If "new Ferentz" continues, then I don't see any reason why it would. He's shown the ability and desire to make changes, and that's all that I (personally) need to see. If we slip back into conservative mode during Big Ten play, then fans will quickly forget about the non-conference, and will pick up where left off at the end of last year.

While a couple plays (fake field goal during ISU for example) haven't been very popular, this has easily been the most entertaining Iowa team to watch in about five years.

Keep it up Hawks!
If we keep winning, NO. Fans are still taking credit for this profound change in philosophy. So why fire the guy for doing what the fans have been clamoring for.

The first loss you can bet on it. Those fans will go right back to giving KF full credit for the success of the team.
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I'm really enjoying this season. Love the moxie this team has and the way they play together. Hope we can run the ball up in Madison on Saturday. Go Hawks!
If we keep winning, NO. Fans are still taking credit for this profound change in philosophy. So why fire the guy for doing what the fans have been clamoring for.

The first loss you can bet on it. Those fans will go right back to giving KF full credit for the success of the team.

Heat you are so full of it and blind to what has been occurring. He is actually playing to win this year. Returning punts with King instead of fair catching everyone of them. Playing the right qb, everyone saw this last year and was even too stubborn to bring CJ in when Jake was not performing. Not playing for OT and actually trying to win against Pitt in regulation. Yes I'm happy with what is happening currently but where has this been the past few years?
Heat you are so full of it and blind to what has been occurring. He is actually playing to win this year. Returning punts with King instead of fair catching everyone of them. Playing the right qb, everyone saw this last year and was even too stubborn to bring CJ in when Jake was not performing. Not playing for OT and actually trying to win against Pitt in regulation. Yes I'm happy with what is happening currently but where has this been the past few years?
Sorry Bro, Heat_dawg will only give credit to KF after all he was the one that finally made the changes not the fans...smh
Might I suggest that Hawk fans evaluate Kirk, the team, and the program after the season. I am pretty certain most collegiate programs do. ( maybe not Alabama ) ?!? Thus far, I'm pretty satisfied , and hoping we continue playing well. Lots of games left. Proud of the University and their academic and athletic achievements.
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One bad game and you'll hear how KF needs to be taken out back and shot. Once they get tired of complaining about that they'll set their sights on the AD. If he's not fired immediately the president must go.

I'm kidding...... But it will be interesting if we lose at Wisconsin.
Might I suggest that Hawk fans evaluate Kirk, the team, and the program after the season. I am pretty certain most collegiate programs do. ( maybe not Alabama ) ?!? Thus far, I'm pretty satisfied , and hoping we continue playing well. Lots of games left. Proud of the University and their academic and athletic achievements.

Get that common sense out of there, have you no shame? This is a message board!
The Fire KF theme will return, and probably this season.

Fans measure performance against an ever changing set of expectations. By Saturday, we will have convinced ourselves that we SHOULD beat Wisky, and if we don't it will be the failure of the coaches.

Then, if we do beat Wisconsin and lose to Maryland, fans will lose their minds.

It's the nature of the beast.
Fire Kirk?? NO I don't care if we lose 3 or 4 games even though we pay top 10 money every year. I just want to see fun football. If this change is for real then keep him. If this is like when my wife bitches at me and I change to the perfect hubby for a month or so then Kirk needs to go. If this change is for real he can stay as long as he wants.
Most rational fans, and I believe 90% of our fans are rational, expect us to lose a few games from here on out.
The reaction and blame will depend on how those losses occur.
If we're beat by a better team, most will be able to calm down and see it eventually.
If we're beat by an inferior team, as has happened too often the last few seasons, and we're beat bc of the same reasons we've lost to weaker teams in the past then yes, many will be back clamoring for change.
In other words, "we'll see."
Am I reading this wrong, or are you actually suggesting that the fans posting on message boards deserve more credit for Iowa's success this year than Iowa's head coach?
What I'm suggesting is that fans on a message board were able to see that change was needed before Iowa's head coach, yes. We've been proven right twice now. First time was JC and Stanzi and now JR and CJB.
Is this notion dead or will it raise it's ugly head again?
No they should fire him for the last 5 years. He isn't doing anything of merit this year. CJ and a nice schedule are going to lead to a lot of wins. Everyone knew that before the season started.
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Heat you are so full of it and blind to what has been occurring. He is actually playing to win this year. Returning punts with King instead of fair catching everyone of them. Playing the right qb, everyone saw this last year and was even too stubborn to bring CJ in when Jake was not performing. Not playing for OT and actually trying to win against Pitt in regulation. Yes I'm happy with what is happening currently but where has this been the past few years?

