Explain your screen name

Quite honestly,I really reject alot of what Northwestern stands for. My skin crawls just being near some of the alums or students. Another reason why I root for Iowa and Indiana. NU is way to materialistic and elitist for my taste. I would definitely favor a school like Wisconsin or Michigan if a smart kid wants to stay in Midwest. 90 percent of the graduates from NU lose their true souls before the age of 25 and never get it back. Lost souls. Just sayin!
It was my username to log into my college email and computer network. It's the syntax that all of us nerds had for our username: First 4 letters of last name, last 4 numbers of student ID number. I started reading and posting on the mat dot com at about the same time and needed a username.
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Stone Cold Steve Austin was the man in the WWF growing up. His final move was the Stone Cold Stunner. We were out drinking one night and my buddy gave some random guy in the bar a Stone Cold Stunner. I went home and did some drunk posting and created the username SCstunners.

Random Fact: Donald Trump is currently the only US President to have ever received a Stone Cold Stunner.
Not very interesting, I currently live in North East Ohio - (NEO) and grew up in Iowa City as a Hawk fan. My company also has NEO in the name.

Has nothing to do with the Matrix movies, I'm not that cool, but I have experienced the matrix slo-mo thing when tripping acid back in college. It was actually the night during the first Gulf War when Bush 1 came on tv and announced Desert Shield was now being changed to Desert Storm. Man that was a trip, literally and figuratively. Go HAWKS!
Got the name in High School. I guess originated from being a general piece of sh*t (who had 3 rotten ass older brothers who used every opportunity to punch me in the face) who used to go to other towns for whatever reason and fight anyone who wanted to (carried over to college) and 93 was my HS football number. I'm in my 50's now and the Hammer portion is still what everyone calls me back home. My wife looks at me and laughs now when they call me that.
My favorite cigar. I used to be gohawks89 but I got kicked off the boards back in 09 after I schooled Brommelkamp. TK did not like the words I chose about the media so I was sent to Siberia. Came back a few years later cuz I luv the recruiting videos.
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Not very interesting, I currently live in North East Ohio - (NEO) and grew up in Iowa City as a Hawk fan. My company also has NEO in the name.

Has nothing to do with the Matrix movies, I'm not that cool, but I have experienced the matrix slo-mo thing when tripping acid back in college. It was actually the night during the first Gulf War when Bush 1 came on tv and announced Desert Shield was now being changed to Desert Storm. Man that was a trip, literally and figuratively. Go HAWKS!
I live in Canton.:)
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I live in Canton.:)
I live just outside of Warren in a small country town. Canton is a cool city, gets a bad rap being attached to Akron.

If you take the street I currently live on, head west for 3 miles, it runs right underneath I-80, If you go 4 miles down the road east on the street I grew up on in IC, it runs right underneath I-80. No need for GPS when I go back home, two roads and one interstate, straight shot.
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I live just outside of Warren in a small country town. Canton is a cool city, gets a bad rap being attached to Akron.

If you take the street I currently live on, head west for 3 miles, it runs right underneath I-80, If you go 4 miles down the road east on the street I grew up on in IC, it runs right underneath I-80. No need for GPS when I go back home, two roads and one interstate, straight shot.

I have spent a lot of time recently in your area. My daughter has a slight bone disorder and the Children's Hospital in Akron is the pioneer for treatment/surgeries for her condition. Just spent Easter weekend in Cuyahoga Falls, since her appt. was the day after Easter. Spent Easter at the Akron Zoo. Nice little zoo. The rest of the time was spent in the Hotel Pool as the 3 year old thinks she is amphibian.

Also, got to sample Donato's pizza. Not a bad little place!
I live just outside of Warren in a small country town. Canton is a cool city, gets a bad rap being attached to Akron.

If you take the street I currently live on, head west for 3 miles, it runs right underneath I-80, If you go 4 miles down the road east on the street I grew up on in IC, it runs right underneath I-80. No need for GPS when I go back home, two roads and one interstate, straight shot.
Awesome high school football here in NEO. So it was you who recruited the Daniels brothers??
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My name is a play on the WWJD? stuff that was popular 10+ years ago.
I came up with it years ago to use as personal motivation. Works pretty well for me when I'm feeling like a lazy sack of shit and don't want to work out.
What Would Gable Do? He'd get off his ass and get to work.
I won't ever quit on being a Northwestern fan. Love and root for all their sports. Won't ever give them a plugged nickle after they put my daughter on a waiting list. She is graduating in three weeks with high honors from Kelly School of Business. Good kid. She's a wiz kid. Sorry,but when you mess with blood, you will get dissed by me. Pretty much can't stand half of what the higher administration does.

Sounds like sour grapes simply because she didn't get in... However, congratulations on your daughter graduating from another top business school in The Big.
First 3 letters of my last name and first 3 letters of my first name.....pretty ingenious. I used the same name on my only yahoo email account, which I have had for the past 20 years.

Great thread, btw.
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I met a great guy some years back with the name Ty W. Denton. To this day, the most interesting man in the world...

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