For You Anti-Vaxxers...

Except 1 in 500 will die of the measles. 1 in 1000 will develop encephalitis that causes deafness or intellectual disability. I'll just say when I got my medical degree, on the back side of the diploma in secret ink that I can hold up to a lunar eclipse it says, "MMR causes autism." So since I am outed about the secret is out....I'll give you that the vaccine causes autism for the sake of argument. The disease itself causes encephalopathy. However, that fact is probably irrelevant to you.
1 in 500 will die?
Except 1 in 500 will die of the measles. 1 in 1000 will develop encephalitis that causes deafness or intellectual disability. I'll just say when I got my medical degree, on the back side of the diploma in secret ink that I can hold up to a lunar eclipse it says, "MMR causes autism." So since I am outed about the secret is out....I'll give you that the vaccine causes autism for the sake of argument. The disease itself causes encephalopathy. However, that fact is probably irrelevant to you.
And how about Crohn's and Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Cancer? I guess we'll never know because they don't perform safety studies over the long term.
RFK, JR: A few weeks ago, someone gave me a Blue Cross Blue Shield Compensation and Bonus Program for pediatricians. The program provided a $40 bonus to the pediatrician for every on-time vaccine up to $400 per child. A typical practice could include 1500 children. So that is a good half million dollar annual incentive to vaccinate according to the schedule and not to ask too many questions about safety. Even worse, the program punishes doctors who fail to fully vaccinate at least 63% of their practice on time. Those doctors lose 100% of the bonus. The system is designed to pressure pediatricians to vaccinate even when there are contraindications. It explains why vaccine-hesitant parents encounter open hostility from pediatricians when they express reticence or concern. It explains why pediatricians rarely fully inform each patient about vaccine risks and side effects as the law requires.

First rule of medicine: Do thy child no harm.
RFK, JR: A few weeks ago, someone gave me a Blue Cross Blue Shield Compensation and Bonus Program for pediatricians. The program provided a $40 bonus to the pediatrician for every on-time vaccine up to $400 per child. A typical practice could include 1500 children. So that is a good half million dollar annual incentive to vaccinate according to the schedule and not to ask too many questions about safety. Even worse, the program punishes doctors who fail to fully vaccinate at least 63% of their practice on time. Those doctors lose 100% of the bonus. The system is designed to pressure pediatricians to vaccinate even when there are contraindications. It explains why vaccine-hesitant parents encounter open hostility from pediatricians when they express reticence or concern. It explains why pediatricians rarely fully inform each patient about vaccine risks and side effects as the law requires.

First rule of medicine: Do thy child no harm.

What!!?? Insurers WANT those they insure vaccinated!!??
Huh....could that be because treating vaccinable diseases is EXPENSIVE!? Who knew?
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RS: I've heard you talk about captive regulatory agencies, do you mean the CDC?

RFK, JR: The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually. Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program—regardless of any negative effects on human health. Weldon exposed how the Immunization Safety Office, which is supposed to ensure vaccine efficacy and safety, has become subsumed in that metric. The scientists in that part of the agency should no longer be considered part of the public safety sector. Their function is to promote vaccines. As Dr. Thompson has attested, they are routinely ordered to destroy, manipulate and conceal evidence of adverse vaccine reactions in order to protect that ultimate metric. The CDC should not be the agency that we are relying on for oversight of the vaccine program. It's the hen guarding the wolf house. It's not just the CDC. Virtually all the institutions that are supposed to stand between a rapacious industry and vulnerable children have been compromised.
RS: Are you saying that Pharma also corrupts our nation's lawmakers?

RFK, JR: Pharma is the largest lobbyist in Washington. It now has more lobbyists on Capitol Hill than there are Congresspeople. The industry spends twice as much on lobbying as oil and gas and almost four times as much as the defense and aerospace industries. Imagine that! Congress was already drowning in Pharma money in 1986 when it gave those companies immunity from lawsuits arising from vaccine injury. In that way, vaccine makers rid themselves of the courts and the lawyers. With Congress and the regulatory agencies already captured, Pharma succeeded in thereby eliminating the final check and balance against bad corporate behavior in a free market. Once they were liberated from liability, vaccines became a major industry profit center. It was that legislation that launched the vaccine bonanza that began in 1988.
RS: What has been the role of the press?

