Donald Trump rushed to the hospital on Saturday.

Perhaps Putin had Trump poisoned as he's no longer a "Useful Idiot".

Pence is installed and then resigns.

Somewhere down the road... Fux News airs the inauguration speech from none other than ............Nancy Pelosi.

Meanwhile Senate GOP hold a "Jim Jones Gala".:rolleyes:
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Uh huh, sure... play dumb, that's always a good debate strategy. "What do you mean the OP wasnt talking about how fast the motorcade drove?"... :rolleyes:
I'll try one more time. If you still can't grasp this, either you're trolling or might just need some sleep.
If I say, "we rushed grandma to the hospital this weekend", what is your takeaway, that everything is fine and we just happened to drive faster than normal, OR, and stick with me here bc this is where it seems like an educated man that works on the word smithing business is getting lost, OR that grandma was having a serious health crisis and we needed to get her to the hospital right away to find out what was going on?
I don't think it takes a genius to CLEARLY see what the OP was implying, but apparently it does.

Good gawd, man. Who's pissed in your Cheerios lately?

Unless someone has outpatient counseling or something like that, how often is someone just galavanting to the hospital?

Yes, clearly OP is purposely trying to mislead everyone. CTFO.
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Impeach the effer! We can impeach for "rushing" to the hospital and not telling us why!

That tweet summarizes this thread perfectly. "Until someone proves otherwise, that's the truth". Ready, fire, aim!

Help me understand why you're more upset about the wording of the OP than the fact that the WH is lying about Trump's health.
Help me understand why you're more upset about the wording of the OP than the fact that the WH is lying about Trump's health.
Umm bc we have no idea if the WH is lying at this point and the OP said he was rushed to the hospital for dramatic effect. It's mainly an annoyance I have with certain posters on hrot and their relationship with honesty.
Umm bc we have no idea if the WH is lying at this point and the OP said he was rushed to the hospital for dramatic effect. It's mainly an annoyance I have with certain posters on hrot and their relationship with honesty.

The WH medical staff is more than capable of performing a routine physical and they aren't done in phases.
Impeach the effer! We can impeach for "rushing" to the hospital and not telling us why!

That tweet summarizes this thread perfectly. "Until someone proves otherwise, that's the truth". Ready, fire, aim!
So when the FIVE PHYSICIANS who staff the White House medical unit couldn't resolve the issue, you think someone suggested that maybe the president might think about heading on over to Walter Reed, you know, when he could find the time to get around to it?
So when the FIVE PHYSICIANS who staff the White House medical unit couldn't resolve the issue, you think someone suggested that maybe the president might think about heading on over to Walter Reed, you know, when he could find the time to get around to it?
None of which was a part of the original linked article but by all means carry on.
None of which was a part of the original linked article but by all means carry on.
So you admit you were speaking about OP's intent without understanding the full context.

Now that you know that there is a fully staffed medical clinic in the White House - one with 5 physicians, multiple trauma nurses and equipped for virtually all routine medical procedures - you can agree that Trump, indeed, was RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL.

So you admit you were speaking about OP's intent without understanding the full context.

Now that you know that there is a fully staffed medical clinic in the White House - one with 5 physicians, multiple trauma nurses and equipped for virtually all routine medical procedures - you can agree that Trump, indeed, was RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL.

No, bc its a loaded phrase in that context meant to elicit a very concerned response. And at the point of the post and still now, none of that is known (though I've admittedly followed none of it today, he could have fatal aids for all I know).
So much for the principles of honest journalism I guess.
No, bc its a loaded phrase in that context meant to elicit a very concerned response. And at the point of the post and still now, none of that is known (though I've admittedly followed none of it today, he could have fatal aids for all I know).
So much for the principles of honest journalism I guess.
You are a funny fella.

You honestly don't find it "concerning" that POTUS was unable to be treated for a health issue at a fully staffed in-house medical clinic?

Can you tell me what isn't "honest journalism" about reporting - accurately - that POTUS was rushed to Walter Reed Medical Center?
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If Pence indeed pardons him, then he is no longer able to refuse to testify to implicate others. 5th no longer applies. So, if Pence knew anything (and testimony from his own aide indicates he DID know as that info is in his briefings and has been reviewed as evidence), he's freeing up the testimony for his own implication....
An unscheduled trip to Walter Reed followed by statements and a call by Press Secretary Grisham to Judge Janine’s show where she spoke of how incredibly healthy Trump is, and how hard working he is. Noting that he’s always at work by 6 am (Watching Fox and Friends counts as work), and this was all super normal.
Should we put him on a death watch similar to Hillary in 2016?
Sorry to hear about you're dementia.

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