Does Lester have any balls?

we been figuring this out on this board for 25 years now. including BF and greg davis and everyone else. the OC is not KF. but KF is the OC. make sense?
True and it is sad. I think Gill is very good, Reece can be, Lachey looked a little slow running a couple of routes so did he lose a step or maybe gain a little too much muscle. Seth A. and Kaleb B. are no making catches yet.

And how come we are not using Wetjen more if he is so fast?
I really like Gill. I know Seth was hurt last game, but I have my doubts he would see much action for other BT programs. Not that he is horrible, but I just think we need to raise the WR bar some - having said that, I hope he makes me eat crow..🐦‍⬛
we been figuring this out on this board for 25 years now. including BF and greg davis and everyone else. the OC is not KF. but KF is the OC. make sense?
I've seen you around here for the whole 25 years. Yes and no on your observation. Lester is the OC as far as developing the offense. When it comes to game time Kirk manages the flow. He sets the parameters and ultimately wants to lean on the defense. After a season of this I wonder if Lester will have second thoughts about coming here.
I've seen you around here for the whole 25 years. Yes and no on your observation. Lester is the OC as far as developing the offense. When it comes to game time Kirk manages the flow. He sets the parameters and ultimately wants to lean on the defense. After a season of this I wonder if Lester will have second thoughts about coming here.
You are correct that it's Lester's offense. Each offense has been distinctly unique to the OC.

Come game day, Kirk can trump any call, or may say the ball needs to be run on a certain series, for example. But I think that happens far less than people make it out to be. Essentially, it's the OC's baby.

For example, Iowa tried to get cute on goal to go inside the 5 and had to settle for a field goal. If KF was interjecting as much as people claim, there's no way Iowa would have gotten even more cute the next time they were inside the opponent's 5. But they did. And it led to another FG.

Another example is in many seasons I've seen the OC's attempting to be too cute. Then usually come late October/November, Iowa will come out in a game with a distinctly heavier commitment to the run. This has happened in many seasons, where rather than the change coming in game, it comes the following game. It has frustrated me many times, as usually KF doesn't slap the OC into shape until it has already cost them a game.

Kirk certainly isn't calling the plays. You can tell that by watching him on the sidelines
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I've never understood how Phil Parker, Woods, Betts, and other coaches have been able to stand by and watch KF run this program into the ground by making decisions so stupid they remind me of those coming from a demented 78-year-old orange chap.

Sometimes I imagine a new version of that scene from Rudy where the starters turn in their jerseys and tell the head coach they won't play if he doesn't put Rudy in. I dream of Iowa's coaching staff doing that, telling KF that if he won't start Sullivan, they'll walk. In other versions, every Iowa QB not named Cade McNamara turns in his jsersey and says, "If you only want one QB, you don't need us." And they all walk, leaving only KF and Cade.

Many of us on this board have played at some fairly high levels, even major college, and some have been involved in pro sports in one fashion or another. I personally have been associated with teams whose players would mutiny over what's been going on with the Iowa offense and the QB position in particular. Coaches as well. So what's going on in Iowa City that KF continues to get away with leading the Hawkeyes off a cliff?

Beth may well be working behind the scenes, and I hope she is, because the end of the KF era needs to happen no later than the end of this season. I think she knows that. I hope she's making sure KF knows it.
Ever have an independent thought not involving Donald Trump?
Not sure what is supposed to be gathered from these highlights. Certainly nothing mechanical that kept those balls from being complete.

Cade is using the footwork necessary to deliver the ball on time. On the routes where the compatible timing is to plant the back foot and drive forward, Cade did just that.

The ones that might look like he is fading off the back foot, he is actually using a throw "on the run" technique. With defensive speed having increased over the years, it is a technique that is now widely taught to quicken up the release, while being able to put some snap on the ball through clearing the front hip. Think Aaron Rodgers. When he came into the league his mechanics were widely viewed as sloppy. And now he is the prototype for many coaches teaching the "throw on the run" mechanics
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