For You Anti-Vaxxers...

The young girls and their parents, however, have the world’s foremost expert on autoimmune disorders on their side. Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld shocked the audience of the III Colombian Symposium on Autoimmunity by stating he would not recommend HPV vaccines for his own daughter. When asked about the mass psychosomatic theory used to explain the newly emerged medical conditions shortly after HPV vaccinations, Dr. Shoenfeld replied:


Dr. Shoenfeld further stated that in Colombia hundreds of children are suffering from autoimmune disorders that emerged directly after HPV vaccination:

“If there is a case, or an avalanche of cases, this must be investigated in the proper way. To say it is something psychological or viral is not enough. You need scientists from different disciplines to analyze it.

We believe aluminum is a toxic substance for the brain. It accumulates, continues this for weeks and months. It’s like a Trojan Horse for the brain. Aluminum is a neurotoxin. Experimental research shows clearly that aluminum adjuvants have a potential for inducing serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum adjuvants carry a risk for autoimmunity, inflammation of the brain and neurological long-term complications and therefore can have profound and widespread consequences for health.

In July 2016, a victims’ group filed a multi-plaintiff lawsuit in the district courts of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka against the Japanese government and the two pharmaceutical companies that had produced these vaccines. Furthermore, in December of the same year, additional victims joined the multi-plaintiff lawsuit, bringing the total number of plaintiffs to 119 (Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 2017).

Journal Editors With Financial Conflicts of Interest Have Enormous Power

Two studies confirm that: Most Editors of Top Medical Journals Receive Industry Payments (Retraction Watch, Nov. 2017) The following case is an example of how tightly controlled publication channels have utterly corrupted science. The case demonstrates the great difficulty encountered by independent scientists who have not sold their integrity to the highest bidder.

The study, Behavioral Abnormalities In Young Female Mice Following Administration Of Aluminum Adjuvants And The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Gardasil, was conducted in Israel. The senior author, Professor Yehuda Schoenfeld is an internationally recognized authority, who is considered to be the pillar in the field of autoimmunity. The focus of his research, however, threatens the vaccine industry by examining “the roles and mechanisms of action of different adjuvants which lead to autoimmune/inflammatory response.” Indeed, Dr. Shoenfeld identified a new syndrome ASIA (Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants).

The HPV-mouse study was published in the journal Vaccine in January 2016. It was summarily withdrawn a month later following orders by the Editor-in-Chief, Gregory Poland.[44]

Dr. Poland’s direct conflicts of interest [45]include those disclosed on the Mayo Clinic website: “Dr. Poland is the chairman of a safety evaluation committee for investigational vaccine trials being conducted by Merck Research Laboratories. Dr. Poland offers consultative advice on new vaccine development to Merck & Co., Inc.” [Dr. Robert Chen is an Associate Editor of Vaccine]

Before the publication withdrawal by the editor of Vaccine, the article had languished for 8 months at the Journal of Human Immunology and was then rejected by that journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Michael Racke. According to the American Academy of Neurology:

“Dr. Racke has received personal compensation for activities with EMD Serone, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Genentech, and Amarantus as a consultant.” [EMD Serono, Inc. is a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.]

How is it that this incestuous relationship did not raise loud cries of foul play? Those rejections by editors who had deep vested financial interest in protecting vaccination rates, whose own financial interest was intertwined with vaccine manufacturers, elicited no protest from the scientific academic community.

Instead, these rejections were followed by vicious attacks against two of the scientists, by industry’s cyber hit-squads that are hired to attack independent scientists whose honest research contradicts vaccine orthodoxy/ That is viewed as a heresy inasmuch as it poses a financial threat.[46] [Read Appendix 10]
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  1. If all this is true, then you are making my point....Science can be bought and is as corrupt as any other profession. FACT
    Of course it can be bought. And published. And replicated. in Wakefield’s case...not replicated. By anyone. Anywhere. And when the medical histories of the children in his “study” don’t match their on-file medical histories...and don’t match in a way that bolsters his claims...he should answer for his fraud. So why do you champion him?
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When you Gish Gallop, you get called a Gish Galloper.
That's how it works, cupcake.
New stuff for you, Babycakes. Not that you'll read it, being so closed minded.