Thanks for setting me straight. Also thanks for the wins this year.
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How could anyone want to fire a coach who just put together a win for the ages against the traditional football power house of North Texas?!?!?!?!?

The Hawks and KF are lucky to have CJB and this schedule.

It's going to be hard not to win 4 big ten games this year.

Beating North Texas, Illinois State, Iowa State (2 time in 5 years) and Pittsburgh at home SHOULDN'T be enough to let KF off the hook for the last 4 years, or his record against ISU.

To be honest with this schedule it wouldn't be that impressive/exciting if they went 4 and 1 over their next 5 games. Split NW/Wisconsin and then beat Illinois (just beat MTSU on a missed last second field goal), Maryland (WVU HA!), and the juggernaut that is Indiana football.

On a side note, if they beat Wisconsin and NW and then lose to Indiana well... then... that will be a funny day. The boards and the call-in show will be can't misses.
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Thanks for setting me straight. Also thanks for the wins this year.

BTW thanks for that winning pick of Florida/Tennessee under 48. Regurgitating ideas you get from watching TV is boring. Vehemently defending ideas gained from watching TV is infuriating. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Nice picture of that fish BTW. I mean it's so big you couldn't even fit it in your avatar pic space!!!!! It takes supreme intelligence to fool one of those critters!
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BTW thanks for that winning pick of Florida/Tennessee under 48. Regurgitating ideas you get from watching TV is boring. Vehemently defending ideas gained from watching TV is infuriating. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Nice picture of that fish BTW. I mean it's so big you couldn't even fit it in your avatar pic space!!!!! It takes supreme intelligence to fool one of those critters!

No doubt, I was totally wrong on that one. I thought that was the easiest call and this is why I don't bet. Hope you didn't lose too much. See how easy it is to say you are wrong when you are wrong? You should try it sometime. However, that might get old in a hurry for you.

You need a hug? You seem frustrated this morning and why wouldn't you be. Iowa just destroyed it's competition. Grrrrrrrrr. Good luck with Kansas.

Dude it's a picture of a fish. For the record I don't have anything mounted on my wall. I like fishing and I realize this pisses you off for some reason because you bring it up all the time. Maybe if you had a hobby you wouldn't be so angry, bitter, pissed off and frustrated. Food for thought. Speaking of food I am enjoying a Ham and Cheddar croissant. You seem so interested in my personal life I thought I would share that with you.

Have a great morning. :)
What I'm suggesting is that fans on a message board were able to see that change was needed before Iowa's head coach, yes. We've been proven right twice now. First time was JC and Stanzi and now JR and CJB.

Also add in the fans have been complaining for years about "playing not to lose" which is far from "playing to win". Iowa is now playing to win, and it's fun, and it's the right thing to do. To be fair, this sort of started last year with a lot of 4th down attempts. I like it.

For three years or so I've said the following:
* Iowa is usually going to be in the 7-5 / 8-4 range. That is what history shows, and I'm ok with it knowing the up years could be 10-2 types and the down years will occasionally hit 5-7.
* The fans will embrace that type of record as long as the games are entertaining and the team is taking calculated risks to try to win.

It could be perfect timing to have one of those 9-3 type years given the new facilities and the "buzz" could help land a great crop of recruits.

I'm excited. I still see a few losses this season, but this is fun for the first time in a long time.
Might I suggest that Hawk fans evaluate Kirk, the team, and the program after the season. I am pretty certain most collegiate programs do. ( maybe not Alabama ) ?!? Thus far, I'm pretty satisfied , and hoping we continue playing well. Lots of games left. Proud of the University and their academic and athletic achievements.
Welcome back Manty. I haven't seen any posts from you in quite awhile.
I love threads like this ... stirring the pot. Bottomline ... Iowa football has not been good and has been heading in the wrong direction. No matter your loyalty to Kirk or not ... Iowa football has been average. This year we are seeing a new-found energy in the team; breaks are going our way; we are playing more aggressive ... Iowa is 4-0. Let's enjoy it ... Let's stop reliving the past about fans who thought we needed a change in direction ... It's easy to call out people after the fact ... I'm happy where we are at today and let's hope the winning continues ... And let's enjoy the moment ...
Also add in the fans have been complaining for years about "playing not to lose" which is far from "playing to win". Iowa is now playing to win, and it's fun, and it's the right thing to do. To be fair, this sort of started last year with a lot of 4th down attempts. I like it.

