Riggins v Ruiz finals now
Riggins already up 4-0
Ruiz with a td now, 4-2
Riggins on Ruiz' left leg for the 17th time, but cant convert.
Ruiz with a two off a scramble just before the break. 4-4
2 exposure for Riggins, 2 td for Ruiz. 6-6. Ruiz corner challenges. Challenge failed. 7-6 Riggins, 1:55 to go
Td ruiz 8-7 Ruiz, 45sec to go
Big 4 for Riggins, followed by 4 for Ruiz. Things getting crazy out here. Riggins corner challenges.
Currently 12-11 Ruiz with 7 sec to go. Waiting on results of challenge.
Hmm... good news I guess as Riggins is now up 15-8. Very confused on that ruling....
Fargo champ baby!!!