JANUARY 24, 2018
The Vaccine Program: Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption—Part 2 of 7

Government Pronouncements of Vaccine Safety are Based on Deceptive & Corrupt Practices
by Vera Sharav

Note from the WMP Team: Following is Part Two in a seven-part series of Vera Sharav’s in-depth exposé of the complex and widespread corruption that exists in the vaccination program. Her investigation has uncovered decades-long fraudulent activity that has permeated the vaccine industry. Sharav’s research is a must-read by those in our community because it explains the intricate groundwork that has led us to the debacle we are now living with – an epidemic of sick children.

Principal reports authored by scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and CDC-sponsored reports published in the most influential medical journals are shown to be the product of scientific fraud and malfeasance by high-level CDC officials. The internal CDC documents include emails, memoranda, and transcripts of meetings and conference calls, are an irrefutable record revealing how key CDC studies and CDC-commissioned studies[12] were shaped by use of illegitimate methods, including data manipulation, selective inclusion, and deletion of data from the published reports.

To begin with, as a senior CDC scientist, Dr. Tom Verstraeten pointed out in an email that the Danish population studies – that compared Danish vs. US autism prevalence rates – used non-comparable populations:

  • By 1992, Sweden, Norway & Denmark had eliminated the use of Thimerosal from childhood vaccines, due to safety concerns; Japan followed suit; the U.S. did not.
  • Danish children were subjected to far fewer vaccines at different schedules, and exposure levels to the mercury preservative, thimerosal, was 75% lower than children in the U.S.
  • These significant disparate differences –by any standard – render the Danish epidemiological studies irrelevant to the US. Verstraeten scoffed at such studies as a comparison of “apples to pears”.
As will be documented below, mainstream academics accepted the published claimed findings of the CDC-sponsored Danish epidemiological studies without further examination. However, astute, skeptical, independent critics – both scientists and others – reviewed those pivotal studies in detail. These critics reported that the scientific integrity of those studies was undermined by statistical manipulation through which the MMR and thimerosal were exonerated as a causal contributor to autism.[13],[14]

  • Indeed, the Cochrane reviewers confirmed that the scientific integrity of the studies was undermined by: “bias in the selection of controls”; “lack of a properly constructed causal hypothesis”; “extensive under-counting of autism cases in the MMR group”; “unequal length of follow-up”; “missing 14% to 20% of original birth cohort”; “between 11% and 20% of adverse event data was missing”; and in CDC’s 2004 study (Pediatrics,) “more than a third of cases were excluded”. (Cochrane MMR Reviews, 2005; 2012.)
  • Internal CDC correspondence, confirms that relevant findings documenting an increased risk of harm were deliberately omitted from the published and widely cited reports and even when scientists requested the full dataset of CDC’s own epidemiological study for independent analysis, CDC claimed that the data was “missing.”
  • Psychiatrist Poul Thorsen, MD, who was the principal Danish investigator of the Danish series of studies commissioned by CDC, failed to obtain ethics committee approval for key CDC-sponsored epidemiological studies – as is required under US and Danish law. Newly obtained internal CDC documents provide evidence of collusion and malfeasance by public health officials who attempted to cover-up those violations of legally mandated ethics committee review and approval.
  • A recently updated report by the World Mercury Project issued August 2017, includes many additional details documented in newly obtained CDC documents. The documents show that CDC officials took no action to evaluate the veracity of the data – even after they were informed in January 2009 about the missing CDC funds managed by the principal investigator.
“when CDC officials including Coleen Boyle, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Joanne Wojcik, and Diana Schendel became aware in 2009, that Poul Thorsen failed to obtain legally required permission for the autism biological and genetic data projects, these CDC employees participated in a cover-up with the Danish grantees.”


