Do you know people who really rely on Soc Sec/Medicare/ or Medicaid? Are they family?

I’m on SSI and Medicare but I also have other income sources which I earned.
I’m not “rich” but I can pay my bills and keep my lights on.
I know that some have a real struggle and it’s a serious shame.
I do not believe for a minute that benefits will be cut though. There are solutions and Congress just needs the will to make it happen.
And they will at some point. Bu we are in the same boat as you. The press and others try to scare us with the sky is falling BS all the time.
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These 5% makeover 90% of the nation’s income…. Maybe they should pay 90% of the nation’s income tax burden? That would be a “fair share”…no?
Most Americans don’t like fair….they preferred “tilted” in their favor.
You don't understand what "fair" is. Tilted in someone's favor would be exactly what you described. Someone making 35k paying a lower tax percentage than someone making 150k is "tilted" in that person's favor. Nice work as usual, Joel.