RFK, JR: The media is complicit in the cataclysm. At least part of the reason is financial. America is one of only two nations in the world that allows pharmaceutical ads on television. Drug companies are the largest advertisers on TV and radio. They spend $3-$5.4 billion annually to saturate the airwaves with 80 advertisements every hour. Anyone who watches network news quickly understands that it has devolved into a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. That lucre seems to have neutralized the news divisions at CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. Fox News alone is uncorrupted, but only because its shameless purpose, from its inception, has been to promote the ascendancy of corporate power. Fox's former CEO, Roger Ailes, was sympathetic with the cause but he told me that he would have to fire any of his hosts who allowed me on his network to discuss mercury in vaccines or autism if I cost them an advertiser. He said, "Bobby, if I let you on to talk about vaccines, Rupert would be on the phone with me in ten minutes."
RS: You mentioned the science journals?

RFK, JR: The science journals are also corrupted. It's common for these journals to receive half or more of their income from pharma ads and reprint orders. Many of them are owned by drug companies. Dr. Marcia Angell, the former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of The Lancet, the world's two preeminent science journals, have both recently declared that half of their articles are untrue—concocted by authors compromised by "flagrant conflicts of interest." Pharma's stranglehold on the journals keeps independent vaccine safety science from ever getting published. Just this month, the Swiss journal, Frontiers in Public Health, cancelled publication of the first vaccinated/unvaccinated study. The study showed that vaccinated children had less measles and rubella, but four times as many neurological disorders—including autism –and 30 times the incidence of allergies. Frontiers panicked after it put up the abstract and got 78,000 views in a day and, presumably, a lot of heat from pharma. I could give you a parade of other examples of great studies that either can't find a publisher, or get published and then taken down as soon as the journals feel the heat. As it turns out, the people who run those journals are no Bravehearts. Self-preservation is the overriding motivation.
RS: Is there a conspiracy among the government agencies and the press?

RFK, JR: Certainly, there is an overt conspiracy by a small group within the CDC vaccine division. It's explicit. You can watch it unfold if you read the Simpsonwood transcripts and the related emails which you can find on the World Mercury Project website. It's chilling. You have all these bureaucrats and industry officials sitting there staring at the CDC's internal study that proves that thimerosal caused the autism epidemic. Their focus quickly moves away from a public health concern to a cover-up—how to hide what they've done from the public. One of the Simpsonwood attendees, University of Colorado immunologist, Dr. Robert Johnson, declares to the group that he is not going to allow his newborn grandson to receive thimerosal containing vaccines. Yet none of the meeting participants ever came forward to warn the public of the risks to THEIR children's health! Instead, they all agree to keep the study secret. We know the names of the conspirators. These particular guys all ought to be playing Rock Hockey in Spandau with three hots and a cot in the Albert Speer suite. I don't know how they live with it. I guess they just pray that there is no God and no such thing as a divine justice. We know what Jesus said about people who harm little children. It was the single sin he considered unforgiveable.
RS: What about the vaccine companies?

RFK, JR: The pharmaceutical companies know that nothing they do will be questioned when it comes to vaccines. Look, just use common sense. Every year, we see million, or even billion-dollar litigation settlements against Merck, Pfizer, Novartis, Glaxo, Abbott, and Lilly for false marketing, off label uses, adulterated products, falsifying science, kickbacks and fraudulent safety data in their pharmaceutical products. Just a couple months ago, vaccine maker Glaxo Smith Kline paid $20 million to the SEC to settle charges of funneling $489 million in bribes to physicians in China. We see shenanigans like that all the time in the United States and there's this whole industry of trial lawyers making very good livelihoods telling those stories to juries. How do you imagine those same companies would behave if they suddenly got rid of the lawyers, the courts, the depositions, the class action lawsuits, and the multi-district litigations? What would happen if they then got rid of the press? Why in the world do we think that these same companies have somehow made their vaccine programs off limits to these crooked strategies? It's a comical fiction. You have to be almost purposefully naive to believe it. And yet, America's most prestigious media outlets have all been gulled into swallowing it.
How's this for Dark Ages human experimentation:

Like Jenner and Pasteur before him, Theiler also saw tragedy follow his vaccine. In the
early 1940s, scientists made Theiler’s vaccine using human serum obtained from several
volunteers, to stabilize the virus. Unfortunately, unnoticed at the time, at least one of these
volunteers was jaundiced, infected with hepatitis B virus. As a consequence, more than
three hundred thousand American servicemen injected with contaminated yellow fever vaccine developed hepatitis, and sixty died.

