recognize it as a paid holiday. Bigots.
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No. We get the following holidays off a year. Christmas, Thanksgiving, the 4th, Memorial Day, and Labor day.
No, have never gotten that off. I am not aware of any companies in the area that have it as a holiday.
Nope but I keep pushing for it. We need more and more paid holidays in my book.
I do find it a bit weird which companies have it as a holiday. Seems like every bank is closed yet the university of Iowa and all of its equality still doesn’t recognize it as a paid holiday. Bigots.

Take your two personal floating holidays they give you today and tomorrow and make it a grand celebration.
Last year my company changed from having Good Friday as a US holiday to having Juneteenth as a US holiday. It really makes no sense since most of our clients don't have Juneteenth as a holiday. So, our office people and administrators get a holiday, while the revenue producers are working.

It also makes little sense since it's in the middle of the week this year, and roughly 2 weeks between 2 other major holidays, and makes the period between holidays in the spring longer.
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Since you ranted about the U of I's holiday schedule I assumed you worked there. Sorry you're a working stiff broseph!
I made a comparison about banks and the university. I thought it was interesting that the banks have the day off and the university doesn’t. I hear about equality much more from the university than I do banks. Heck the iowa basketball team eve supported equality on the back of their jerseys for a few years. And no I’m not an iowa basketball player either.

I did some other research as well and I don’t see anything on the universities site saying anything about 2 floating holidays either. It just mentions 9 paid holidays and lists them.
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