  • CDC suppressed the findings of its large-scale 1999 study documenting a causal relationship between exposure to the vaccines containing Thimerosal (ethylmercury) and autism. The study found that exposure to Thimerosal during the first month of life increased the relative risk of autism 7-fold (7.6).
  • CDC also suppressed the original findings of another of its own studies that found a 340% (3.6) relative increased risk of autism for African American male babies following MMR vaccination in accordance with the CDC-recommended Childhood Vaccination Schedule.
  • CDC scientists worked in concert with CDC-commissioned Danish scientists to conceal the significantly reduced cases of autism in Denmark following the removal of Thimerosal in 1992.
  • The internal documents obtained by Robert Kennedy Jr and the World Mercury Project, provide evidence that high ranking CDC scientists committed massive fraud to protect CDC’s Childhood Vaccination Schedule to ensure high vaccination rates.
  • The other authoritative sources include the U.S. Grand Jury’s criminal indictment of Dr. Poul Thorsen (2011) on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money laundering. Thorsen was the principal CDC-commissioned psychiatrist in the Danish epidemiological studies. In addition to his failure to obtain ethics approval for studies published by The New England Journal of Medicine (2002), and by the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2010), Thorsen’s studies are shown to have been manipulated through fraudulent means. What’s more, he was criminally indicted by a US Grand Jury (2011) on 22-counts of fraud – including document forgeries – theft, embezzlement, and money laundering.
  • A detailed confidential report (2012) submitted by GlaxoSmithKline to the European Medicines Authority (EMA) documents the hazardous effects following vaccination with GSK’s 6-in-1 Infanrix Hexa vaccine. The report includes concealed sudden infant deaths.[17][See Appendix 8]
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WMP NOTE: This concludes Part Four. Part Five of the seven-part series will be entitled: Internal CDC Email Correspondence Reveals a Corrupt Culture.

Previously published articles: Sharav’s Introduction to the full article, L’affaire Wakefield: Shades of Dreyfus & BMJ’s Descent into Tabloid Science, outlines her well-researched and documented belief that, “Public health officials and the medical profession have abrogated their professional, public, and human responsibility, by failing to honestly examine the iatrogenic harm caused by expansive, indiscriminate, and increasingly aggressive vaccination policies.” Part One focuses on how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the vaccine industry control vaccine safety assessments, control the science of vaccines and control the scientific and mass channels of information about vaccines. In Part Two Ms. Sharav interprets the complex web of internal CDC documents, revealing how key CDC studies and CDC-commissioned studies were shaped by use of illegitimate methods. Part Three takes a closer look at the Brighton Collaboration and the extraordinary influence these stakeholders have in the business of vaccines and their power to control the science and research and manipulate reports to further their own interests.
How about, rather than trying to excuse Wakefield by bringing up prior examples, you deal with HIM. By your logic Tuskegee is ok because...Wakefield.
I don't recall bringing up Wakefield in this thread. I simply have been showing how corrupt the whole system is.

  1. Of course it can be bought. And published. And replicated. in Wakefield’s case...not replicated. By anyone. Anywhere. And when the medical histories of the children in his “study” don’t match their on-file medical histories...and don’t match in a way that bolsters his claims...he should answer for his fraud. So why do you champion him?
When have I championed for him? I think he has answered for it. He's not allowed to practice.
Go back and look for Christ's sake. You're entrenched in your position. You refuse to change your mind as new information is consumed.

Protip: Information isn't 'consumed', it is 'new information is generated'.
You are not conveying 'new information', you are conveying regurgitated old information. Tired, old information.
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New stuff for you, Babycakes. Not that you'll read it, being so closed minded.

