Dr. Carson disqualifies himself

A rather attractive bird. Thanks.

Sorry if the reasoning process of loons is too difficult for you to follow. You might want to work on your own reasoning process before saying dumb things.

You're one to speak on dumb things. Every other day you come up with bad polls, then when I don't think you could say anything more ignorant you make a worse poll.

I'm convinced you're an old crotchety man who is in assisted living and has no relatives who wish to visit him.

I feel sorry for you. :(
Wow. The most respected pediatric surgeon in the world and you call him an idiot savant. You're a racist.

Other than it having absolutely nothing to do with race, you're spot on target, as usual. And his surgical skills are the savant part. Look it up if you need a definition. In every other field, he appears to be an idiot - this current statement meeting that bar. Or are YOU claiming Muslims are disqualified from the presidency?
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Huh? I've never said a pro life person can't be President because of their views. I disagree with their views, but that doesn't disqualify them. I don't know many thoughtful Democrats that feel views on their own exclude people as a class. There is no irony in this thread in that Carson is not qualified because of his views. His ignorance of the Constitution is what is working against him. He clearly stated, at least in my mind, that being a Muslim was inconsistent with being President. He knows a lot about being a surgeon. Being a leader, knowing our system of laws, and being a politician, not so much.
Almost fits the description of Obama.
Other than it having absolutely nothing to do with race, you're spot on target, as usual. And his surgical skills are the savant part. Look it up if you need a definition. In every other field, he appears to be an idiot - this current statement meeting that bar. Or are YOU claiming Muslims are disqualified from the presidency?

Now, he didn't say they were disqualified, did he?

I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that," the retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Carson, meanwhile, was asked Sunday whether a president's faith should matter to voters.

"I guess it depends on what that faith is," he said. "If it's inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the Constitution, no problem."

Asked whether Islam is consistent with the Constitution, Carson said: "No, I don't -- I do not."

He said he is open, though, to voting for a Muslim for Congress.

That is very different than what some of you claim/think he said.
Other than it having absolutely nothing to do with race, you're spot on target, as usual. And his surgical skills are the savant part. Look it up if you need a definition. In every other field, he appears to be an idiot - this current statement meeting that bar. Or are YOU claiming Muslims are disqualified from the presidency?

Wouldn't he be classified as a savant if pediatric surgery was one of the few things he did well? Unless of course you are using hyperbole, which wouldn't be a first on this board.
On that note, what % of voters, today, would vote for a Muslim, and what % would refuse to do so largely/solely on that basis? 90%?

There is nothing inherently wrong with trying to align the ideals of your future POTUS with your own, or with the issues you believe are important. Often, those with similar religious backgrounds will have the same "values"/goals.

Way too much is being made of this. There is plenty to attack Carson for.
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Wouldn't he be classified as a savant if pediatric surgery was one of the few things he did well? Unless of course you are using hyperbole, which wouldn't be a first on this board.

That's exactly what I DID say.

And his surgical skills are the savant part.

I have yet to hear him express himself in any other area that qualifies him as gifted. And his claim that Islam is inconsistent with the Constitution is flatly idiotic.
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That's exactly what I DID say.

And his surgical skills are the savant part.

I have yet to hear him express himself in any other area that qualifies him as gifted. And his claim that Islam is inconsistent with the Constitution is flatly idiotic.

I understand you don't like his politics but that hardly makes him Rainman lol
And his claim that Islam is inconsistent with the Constitution is flatly idiotic.

Let's discuss this. Why do you say that?

First, comparing a religion to a government-limiting contract is fairly strange, but if we give it a try, why is it idiotic to believe it is inconsistent?

Looking just to the Amendments, there is no "freedom of religion" or speech, expression, association, press, or anything else relating to it within Islam. Islam certainly doesn't believe in equal protection, and many other things. Those are just the most obvious.

What say you?

Edit to add: Maybe a better way to put it is thusly: The Constitution would allow for Islam, Islam would not allow for the Constitution.

Would you disagree with that statement?
Now, he didn't say they were disqualified, did he?

He said he "would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. [He] absolutely would not agree with that" because Islam is not consistent with the Constitution. You can parse that any way you want but he's disqualifying ALL Muslims from serving as president...period. You can't save that by saying it's just "his opinion".
He said he "would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. [He] absolutely would not agree with that" because Islam is not consistent with the Constitution. You can parse that any way you want but he's disqualifying ALL Muslims from serving as president...period. You can't save that by saying it's just "his opinion".

How is he disqualifying anyone?

He is a retired doctor, not a congressman.

Of course you can save it by "his opinion". Try this:

"Mr. Tarheelbybirth, would you ever vote for a Billionaire Pro-Life Koch-brother-backed conservative Christian?"

