Do you own a firearm? Poll

Do you own a firearm?

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Somebody mentioned a Henry Golden Boy earlier. They are cool as shit. This is actually my daughters, a gift from my Step dad, and will remain unfired until she is ready for it.

I find this hard to believe....

I've been assured that this board leans heavily left.
I've also been assured on this board that if there is a civil war, all the "libtards" will not have protection because they are scared of guns, etc etc.

Then I look at the poll results..... hmmmm.
My oldest son battled anxiety and depression and my family history of addiction and suicidal ideation is a very large reason I hate them as well. I’ve never known anyone who was actually in need of a gun for self defense but I’ve known multiple who used a gun for self harm.
I’m in a similar situation, including my oldest son having ADHD and depression. I can’t imagine losing a child to suicide. I can’t imagine the horrible feeling I’d have if it was a gun I owned.
My great-grandfather used to own a General Store in central Texas. Back in his day, the Sears catalog offered firearms for sale. Pay for it, he'd send in the order, weeks later the firearm would arrive in the mail via USPS.

Very common rabbit plunker was a Springfield Model 83 22. The standard first thing was to drill holes and screw in a bracket for a scope which makes the firearm have no value. But my grandmother won many a rabbit shooting contest with it, so now I have it.

Looks like this with a little scope.

I’m in a similar situation, including my oldest son having ADHD and depression. I can’t imagine losing a child to suicide. I can’t imagine the horrible feeling I’d have if it was a gun I owned.

Please give your son this book. It's the #1 book for depression as recommended by doctors.

It's also free at your local library or on Amazon.

"Feeling Good" by Dr. David Burns.

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Worried about the mobs of angry libs coming after you? If you smear blue paint on your front door we will spare you.
It’s prudent to be prepared for all contingencies buddy. 😂
I’m considered a liberal in my neighborhood fwiw. 😁
It’s prudent to be prepared for all contingencies buddy. 😂
I’m considered a liberal in my neighborhood fwiw. 😁

I’m a right wing nut job to my in laws and a liberal whacko to my extended family.

I had an ar15 for home defense years ago. Bushmaster m4a3 that was given to me by my ex mother in law after our home was broken into while we were there. The ex kept it after our divorce.

I now have a Glock 17, s&w 686, and a mossberg 500 12 gauge.

I will say that I felt supremely confident in my ability to repel an invading force with the AR but also felt like I might take out some neighbors in the process. The shotgun gives fairly similar confidence with less worry about shooting through houses.
No guns and I have always refused to have one in my house. I still hate them and would prefer to not have one but living in the mountains now we may have to consider it. I won’t learn to shoot it. I just won’t. So it’ll be up to my husband to decide if he thinks he needs it.
You should learn to shoot. It takes the fear down a notch and could come in handy
Nope. Unless you call my red Ryder BB gun that I believe has been at my parents place since they got it for me when I was a kid. I’m sure it’s not locked up either. Along with my dads 40+ year old rifle
I had a pellet rifle growing up. When pumped fully, it was powerful enough to kill rodents/birds. I have never owned a gun personally but have hunted a few times with a shotgun. I have also used one for skeet shooting. I never felt the need to own a gun and do not care to hunt.
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Simple poll.

I don't. Somehow I've been able to navigate life for 57 years without one. Been thinking about getting one recently.

Don't brother. I haven't touched one since I got out of the service. If you have went 57 years without one and are still you want to jinx yourself now? We all go into cognitive decline. You probably have some grandkids. Do you want to risk them finding it or you mishandling it?

Just my 2 cents. You do you though. Best wishes on your decision.
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Nah. I wasn’t being serious. Too much temptation to put one to my head.

I believe you are just fine, but that is one of the problems with firearms. Whether you are angry at yourself or someone else, the firearm makes it easy to do something you can't undo.

Man, Iowa must be really dangerous.

Yes, those with the most weapons have the smallest penis' and are needing something to prove their manhood.
I believe you are just fine, but that is one of the problems with firearms. Whether you are angry at yourself or someone else, the firearm makes it easy to do something you can't undo.

Yes, those with the most weapons have the smallest penis' and are needing something to prove their manhood.