Fireworks blowing peoples' hands off

are you truly American if you don’t risk serious injury to light off fireworks

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Google it. The pictures are disgusting.

I don’t remember this being an issue 30-40 years ago. Are fireworks more powerful or people are just dumber?
no 30-40 years ago we had m-80 and m-100 and m-500 and that crap was a quarter stick of dynamite and we are not JUST talking about a few fingers missing , back then. it's gotten wayyyyyy safer lately
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Karma for the last month is bittersweet. **** people who light off fireworks. It’s a waste and stupid. Not even entertaining.

One of the saddest parts of being a child was realizing that I had already moved on from being interested in fireworks but grown men were still amazed by them. That and knowing that WW3 was lurking around every corner.
One of the saddest parts of being a child was realizing that I had already moved on from being interested in fireworks but grown men were still amazed by them. That and knowing that WW3 was lurking around every corner.
One time when me and my brother were about 10, we were lighting off bottle rockets and our town cop saw us. My little brother ran for it and the cop drove up to him and said "What's the rush, your mom make some pie?"
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Google it. The pictures are disgusting.

I don’t remember this being an issue 30-40 years ago. Are fireworks more powerful or people are just dumber?
You answered your question in your first sentence. Now we can simply Google pics of this. 30 -40 years ago you couldn't. So my answer is neither. You just have better access to pics/videos of injuries.