JANUARY 24, 2018
The Vaccine Program: Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption—Part 2 of 7

Government Pronouncements of Vaccine Safety are Based on Deceptive & Corrupt Practices
by Vera Sharav

Note from the WMP Team: Following is Part Two in a seven-part series of Vera Sharav’s in-depth exposé of the complex and widespread corruption that exists in the vaccination program. Her investigation has uncovered decades-long fraudulent activity that has permeated the vaccine industry. Sharav’s research is a must-read by those in our community because it explains the intricate groundwork that has led us to the debacle we are now living with – an epidemic of sick children.

Principal reports authored by scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and CDC-sponsored reports published in the most influential medical journals are shown to be the product of scientific fraud and malfeasance by high-level CDC officials. The internal CDC documents include emails, memoranda, and transcripts of meetings and conference calls, are an irrefutable record revealing how key CDC studies and CDC-commissioned studies[12] were shaped by use of illegitimate methods, including data manipulation, selective inclusion, and deletion of data from the published reports.

To begin with, as a senior CDC scientist, Dr. Tom Verstraeten pointed out in an email that the Danish population studies – that compared Danish vs. US autism prevalence rates – used non-comparable populations:

  • By 1992, Sweden, Norway & Denmark had eliminated the use of Thimerosal from childhood vaccines, due to safety concerns; Japan followed suit; the U.S. did not.
  • Danish children were subjected to far fewer vaccines at different schedules, and exposure levels to the mercury preservative, thimerosal, was 75% lower than children in the U.S.
  • These significant disparate differences –by any standard – render the Danish epidemiological studies irrelevant to the US. Verstraeten scoffed at such studies as a comparison of “apples to pears”.
As will be documented below, mainstream academics accepted the published claimed findings of the CDC-sponsored Danish epidemiological studies without further examination. However, astute, skeptical, independent critics – both scientists and others – reviewed those pivotal studies in detail. These critics reported that the scientific integrity of those studies was undermined by statistical manipulation through which the MMR and thimerosal were exonerated as a causal contributor to autism.[13],[14]

  • Indeed, the Cochrane reviewers confirmed that the scientific integrity of the studies was undermined by: “bias in the selection of controls”; “lack of a properly constructed causal hypothesis”; “extensive under-counting of autism cases in the MMR group”; “unequal length of follow-up”; “missing 14% to 20% of original birth cohort”; “between 11% and 20% of adverse event data was missing”; and in CDC’s 2004 study (Pediatrics,) “more than a third of cases were excluded”. (Cochrane MMR Reviews, 2005; 2012.)
  • Internal CDC correspondence, confirms that relevant findings documenting an increased risk of harm were deliberately omitted from the published and widely cited reports and even when scientists requested the full dataset of CDC’s own epidemiological study for independent analysis, CDC claimed that the data was “missing.”
  • Psychiatrist Poul Thorsen, MD, who was the principal Danish investigator of the Danish series of studies commissioned by CDC, failed to obtain ethics committee approval for key CDC-sponsored epidemiological studies – as is required under US and Danish law. Newly obtained internal CDC documents provide evidence of collusion and malfeasance by public health officials who attempted to cover-up those violations of legally mandated ethics committee review and approval.
  • A recently updated report by the World Mercury Project issued August 2017, includes many additional details documented in newly obtained CDC documents. The documents show that CDC officials took no action to evaluate the veracity of the data – even after they were informed in January 2009 about the missing CDC funds managed by the principal investigator.
“when CDC officials including Coleen Boyle, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Joanne Wojcik, and Diana Schendel became aware in 2009, that Poul Thorsen failed to obtain legally required permission for the autism biological and genetic data projects, these CDC employees participated in a cover-up with the Danish grantees.”