For three years or so I've said the following:
* Iowa is usually going to be in the 7-5 / 8-4 range. That is what history shows, and I'm ok with it knowing the up years could be 10-2 types and the down years will occasionally hit 5-7.
* The fans will embrace that type of record as long as the games are entertaining and the team is taking calculated risks to try to win.

It could be perfect timing to have one of those 9-3 type years given the new facilities and the "buzz" could help land a great crop of recruits.

I'm excited. I still see a few losses this season, but this is fun for the first time in a long time.

Pepperman, I agree. I struggled with the decision to buy season tickets for the 31st consecutive season but I am happy I decided to pull the trigger again. Even if we had lost one, I love the fact that Kirk seems to be playing to win rather than playing not to lose. This is what we have been asking for the last several years and I for one will support KF if this attitude continues even when we drop some games.
After the prior 5 years, Kirk has earned his lumps and the criticism sent his way. So far this season, things have made a turn for the better (4-0, baby!). As someone suggested above, I think it's best to evaluate a season once it's completed. During the season, let's just enjoy the good feelings that winning will bring. We are going to win more games, and probably lose some as well. We'll almost assuredly make a bowl game again this year.

To address the original question, I think that yes, any loss will fire up some of the fan base against Kirk, especially if it's a blowout (which I think is unlikely for us this year). Let's take a look at the schedule remaining and I'll demonstrate why I think any loss will get Kirk some heat. Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Nebraska are all "trophy" games and a rivalry, with Nebraska barely qualifying for that status. Losing any of those three trophies again (or failing to get them back, actually), will piss some people off. The fact that they are all good to very good teams will not be a major factor to some. Illinois, Maryland, Indiana, and Purdue are all looking to be cupcakes or at least games we'll be clearly favored. Most of us would agree that Kirk has lost to too many bad teams over the years when we clearly had a superior team. I don't think this year will have this happen again, but if it does, there will be rioting in the streets (I kid, but it will really piss some people off). This leaves Northwestern on the regular season schedule. They are looking to be good this year, but after the piss-pounding we gave them in 2014, many will expect us to handle them in Evanston. Also, there is a bit of angst among the fans (myself included) regarding our inability to beat Northwestern consistently. If we lose to them again in Evanston this year (we've lost two in a row there), there will be a general outcry as well. This leaves us with the post-season, where Kirk has not had much success recently, so another loss in a bowl game will not sit well with a large number of fans.

As I stated above, I believe in judging a season after it is over, but I'm also realistic enough to know that many people out there tend to let the rollercoaster of emotions during a season really get to them. Here's hoping that there are very few reasons for anyone to doubt Kirk this season. :)
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I definitely am in the camp that you do not fire a coach for a bad game, or even a bad season. This decision, unless it is something not football related, should be a 3 or 4 year process.

Kind of like evaluating a salesman. I had a fellow sales rep, when I was still working, telling me what a great year he was having. Our performance was evaluated on sale versus previous year, and he had three straight down years. He was not all of a sudden a super salesman.
Do not get the people who still want to hate on KF? He's just lucky to have a good QB and schedule. That's total BS. He recruited the kid and developed him. He stepped up and made the hard decisions on players and coaches. Evidently, Harbaugh thinks Jake can play too so that makes 2 head coaches that started him. I hope he wins the West this year so all the haters can go away.
How could anyone want to fire a coach who just put together a win for the ages against the traditional football power house of North Texas?!?!?!?!?

The Hawks and KF are lucky to have CJB and this schedule.

It's going to be hard not to win 4 big ten games this year.

Beating North Texas, Illinois State, Iowa State (2 time in 5 years) and Pittsburgh at home SHOULDN'T be enough to let KF off the hook for the last 4 years, or his record against ISU.