...because Cutter researchers hadn’t properly filtered out the cells in which they grew
poliovirus, some virus particles effectively escaped the killing effects of formaldehyde. As
a consequence, more than one hundred thousand children were inadvertently injected with
live, dangerous poliovirus. Worse, children injected with Cutter’s vaccine spread polio to
others, starting the first and only manmade polio epidemic. When the dust settled, live
poliovirus contained in Cutter’s vaccine had infected two hundred thousand people; caused
about seventy thousand to develop mild polio; permanently and severely paralyzed two
hundred people, mostly children; and killed ten.

Krugman found that hepatitis developed in 90 percent of children admitted to Willowbrook soon after their arrival. Although it was known that hepatitis was caused by a virus, it wasn’t known how hepatitis virus spread, whether it could be prevented, or how many different types of viruses caused the disease. Krugman used the children of Willowbrook to answer those questions. One of his studies involved feeding live hepatitis virus(feces) to sixty healthy children. Krugman watched as their skin and eyes turned yellow and their livers grew bigger. He watched them vomit and refuse to eat. All the children fed hepatitis virus became ill, some severely. Krugman reasoned that it was justifiable to inoculate retarded children at Willowbrook with hepatitis virus because most of them would get hepatitis anyway. But by purposefully giving the children hepatitis, Krugman increased that chance to 100 percent.

In the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, scientists often tested their vaccines in mentally retarded children. Jonas Salk tested early preparations of his polio vaccine in retarded children at the Polk State School outside of Pittsburgh. At the time of Salk’s experiments, no one in the government, the public, or the media objected to such testing. Everyone did it. Hilary Koprowski, working for the pharmaceutical company Lederle Laboratories, put his experimental live polio vaccine into chocolate milk and fed it to several retarded children in Petaluma, California, and a research team at Boston Children’s Hospital used retarded children to test an experimental measles vaccine.

As always, the end (profit) justifies the means (humans as lab rats).
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Now, try and imagine you are a parent of a child with some form of immune issue (like maybe a kid being treated for leukemia, who's immune system is wiped out for months as part of the therapy, which probably WILL cure them), and you have everyone in your neighborhood who "decided NOT to vaccinate".

If anyone who comes in contact with your kid gives them measles or mumps or rubella, YOUR kid probably dies. Virtually 100% chance.

You still want "voluntary" vaccinations?
Your argument above is completely null and void and you would have known better IF you would have paid attention.
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1) This one, unlike the others, is not related to safety specifically, but is central to this debate as a whole. It's going to require some reading:
Don't come back and talk about JB and how he's not a good source of information. That's not going to fly here. If that's true, then we have some smart people here who should be able to slam dunk him on this point. I want to see some good solid reasoning why this article is wrong. The question here is, in light of the information in this article, explain how herd immunity is actually being observed among today's US populations for these vaccine preventable diseases. want to see some solid reasoning, eh? Ok...let's look at this idiotic claim:

Ms. Pisani's infographic above mentions the 95% threshold needed to achieve herd immunity for measles, but she fails to mention one thing: the vaccination rate of all the adults.

Then your idiot goes on some rant about vaccination rates in adults being low. He even provides a chart:


Now maybe YOU can see some relationship between that chart and adult vaccination rates for measles...but I can't. Perhaps you could point out where your idiot documents those low rates for the measles vaccine. Well, you can't but I'm sure you'll find some moronic way to defend your idiot's blatant manipulation of his narrative. BTW, your idiot talks about adult vaccination rates having an impact on herd immunity without noting that many adults GOT measles...and mumps...and chicken pox...before the vaccines were available. I had all three. So I am a full participant in herd immunity for all three DESPITE the fact that I wouldn't show up as being vaccinated. How's that for solid reasoning?