  • CDC suppressed the findings of its large-scale 1999 study documenting a causal relationship between exposure to the vaccines containing Thimerosal (ethylmercury) and autism. The study found that exposure to Thimerosal during the first month of life increased the relative risk of autism 7-fold (7.6).
  • CDC also suppressed the original findings of another of its own studies that found a 340% (3.6) relative increased risk of autism for African American male babies following MMR vaccination in accordance with the CDC-recommended Childhood Vaccination Schedule.
  • CDC scientists worked in concert with CDC-commissioned Danish scientists to conceal the significantly reduced cases of autism in Denmark following the removal of Thimerosal in 1992.
  • The internal documents obtained by Robert Kennedy Jr and the World Mercury Project, provide evidence that high ranking CDC scientists committed massive fraud to protect CDC’s Childhood Vaccination Schedule to ensure high vaccination rates.
  • The other authoritative sources include the U.S. Grand Jury’s criminal indictment of Dr. Poul Thorsen (2011) on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money laundering. Thorsen was the principal CDC-commissioned psychiatrist in the Danish epidemiological studies. In addition to his failure to obtain ethics approval for studies published by The New England Journal of Medicine (2002), and by the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2010), Thorsen’s studies are shown to have been manipulated through fraudulent means. What’s more, he was criminally indicted by a US Grand Jury (2011) on 22-counts of fraud – including document forgeries – theft, embezzlement, and money laundering.
  • A detailed confidential report (2012) submitted by GlaxoSmithKline to the European Medicines Authority (EMA) documents the hazardous effects following vaccination with GSK’s 6-in-1 Infanrix Hexa vaccine. The report includes concealed sudden infant deaths.[17][See Appendix 8]
THIS is the entire problem with trying to discuss this with YOU anti-vaxxers. This is old has been discredited right here in past threads and here it comes AGAIN. Here:

CDC also suppressed the original findings of another of its own studies that found a 340% (3.6) relative increased risk of autism for African American male babies following MMR vaccination in accordance with the CDC-recommended Childhood Vaccination Schedule.

BULLSHIT! There isn't even an identifiable mechanism by which an MMR vaccine would behave differently based on race and sex. It's like claiming the MMR causes autism in left-handed might ACTUALLY find that in the data. A rational person would recognize that it's likely a statistical anomaly rather than an actual outcome.

CDC scientists worked in concert with CDC-commissioned Danish scientists to conceal the significantly reduced cases of autism in Denmark following the removal of Thimerosal in 1992.

BULLSHIT!! There was no such ANYONE. Were it true, there should have been a corresponding drop in the US when thimerosal was dropped. It never happened. Does the vaccine also discriminate based on nationality?
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and get paid to do so like you
Yes. Pretty sure he does. Why else would someone so be so adamandt to stand for such evil? Anyway he's not very good at it with his broken record gish gallop and protip nonsense and his terrible reasoning and lies. They should demand their money back. I would.
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The comedy provided by these vaccine Nazis is priceless: they believe their cause to be so pure, their science so unassailable, that they don't have to declare conflicts of interest. And these are the people that questioned Wakefield's ethics?
Any idea why they continue to insist that you're an anti-vaxxer even though you've said on here countless times that you're not? It's as if they just can't seem to think that it's even possible for one to both see the value in vaccines (a position that they themselves hold), yet want them to be safer (who doesn't want a thing to be safer)? It's a solid fact that at least some people have had health issues and deaths have occurred, so clearly there is at least some room for improvement, never minding the corruption/conspiracy/bad safety science, etc. end of it all. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. So...what is the point in it? What gain do they get in typing it? Solely an attempt to vilify w/o reason? Sorry, it's just bizarre.
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Any idea why they continue to insist that you're an anti-vaxxer even though you've said on here countless times that you're not? It's as if they just can't seem to think that it's even possible for one to both see the value in vaccines (a position that they themselves hold), yet want them to be safer (who doesn't want a thing to be safer)? It's a solid fact that at least some people have had health issues and deaths have occurred, so clearly there is at least some room for improvement, never minding the corruption/conspiracy/bad safety science, etc. end of it all. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. So...what is the point in it? What gain do they get in typing it? Solely an attempt to vilify w/o reason? Sorry, it's just bizarre.
Like I said before, go back and look at all the comments that were made prior to your first post. Insults, labels and condescension is all they use because it's all they have. Quite pathetic.

