Dumbfvcks blocked golden gate bridge too?

Ok so say another group of idiots decides to protest again today and more pieces of shit decide to do it the next day. It's really not ok and I feel like if it were pro Isreal protesters blocking the road our contrarian would feel different.
I have zero shits to give about their message
Yeah a government can't restrict movement, not at play here.
So your contention is, that since I’m not acting as a government agent, I can indefinitely block your driveway and prevent you from using the public roads?
Don’t they have nets below for suicides?
Couldn’t drivers safely just toss them over that side?
I’m thinking you wouldn’t have to do it to all of them, the rest would catch on.
I would watch that on pay per view.
The protesters have the right to do so and also should understand the risks.
I can walk down the sidewalk and get in the way of people, but I might piss off the wrong person and earn a knuckle sandwich.
Look, I think Americans who support Hamas for whatever bizarro logic they have are idiots, but have to disagree with labeling them as “terrorists”. These idiots are protesting peacefully, not engaging in violence. And yes, the protestors blocking traffic on the bridge are idiots, because instead of getting people to think about their cause. They’ve just pissing people off.
Correct, it's a public road,.. As in, it belongs to the entire public, not just these protesters..
With respect, this is a bad argument. By this logic, you can’t protest in any public space since they all belong to the entire public.
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Nope. Married wit children and Vasectomied. Like you said, since I can't even have an abortion or a baby, I shouldn't care about the topic at all.
I see what you're trying to say, but the people wanting to throw protesters off the bridge are the same authoritative types as those who tell women they can't have abortions.
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I see what you're trying to say, but the people wanting to throw protesters off the bridge are the same authoritative types as those who tell women they can't have abortions.
I just want to throw them to the safety of the nets below and away from the road where they can be killed.

I’m still curious: Your contention is, that since I’m not acting as a government agent, I can indefinitely block your driveway and prevent you from using the public roads?
I see what you're trying to say, but the people wanting to throw protesters off the bridge are the same authoritative types as those who tell women they can't have abortions.
You think so eh? Put a bunch of MAGA hats on those protesters and tell me that's the case.
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I see what you're trying to say, but the people wanting to throw protesters off the bridge are the same authoritative types as those who tell women they can't have abortions.
False equivalency, but no, they aren't the same people.
If I were stuck in traffic on a bridge I’d be in favor of using a bulldozer to push them off.

I hate heights 🙂

And I would apply this to any protester, regardless of cause or political affiliation.
I like consistency. Thank you.

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