He then says we're required to believe that
Vaccinations provide lifetime protection!!!
in order to accept the idea of herd immunity. Well...bullshit. We know there are vaccines that don't confer lifetime immunity. Your idiot then makes things worse by posting this chart:


Well...shit...four of the six appear to offer very long term immunity. As for pertussis and diptheria....well, guess what dipshit...GETTING pertussis or diptheria offers no better long term immunity than the vaccine. People can get both...AND tetanus...multiple times in their lives. Since we KNOW that, all three are offered together and a decent doctor will recommend boosters to his patients. But before we had a widely available pertussis vaccine in this country nearly 10,000 children a year DIED from it. Today that number barely hits 20. Diptheria vaccination rates in adults ARE low. Guess what could happen when that occurs? Outbreaks of diptheria as were seen in Russia during the 90's when over 150,000 people contracted the disease and over 5,000 died...because vaccination rates dropped. And that's where morons like YOU want the US

I'm sick of reading your crap. Your blog is complete unadulterated bullshit but you lap it up like a dog dying of thirst and don't even see the glaring idiocy that's directly in front of you. That you would post something this f'n stupid as some kind of defense of your moronic claims is laughable. No...I'm not looking at the rest of your crap...that you think THIS makes your case is reason enough to write you off.
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How's this for Dark Ages human experimentation:

Like Jenner and Pasteur before him, Theiler also saw tragedy follow his vaccine. In the
early 1940s, scientists made Theiler’s vaccine using human serum obtained from several
volunteers, to stabilize the virus. Unfortunately, unnoticed at the time, at least one of these
volunteers was jaundiced, infected with hepatitis B virus. As a consequence, more than
three hundred thousand American servicemen injected with contaminated yellow fever vaccine developed hepatitis, and sixty died.

...because Cutter researchers hadn’t properly filtered out the cells in which they grew
poliovirus, some virus particles effectively escaped the killing effects of formaldehyde. As
a consequence, more than one hundred thousand children were inadvertently injected with
live, dangerous poliovirus. Worse, children injected with Cutter’s vaccine spread polio to
others, starting the first and only manmade polio epidemic. When the dust settled, live
poliovirus contained in Cutter’s vaccine had infected two hundred thousand people; caused
about seventy thousand to develop mild polio; permanently and severely paralyzed two
hundred people, mostly children; and killed ten.

Krugman found that hepatitis developed in 90 percent of children admitted to Willowbrook soon after their arrival. Although it was known that hepatitis was caused by a virus, it wasn’t known how hepatitis virus spread, whether it could be prevented, or how many different types of viruses caused the disease. Krugman used the children of Willowbrook to answer those questions. One of his studies involved feeding live hepatitis virus(feces) to sixty healthy children. Krugman watched as their skin and eyes turned yellow and their livers grew bigger. He watched them vomit and refuse to eat. All the children fed hepatitis virus became ill, some severely. Krugman reasoned that it was justifiable to inoculate retarded children at Willowbrook with hepatitis virus because most of them would get hepatitis anyway. But by purposefully giving the children hepatitis, Krugman increased that chance to 100 percent.

In the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, scientists often tested their vaccines in mentally retarded children. Jonas Salk tested early preparations of his polio vaccine in retarded children at the Polk State School outside of Pittsburgh. At the time of Salk’s experiments, no one in the government, the public, or the media objected to such testing. Everyone did it. Hilary Koprowski, working for the pharmaceutical company Lederle Laboratories, put his experimental live polio vaccine into chocolate milk and fed it to several retarded children in Petaluma, California, and a research team at Boston Children’s Hospital used retarded children to test an experimental measles vaccine.

As always, the end (profit) justifies the means (humans as lab rats). posted all of that and not one single word of it actually speaks to the efficacy of vaccines. Well done.
  • Like
Reactions: Joes Place want to see some solid reasoning, eh? Ok...let's look at this idiotic claim:

Ms. Pisani's infographic above mentions the 95% threshold needed to achieve herd immunity for measles, but she fails to mention one thing: the vaccination rate of all the adults.

Then your idiot goes on some rant about vaccination rates in adults being low. He even provides a chart:


Now maybe YOU can see some relationship between that chart and adult vaccination rates for measles...but I can't. Perhaps you could point out where your idiot documents those low rates for the measles vaccine. Well, you can't but I'm sure you'll find some moronic way to defend your idiot's blatant manipulation of his narrative. BTW, your idiot talks about adult vaccination rates having an impact on herd immunity without noting that many adults GOT measles...and mumps...and chicken pox...before the vaccines were available. I had all three. So I am a full participant in herd immunity for all three DESPITE the fact that I wouldn't show up as being vaccinated. How's that for solid reasoning?