And Wakefield is an anti-vaxxer too, right? Even though his study said there was no proof of an MMR-autism link, that he still recommended getting those three shots singly (which were available then), and during an interview even made fun of those who reject all vaccines with their 'anti-smallpox' worldview.

And as for him being the biblical Adam of the movement (tarheel called him the 'genesis')?


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BULLSHIT! There isn't even an identifiable mechanism by which an MMR vaccine would behave differently based on race and sex. It's like claiming the MMR causes autism in left-handed might ACTUALLY find that in the data. A rational person would recognize that it's likely a statistical anomaly rather than an actual outcome.
This is LITERALLY the "data" they latch onto.
Statistical anomalies.

They are incapable of understanding that an 'alpha' level of significance of 0.05 means that if you make 20 separate "comparisons" using the same data, you have a 100% probability of ONE of those comparisons appearing "significant".

100%. That's what the math shows, as sure as 2 + 2 = 4.
Any idea why they continue to insist that you're an anti-vaxxer even though you've said on here countless times that you're not? It's as if they just can't seem to think that it's even possible for one to both see the value in vaccines (a position that they themselves hold), yet want them to be safer (who doesn't want a thing to be safer)? It's a solid fact that at least some people have had health issues and deaths have occurred, so clearly there is at least some room for improvement, never minding the corruption/conspiracy/bad safety science, etc. end of it all.
Bwahahahahaha...that’s the f’n stupidest thing you’ve typed in this entire thread. It’s a “solid fact” that every single endeavor ever undertaken by man has cost lives. It’s your shrill and idiotic vilification of vaccines alone that gets you labeled and mocked. Andrew Wakefield is absolutely guilty of every perjorative you just outlined yet YOU LIONIZE HIM as some sort of saint. You cite bad science or misrepresent data...over and over again... and you work your ass off to try and scare people away from what is beyond reasonable doubt the greatest life-saving health measure ever developed.

But then...on this topic, at and your minions are beyond reason. No matter the source you dismiss EVERY SINGLE STUDY that refutes your claims as somehow tainted. Dozens upon dozens of them and ALL bought and paid for by BIG PHARMA. Your minds are made up and no evidence will ever change it because you always have that escape hatch no matter how idiotic it makes you look.

The most amazing part is that you tout the “research” of a man who was secretly paid by a shyster lawyer and had a hidden financial stake in getting his own fraudulent conclusions accepted. And that’s beyond doubt. You are hypocrites of the highest order and the invective “a pox on all your houses” couldn’t be more appropriate.
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Like I said before, go back and look at all the comments that were made prior to your first post. Insults, labels and condescension is all they use because it's all they have. Quite pathetic.

And Wakefield is an anti-vaxxer too, right? Even though his study said there was no proof of an MMR-autism link, that he still recommended getting those three shots singly (which were available then), and during an interview even made fun of those who reject all vaccines with their 'anti-smallpox' worldview.

So why did he indicate in his public pronouncements that there WAS a problem with the MMR vaccine? Hmmm? And if the single shots were available why did he file a patent on a single shot measles vaccine prior to his announcement...and FAIL to mention that little tidbit? Hmmmm? And if his research DOES indicate that there's NO connection between the MMR vaccine and autism...doesn't that put him on the payroll of Big Pharma?

I'd really appreciate a focused answer on those questions. Think you can manage that?

As for your "anti-vaxxer" posters...could you share some of their work from, say, the second half of the 20th century? Maybe something post-WWII? To deny that your patron saint Wakefield is the genesis of the anti-vaxxer movement today lie. Blatantly.
Protip: Information isn't 'consumed', it is 'new information is generated'.
You are not conveying 'new information', you are conveying regurgitated old information. Tired, old information.
Let me give you a protip. You are not the one who should be dispensing them. So, STOP. You're too full of yourself.