To be honest with this schedule it wouldn't be that impressive/exciting if they went 4 and 1 over their next 5 games. Split NW/Wisconsin and then beat Illinois (just beat MTSU on a missed last second field goal), Maryland (WVU HA!), and the juggernaut that is Indiana football.

On a side note, if they beat Wisconsin and NW and then lose to Indiana well... then... that will be a funny day. The boards and the call-in show will be can't misses.

Grrrrrrrrr. As I said, good luck with Kansas. So proud of you guys over there.
This thread is as premature as the Iowa and Michigan in the BTC game thread.

Holy cow, we haven't even started conference play yet. Sheesh.

But like most, I'm very encouraged by what I've seen so far.
Fans will be way more forgiving if the hawks are playing fun to watch football. It's when we look like a joke of a team and losing and the coaching staff either don't care enough or are not smart enough to see it is when fans get in a uproar. Kf has finally shown the willingness to make a few changes and be a little more unpredictable which the fans love to see. So far so good and the hawks are finally fun to watch again. Whoever says the unrest of the fan base didn't have anything to do with the changes? All I gotta say is you better schedule more appointments with your shrink.
I will say this, I feel very fortunate to be a fan of a program in which throughout my lifetime we have had only 2 coaches.....both of which I admire as a person and as a coach. There have not been any major scandals, no long periods of bad football, some periods of mediocrity that are not cool, but again how fortunate are we that a 7 win season we are discussing a coaching change, our lil brother in Ames would give a lifetime contract for a season like that......have there been disappointments along the way, there sure has, but I like the fact that our football program matches our state values....Commitment, hard work, dedication, etc.....In Iowa we work through our issues, we do not just scrap everything and start over and more often than not it works out for the better in the end....I think this season is representative of that mindset
Fans will be way more forgiving if the hawks are playing fun to watch football. It's when we look like a joke of a team and losing and the coaching staff either don't care enough or are not smart enough to see it is when fans get in a uproar. Kf has finally shown the willingness to make a few changes and be a little more unpredictable which the fans love to see. So far so good and the hawks are finally fun to watch again. Whoever says the unrest of the fan base didn't have anything to do with the changes? All I gotta say is you better schedule more appointments with your shrink.
Ha, that is think that any D1 coach or at any level is going to listen to a bunch of dumb ass fans is laughable and that is putting it lightly. I am sure the staff was like we better play CJB otherwise the fans might be really mad.....I do not want to speak for the staff, but I would imagine the reason they do the things they do is because they think it will be the best thing to win football logical does it sound when you say that the coaches are listening to fans, most of which doesn't know the difference between a cover 2 and a cover 3, furthermore, they see the product on the field maybe 15 times a year.....but yeah I am sure KF and staff are taking notes each week b/c that makes more sense

Or maybe, just maybe, the coaching staff takes losing as bad or worse than the fanbase does......and because of they felt they did not do a good enough job last year they decided to make some changes for this upcoming season.....that sounds like something that a coaching staff might do....but I am sure the coaches were OK with the season until they came on to the football forum and noticed geeze the fanbase is mad we should make some changes......
Didn't Ferentz acknowledge at least slightly the fans with his comment about players, coaches, and fans leaving Kinnick last November with a bad taste?

He's either listening or saying he's listening to the fans. Either way ... WE'RE IN HIS DOME!

Seriously, if big-time college athletics is big business - and it is - why wouldn't the CEO listen to the fans if we are the customers?

A more jaded view than I would like to have, but probably is true.
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Amazing how a nice 4-0 start, can have a fire Ferentz thread. Stirring and being a dick is all this is. Did last year's ending suck? You bet,last I checked it's a new year, let the year play out.
Milehigh is a good name for you. Nobody that I've seen thinks kf comes on here to get advise. Low tickets sales translates from unhappy fans, there do you get it??
Amazing how a nice 4-0 start, can have a fire Ferentz thread. Stirring and being a dick is all this is. Did last year's ending suck? You bet,last I checked it's a new year, let the year play out.

Jesus Christ dude did you even read the title?
Also people don't donate money to coaches or programs with coaches they don't like. I think he deserves some credit for the new buildings put up to help with recruiting and developing players and teams. All activities going forward are basically in one building and notice how tight knit the team is this year. Coincidence?

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