He then says we're required to believe that
Vaccinations provide lifetime protection!!!
in order to accept the idea of herd immunity. Well...bullshit. We know there are vaccines that don't confer lifetime immunity. Your idiot then makes things worse by posting this chart:


Well...shit...four of the six appear to offer very long term immunity. As for pertussis and diptheria....well, guess what dipshit...GETTING pertussis or diptheria offers no better long term immunity than the vaccine. People can get both...AND tetanus...multiple times in their lives. Since we KNOW that, all three are offered together and a decent doctor will recommend boosters to his patients. But before we had a widely available pertussis vaccine in this country nearly 10,000 children a year DIED from it. Today that number barely hits 20. Diptheria vaccination rates in adults ARE low. Guess what could happen when that occurs? Outbreaks of diptheria as were seen in Russia during the 90's when over 150,000 people contracted the disease and over 5,000 died...because vaccination rates dropped. And that's where morons like YOU want the US

I'm sick of reading your crap. Your blog is complete unadulterated bullshit but you lap it up like a dog dying of thirst and don't even see the glaring idiocy that's directly in front of you. That your would post something this f'n stupid as some kind of defense of your moronic claims is laughable. No...I'm not looking at the rest of your crap...that you think THIS makes your case is reason enough to write you off.

Holy shit....he SERIOUSLY posted a graph about vaccination rates for OTHER things, and extrapolated that to measles? That's frigging dumb. posted all of that and not one single word of it actually speaks to the efficacy of vaccines. Well done.
I posted all that? Shucks, that was nothing. Just a little copy and paste from a reliable source on vaccines.

I hadn't realized through all these threads that we've ever discussed the efficacy of vaccines, which I'm not going to deny. The level of efficacy could be debated but that argument seems pointless. It matters not to me if it's 95% or 50%.

All that's ever been argued is A) the risk factor involved, and B) whether anyone - ever - should have the right to force a medical treatment on a human being or their child, and C) at what point are too many vaccines too much for a child to handle. I don't see those ever going away.

You will never change any minds with your personal insults and condescending attitude, but go ahead and keep trying. People with our viewpoints tend to have thick skin; if the snark can be ignored from family and friends it can certainly be brushed off from anonymous posters. :cool:
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I posted all that? Shucks, that was nothing. Just a little copy and paste from a reliable source on vaccines.

I hadn't realized through all these threads that we've ever discussed the efficacy of vaccines, which I'm not going to deny. The level of efficacy could be debated but that argument seems pointless. It matters not to me if it's 95% or 50%.

All that's ever been argued is A) the risk factor involved, and B) whether anyone - ever - should have the right to force a medical treatment on a human being or their child, and C) at what point are too many vaccines too much for a child to handle. I don't see those ever going away.

You will never change any minds with your personal insults and condescending attitude, but go ahead and keep trying. People with our viewpoints tend to have thick skin; if the snark can be ignored from family and friends it can certainly be brushed off from anonymous posters. :cool: posted all of that to admit that your previous post addressed neither A nor B nor C? I fully recognize there is literally - and “literally” in its literal sense - no evidence that would change your mind. Nothing. That’s kind of the point now, isn’t it?
  • Like
Reactions: Joes Place posted all of that to admit that your previous post addressed neither A nor B nor C? I fully recognize there is literally - and “literally” in its literal sense - no evidence that would change your mind. Nothing. That’s kind of the point now, isn’t it?
A, B and C have been debated on hrot for years. It’s not my fault you and your peeps have been unable to assuage the skeptics.

Tell you what though; when your champions of industry @ Merck or GSK or Sanofi-Novartis come up with a preventive jab for auto-immune diseases give us a shout.

Now THERE’S a vaccine you won’t need a fascist government for to force on the people.:p:p:p
Something’s got the sharks smelling blood and circling the waters today.

Offit must be washing his hands in the company pool again.
Something’s got the sharks smelling blood and circling the waters today.

Offit must be washing his hands in the company pool again.
And Wakefield is killing himself laughing at the rubes who actually bought...and STILL buy...his bullshit. Which - by the way - is actually, factually true.
As a consequence, more than
three hundred thousand American servicemen injected with contaminated yellow fever vaccine developed hepatitis, and sixty died.

Now that recruiting poster from high school makes sense:

The Few. The Proud. The Jaundiced.
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As a consequence, more than
three hundred thousand American servicemen injected with contaminated yellow fever vaccine developed hepatitis, and sixty died.

Now that recruiting poster from high school makes sense:

The Few. The Proud. The Jaundiced.
Is that supposed to be in reference to something?

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