It's suppressed information. That's the whole effing point. The movie Vaxxed is just one example. The media receives $21 Billion a year from Big Pharma in ad money that news organizations won't DARE screw with. Explain that to the shareholders.
THIS is the entire problem with trying to discuss this with YOU anti-vaxxers. This is old has been discredited right here in past threads and here it comes AGAIN. Here:

BULLSHIT! There isn't even an identifiable mechanism by which an MMR vaccine would behave differently based on race and sex. It's like claiming the MMR causes autism in left-handed might ACTUALLY find that in the data. A rational person would recognize that it's likely a statistical anomaly rather than an actual outcome.

BULLSHIT!! There was no such ANYONE. Were it true, there should have been a corresponding drop in the US when thimerosal was dropped. It never happened. Does the vaccine also discriminate based on nationality?
No citations. BULLSHITTTTTTTT. If discredited, look at who banked the study.
Let me give you a protip. You are not the one who should be dispensing them. So, STOP. You're too full of yourself.

It's suppressed information. That's the whole effing point. The movie Vaxxed is just one example.

See...when you're quoting "movies" as your "citations", it immediately identifies you as an "Amateur". So, feel free to push out "AmateurTips", if you'd like.

My information is supported by ALL major medical associations, including pediatricians, who vaccinate their own children.
So why did he indicate in his public pronouncements that there WAS a problem with the MMR vaccine? Hmmm? And if the single shots were available why did he file a patent on a single shot measles vaccine prior to his announcement...and FAIL to mention that little tidbit? Hmmmm? And if his research DOES indicate that there's NO connection between the MMR vaccine and autism...doesn't that put him on the payroll of Big Pharma?

I'd really appreciate a focused answer on those questions. Think you can manage that?

As for your "anti-vaxxer" posters...could you share some of their work from, say, the second half of the 20th century? Maybe something post-WWII? To deny that your patron saint Wakefield is the genesis of the anti-vaxxer movement today lie. Blatantly.
You're absolutely right, Mengele. Let's implement mandatory vaxx like Profitt espouses. Because all the thousands of mothers are simply colluding with other Moms across the country via the Net right after MMR.
See...when you're quoting "movies" as your "citations", it immediately identifies you as an "Amateur". So, feel free to push out "AmateurTips", if you'd like.

My information is supported by ALL major medical associations, including pediatricians, who vaccinate their own children.
No dunce. It was immediately suppressed...a frigging movie. Nor did I use it as a citation. Never got to see it. Big Pharma saw to that. Mustn't haven't anyone think freely and form their own opinion and all.
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THIS is the entire problem with trying to discuss this with YOU anti-vaxxers. This is old has been discredited right here in past threads and here it comes AGAIN. Here:

BULLSHIT! There isn't even an identifiable mechanism by which an MMR vaccine would behave differently based on race and sex. It's like claiming the MMR causes autism in left-handed might ACTUALLY find that in the data. A rational person would recognize that it's likely a statistical anomaly rather than an actual outcome.

BULLSHIT!! There was no such ANYONE. Were it true, there should have been a corresponding drop in the US when thimerosal was dropped. It never happened. Does the vaccine also discriminate based on nationality?

See...when you're quoting "movies" as your "citations", it immediately identifies you as an "Amateur". So, feel free to push out "AmateurTips", if you'd like.

My information is supported by ALL major medical associations, including pediatricians, who vaccinate their own children.