No, of course you wouldn't, and you would say so. And you would say something like, "In my opinion, those things make him incompatible with my view of society, the law, and the Constitution, therefore I would never support/vote for them"

....which is exactly what Carson was answering. He is NOT advocating that we pass a Constitutional amendment requiring a religious test of POTUS candidates. At least not in the quotes you are yelling about.
How is he disqualifying anyone?

He is a retired doctor, not a congressman.

Of course you can save it by "his opinion". Try this:

"Mr. Tarheelbybirth, would you ever vote for a Billionaire Pro-Life Koch-brother-backed conservative Christian?"

No, of course you wouldn't, and you would say so. And you would say something like, "In my opinion, those things make him incompatible with my view of society, the law, and the Constitution, therefore I would never support/vote for them"

....which is exactly what Carson was answering. He is NOT advocating that we pass a Constitutional amendment requiring a religious test of POTUS candidates. At least not in the quotes you are yelling about.

You shouldn't put words in other people's mouths. They don't like that.

In no way do I think the views of the Koch's are incompatible with the law or the Constitution unless a particular view is blatantly unconstitutional. I could even overlook being pro-life since I am pro-life myself...(I don't know anyone who is anti-life, so that's easy) that doesn't fly either. Carson makes a great case for considering the attributes of a particular candidate after he eliminates an entire class based on religion. Idiotic.
from further serious consideration for President. He wouldn't support a Muslim for President (but maybe Congress) because being a Muslim is inconsistent with the Constitution.

Apparently the Koran's crazy parts are unconstitutional, but the Bible's are not. Good to know.
That's exactly what I DID say.

And his surgical skills are the savant part.

I have yet to hear him express himself in any other area that qualifies him as gifted. And his claim that Islam is inconsistent with the Constitution is flatly idiotic.
No it isnt. See Jindahls quote
You shouldn't put words in other people's mouths. They don't like that.

In no way do I think the views of the Koch's are incompatible with the law or the Constitution unless a particular view is blatantly unconstitutional. I could even overlook being pro-life since I am pro-life myself...(I don't know anyone who is anti-life, so that's easy) that doesn't fly either. Carson makes a great case for considering the attributes of a particular candidate after he eliminates an entire class based on religion. Idiotic.

You are putting the words in his mouth. Where else did you get "disqualify?"

See, there you go, a reasonable, proper stance. Eliminating from HIS OPINION an entire class based solely on religion is ridiculous. Call it idiotic, sure. But he isn't disqualifying anyone or advocating that they should, in fact, be disqualified.
That was almost an intelligent, reasonable response.

But why the F*** would they need to swear on the BIBLE? Presuming this to be Jindal's Bible of course.
I realize you are a bit learning disabled but our POTUS swears in to office on a bible.

But if the President were Muslim, I assume they'd be sworn in with the Koran. A Muslim wouldn't be sworn in with the Bible. I hope a future President is sworn in with the Koran in my lifetime. The Kim Davis's of the world would be so much fun to watch.
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But if the President were Muslim, I assume they'd be sworn in with the Koran. A Muslim wouldn't be sworn in with the Bible. I hope a future President is sworn in with the Koran in my lifetime. The Kim Davis's of the world would be so much fun to watch.
Well, that's what makes you liberals such whack jobs. Jindahls quote is spot on.
Well, that's what makes you liberals such whack jobs. Jindahls quote is spot on.


He said he would be ok with a Muslim who believed in everything he did, politically, and was willing to protect his form of Christianity...................sure, fine, great, of course.

But then he would require him to swear on the Bible? How is that NOT absurd?

Even if you want all of your president's to love the Jesus and the Bible, why would you want a non-Christian to swear an oath to do anything on a book they don't have faith in?
Actually, I think he's saying that he wouldn't vote a Muslim for president, he said that voting for one in congress would depend on their stances on issues. Also, being any of those things that you mentioned aren't exactly the same. I'm guessing Ben Carson would also be weary of those who supported the black lives matter movement and didn't support the notion that all lives matter.

Face it, we've seen some pretty horrendous things done in the name of Islam lately. There is definitely a fear there, like it or not some is warranted.
I can't believe you're trying to defend this POS.
I understand you don't like his politics but that hardly makes him Rainman lol
He think prison proves being gay is a choice and now he said that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to be President. The guy is clearly a political idiot.
He's a POS because he disagrees with you? I would certainly think that he has contributed to society more than some message board poster.
Anyone who says that religion alone should disqualify you for being able to be President is most definitely a POS. Sorry you don't get this.
Carson is a grade-A bigot. I would personally be very embarrassed to be a Republican these days. Your party is in major trouble if Trump, Carson, and Cruz are your leading candidates.