DeSantis’s ‘Freedom Summer’ means no rainbow lights for Florida bridges

Tell me which libbie site you sourced for that.
Those three counties are somewhat dissimilar demographically by the way.
As I’ve said previously FDOT controls those bridges statewide and must “rubber stamp” requests for lighting changes.
Those are two very different groups who want a specific color theme. Each may have created an objection for whatever reason. Who needs the aggravating bitching?
I think FDOT just came up with this “summer of patriotism” as a kind of reset button.

I appreciate your generous offer for sharing your knowledge on issues in my state.
Should I allot five minutes or do we need ten for any Q&A?
Search skyway bridge lights pride…any combination will give you dozens of news sources explaining the situation.

I can set aside as much time as you need. I’m free to help you search for news sources, as well.
Search skyway bridge lights pride…any combination will give you dozens of news sources explaining the situation.

I can set aside as much time as you need. I’m free to help you search for news sources, as well.
WOW. The Pride Community here rustled a HUGE group of almost two dozen people who made magic marker signs and walked across a bridge for two local news stations.
No one was asked how they survived before bridges were lit.
Everything is political. The flag is political yet we fly that everywhere.

And throwing sexuality in everyone's face what does that mean? Does that mean I can't hold my wife's hand because I might be throwing my heterosexuality in someone's face?

What about our kids. . . my wife and I's heterosexuality is pretty responsible for them. Are they not allowed to appear in public? I mean if a man and a woman are walking in public and they are followed by 3 kids that look a lot like them, people are gonna come to some conclusions that we made them. . . probably via sex. And thus they would be able to conclude that not only are we heterosexuals but we had sex . . . with each other. At least 3 times but probably more.

Or are there different rules for heterosexuality and homosexuality in your view?

Reasonable people do not consider the U.S. flag to be political.

As to the rest of your point, do federal, state and local government entities celebrate hetrosexual pride month, fly a hetrosexual flag, light bridges celebrating heterosexuality, etc? No they don't, because that would be ridiculous. Government entities shouldn't be involved with this.
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Reasonable people do not consider the U.S. flag to be political.

As to the rest of your point, do federal, state and local government entities celebrate hetrosexual pride month, fly a hetrosexual flag, light bridges celebrating heterosexuality, etc? No they don't, because that would be ridiculous. Government entities shouldn't be involved with this.
How long were heterosexuals banned from getting married, or treated like 2nd class citizens?

Solid comparison, dipshit.
WOW. The Pride Community here rustled a HUGE group of almost two dozen people who made magic marker signs and walked across a bridge for two local news stations.
No one was asked how they survived before bridges were lit.
What does that have to do with anything? Why are you changing the focus to the protests instead of the new policy?
People who are bad at their job don't typically get re-hired by overwhelming margins. The fact you and your ilk think he's doing a bad job just means he's over the target.

When he's picked for the job by the very idiots I mentioned previously, it's not a strong argument. He's a Trump lapdog. And y'all love it. You can think that's impressive, but the thinking public is laughing at you.
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When he's picked for the job by the very idiots I mentioned previously, it's not a strong argument. He's a Trump lapdog. And y'all love it. You can think that's impressive, but the thinking public is laughing at you.
“Thinking public”
That’s a contradiction in terms right there.
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Specifying that only these colors may be used during a time that just so happens to coincide with pride month is a clear move to try to tamp down on what local governments do to show their support.
Others - like some gun rights group - had put in a request too. THAT scares me more, frankly.
The Pride display is new and it was beautiful last year.
People took their kids down to the riverfront to see it.
It’s an attempt to hit a reset button and bring all of us together as Americans.
When he's picked for the job by the very idiots I mentioned previously, it's not a strong argument. He's a Trump lapdog. And y'all love it. You can think that's impressive, but the thinking public is laughing at you.
He's way better than Trump. RDS does the stuff Trump only poop truths about. RDS scares you because he's proof that you can govern with real conservative principles and be successful.

He won parts of the state Republicans don't win. You should stick to being a doctor wherever you are because you obviously wouldn't be happy here.
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All you need is some mean girls "I used to be pretty" and whining about how people throw insults out while also throwing out insults and you've hit the Goldie bingo.
Oh wow. I was blessed to be fairly attractive in my younger days I guess (or so I’ve been told by my Mom) so thanks. And I suppose I could be dismissed by some who judge on a message board as a mean girl.

If that means I push back then heck yeah.
I plead guilty. I will always stand up for myself, cause sometimes that’s how you get through life. Again my parents brought all four of us up to take care of ourselves.

If you’re more accustomed to being around more passive women I’m sure you find me shocking. That’s okay.
Oh wow. I was blessed to be fairly attractive in my younger days I guess (or so I’ve been told by my Mom) so thanks. And I suppose I could be dismissed by some who judge on a message board as a mean girl.

If that means I push back then heck yeah.
I plead guilty. I will always stand up for myself, cause sometimes that’s how you get through life. Again my parents brought all four of us up to take care of ourselves.

If you’re more accustomed to being around more passive women I’m sure you find me shocking. That’s okay.
I'm not sure he could identify what a woman is, especially a strong, beautiful one.
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Others - like some gun rights group - had put in a request too. THAT scares me more, frankly.
The Pride display is new and it was beautiful last year.
People took their kids down to the riverfront to see it.
It’s an attempt to hit a reset button and bring all of us together as Americans.
From what I read it wasn't a gun rights group, it was anti gun violence group that asked to have their colors displayed.
Whew. you’re trying too hard. FAIL.
“Play dumb”? WHO are you? Einstein?

Get shown my errors? You mean my OPINION is different so I’m in error?

Lingering effects of altitude sickness Rocky?
You didn’t understand the issue, even though it was in the OP and numerous articles. Still not sure you actually understand the facts. Opinion is irrelevant here.

If you guys are this upset about lights you're really gonna be upset with Target... and RDS didn't even go to war with them.
Others - like some gun rights group - had put in a request too. THAT scares me more, frankly.
The Pride display is new and it was beautiful last year.
People took their kids down to the riverfront to see it.
It’s an attempt to hit a reset button and bring all of us together as Americans.
Here's the quote from article I referenced in my earlier post about anti gun violence colors being rejected.

In a Feb. 13 email from the office of Manatee County Administrator Charlie Bishop, administrators were informed that Rahn approved of displays for the Alzheimer’s Foundation, National Ovarian Cancer Month and others, but the chairman “will not be approving lighting of the Skyway for Pride Month or National Gun Violence Awareness Day.”

Another quote about some of the issues will not be able to be commemorated with bridge lights this summer:

By installing a patriotic light display that will run for months, all the different displays that had been planned for the summer were scrubbed, including ones honoring Mental Health Awareness (May 28-31), Juneteenth (June 19) and Ovarian Cancer Awareness (Sept. 1-7). Others that were close to getting approval were Sickle Cell Awareness Day (June 18), World Fragile X Day for autism (July 22) and Pride (June 20-28).

I was trying to avoid the national media's tendency to spin issues so I looked for a local source. It's an informative article about the events that led up to the change restricting bridge colors to red, white, and blue this summer.

Just stop. My point was that is this really what Florida needs to be prioritizing?
It needs to prioritize lighting up bridges rainbow colors all month to celebrate people because of their sexual attraction/presentation?

I mean... it seems pretty low meaning either way.

I think we've seen plenty of over response by DeSantis. But the 'woke' left sort of went crazy and caused it to happen.