Frank Garza Assistant Coach?

Obviously he started with him at a young age. Teaching post offense.

99 percent of kids today don't want to learn post offense.

I don't think Frank probably did a whole lot different than what was done in his day.

He just taught his kid what he knew about basketball, which happen to be more than most parents, and started at an early age.

He doesn't have some magic formula for turning people into Luka.

Most college age kids could never become that because they didn't start when they were young.
This is a good post. I always get a little chuckle out of the statement that someone is just a "natural athlete" when I think the bulk of people that excel at a skill position/sport simply started very early in their mastery of a certain skill. For instance, my daughter was a very good hitter in high school and college softball; I recall at age 3 or 4 where she loved to hit plastic wiffle balls as we pitched to her. Therefore, that hitting skill was ingrained at an early age. Similar to people that can shoot hoops, throw a football, play tennis etc.
Anybody who thinks that Frank Garza made Luka what he is, probably also thought that Todd Lickliter was Butler basketball...
Wow, taking investors’ money for personal use is about as low as it gets.

A parent’s despicable actions do not reflect on anyone else but himself, though, and certainly not his son.

But, man, that is scummy.

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