Its gonna be hard to convince someone of anything when they literally thought a satirical graph was real and counter argued against it. The ability is not present.
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Its gonna be hard to convince someone of anything when they literally thought a satirical graph was real and counter argued against it. The ability is not present.
Don't be hard on yourself. I was just being polite when you argued it was organics with your graph going allllll the way back to '97.
No citations. BULLSHITTTTTTTT. If discredited, look at who banked the study. are actually asking for citations for common sense? Ok...explain how a vaccine operates by a different mechanism in black male children as opposed to EVERY OTHER type of child. Then explain why Denmark saw a huge drop in autism cases after cutting thimerosal but this same effect hasn't been demonstrated anywhere else in the world...including the US. Can you explain that?
  • Like
Reactions: fsu1jreed are actually asking for citations for common sense? Ok...explain how a vaccine operates by a different mechanism in black male children as opposed to EVERY OTHER type of child. Then explain why Denmark saw a huge drop in autism cases after cutting thimerosal but this same effect hasn't been demonstrated anywhere else in the world...including the US. Can you explain that?
Citations..independent citations or STFU.
You're absolutely right, Mengele. Let's implement mandatory vaxx like Profitt espouses. Because all the thousands of mothers are simply colluding with other Moms across the country via the Net right after MMR.
Took a while but now you're trotting out the Nazi references. Do you think you could perhaps address the points in the post to which you responded. Try to be specific. Here it is again:

1. So why did he indicate in his public pronouncements that there WAS a problem with the MMR vaccine? Hmmm?

2. And if the single shots were available why did he file a patent on a single shot measles vaccine prior to his announcement...and FAIL to mention that little tidbit? Hmmmm?

3. And if his research DOES indicate that there's NO connection between the MMR vaccine and autism...doesn't that put him on the payroll of Big Pharma?

I'd really appreciate a focused answer on those questions. Think you can manage that?

As for your "anti-vaxxer" posters...could you share some of their work from, say, the second half of the 20th century? Maybe something post-WWII? To deny that your patron saint Wakefield is the genesis of the anti-vaxxer movement today lie. Blatantly.
Took a while but now you're trotting out the Nazi references. Do you think you could perhaps address the points in the post to which you responded. Try to be specific. Here it is again:

1. So why did he indicate in his public pronouncements that there WAS a problem with the MMR vaccine? Hmmm?

2. And if the single shots were available why did he file a patent on a single shot measles vaccine prior to his announcement...and FAIL to mention that little tidbit? Hmmmm?

3. And if his research DOES indicate that there's NO connection between the MMR vaccine and autism...doesn't that put him on the payroll of Big Pharma?

I'd really appreciate a focused answer on those questions. Think you can manage that?

As for your "anti-vaxxer" posters...could you share some of their work from, say, the second half of the 20th century? Maybe something post-WWII? To deny that your patron saint Wakefield is the genesis of the anti-vaxxer movement today lie. Blatantly.
It didn't take awhile at all. I brought it up a few times. I also mentioned a couple of times that I'm NOT an anti vaxxer, yet, you continue to pigeonhole me as one. Maybe that's your problem. You don't actually read the posts. your mind was made up a long time ago.
It didn't take awhile at all. I brought it up a few times. I also mentioned a couple of times that I'm NOT an anti vaxxer, yet, you continue to pigeonhole me as one. Maybe that's your problem. You don't actually read the posts. your mind was made up a long time ago.
Saying you're not one while acting exactly like one presents a dilemma. I choose to go with your behavior. Only you can fix that.

BTW - you still refuse to answer the questions in the post to which YOU responded. Here they are...again:

1. So why did he indicate in his public pronouncements that there WAS a problem with the MMR vaccine? Hmmm?

2. And if the single shots were available why did he file a patent on a single shot measles vaccine prior to his announcement...and FAIL to mention that little tidbit? Hmmmm?

3. And if his research DOES indicate that there's NO connection between the MMR vaccine and autism...doesn't that put him on the payroll of Big Pharma?
Saying you're not one while acting exactly like one presents a dilemma. I choose to go with your behavior. Only you can fix that.

BTW - you still refuse to answer the questions in the post to which YOU responded. Here they are...again:

1. So why did he indicate in his public pronouncements that there WAS a problem with the MMR vaccine? Hmmm?

2. And if the single shots were available why did he file a patent on a single shot measles vaccine prior to his announcement...and FAIL to mention that little tidbit? Hmmmm?

3. And if his research DOES indicate that there's NO connection between the MMR vaccine and autism...doesn't that put him on the payroll of Big Pharma?
You're deflecting. I asked you for independent citations. I'll wait.