FRL Today "Spencer is not sick".

I find it comical that they say something that you disagree on a podcast, using all the information that they have provided to them, and you're bashing them and their service just because it's not what you want to hear.

I suppose that you wish that we could go back to the uninformed days of the past where no one covers wrestling at all, other than an article a week....

I have really enjoyed some of the mini movies they've released most of it on Iowa wrestling.

On top of that there's a plethora great technical videos that kids all around the nation can use to learn moves that in some cases they would never learn. Not every town has eminent coaching.

Although the camera work on the PD3 interview was atrocious. I don't understand why they were circling and moving away then toward them all the time. I am assuming they were trying to make it look artistic. It did not.

I'm really looking forward to the piece they're getting ready to release on Askren.

As for it being a for pay service, wrestling is a niche sport, and I'm certain that it doesn't generate the advertising necessary to sustain the service they are providing without it.
I find it comical that they say something that you disagree on a podcast, using all the information that they have provided to them, and you're bashing them and their service just because it's not what you want to hear.

I suppose that you wish that we could go back to the uninformed days of the past where no one covers wrestling at all, other than an article a week....

I have really enjoyed some of the mini movies they've released most of it on Iowa wrestling.

On top of that there's a plethora great technical videos that kids all around the nation can use to learn moves that in some cases they would never learn. Not every town has eminent coaching.

Although the camera work on the PD3 interview was atrocious. I don't understand why they were circling and moving away then toward them all the time. I am assuming they were trying to make it look artistic. It did not.

I'm really looking forward to the piece they're getting ready to release on Askren.

As for it being a for pay service, wrestling is a niche sport, and I'm certain that it doesn't generate the advertising necessary to sustain the service they are providing without it.

FLO is trash
You totally inflate everything and make it personal ! You are the reason Trolls come around you are like a magnet! If I didn't know better your the Northwestern junky to! Damn dude chill out get a better hobby other than stoking a burning flame.

Vodka you should try to unpack this.
Vodka you should try to unpack this.

Didn't inflate anything they said. They're making a bold claim. I'm wondering how they have the necessary Intel to make that claim. The Iowa staff historically has kept health details private. The reason we care about what they say is because they are THE wrestling media. They're the source the vast majority of people are getting their wrestling news from.
What FLO does is great generally for wrestling. However, absolutely hack reporting on Lee. Sad really. At least give yourself an out. That is pathetic. I know certain things from well basicallly the sources and that is just crap for FLO to say. Not only wrong but have no sources. While there are reasons there are no excuses. So be it. I don’t know what will happen in March but Lee “will persevere with no excuses.” I realize trolls like a couple PSU guys and Psycho Twins and well all his ISU idiots throw out lies, but am surprised FLO did that.
What FLO does is great generally for wrestling. However, absolutely hack reporting on Lee. Sad really. At least give yourself an out. That is pathetic. I know certain things from well basicallly the sources and that is just crap for FLO to say. Not only wrong but have no sources. While there are reasons there are no excuses. So be it. I don’t know what will happen in March but Lee “will persevere with no excuses.” I realize trolls like a couple PSU guys and Psycho Twins and well all his ISU idiots throw out lies, but am surprised FLO did that.
The problem with this is Flo probably has sources just like you do. It's hard to say they they have no sources and they are lying and you are telling the truth. There is clearly something off either physically or mentally with Spencer but we probably won't find out until after the season.
The problem with this is Flo probably has sources just like you do. It's hard to say they they have no sources and they are lying and you are telling the truth. There is clearly something off either physically or mentally with Spencer but we probably won't find out until after the season.
All true. Not all sources tell the truth though . It’s possible that the true story might hurt the kid and team so they’re minimizing it.
I agree with you guys on sources. But all I know is whatever source FLO has is not the staff or Lee. All I know is “he is a tough son of a gun and no excuses.” And “he will persevere and there are no excuses.” That is all I will state.
The problem with this is Flo probably has sources just like you do. It's hard to say they they have no sources and they are lying and you are telling the truth. There is clearly something off either physically or mentally with Spencer but we probably won't find out until after the season.
The "source" was likely curious to see if Flo was as ignorant as they thought. The verdict is unanimous.
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I am a fiend for wrestling content. I have to keep Flo to watch meets, specific matches, and the documentaries.

I just can't do FRL anymore, that podcast is garbage. I just roll my eyes any time Pyles and Nomad talk, Its like they never wrestled in their life.
I loved James Green post. I have lost all respect for FLO this year. They have the absolute right to broadcast events, make predictions and provide analysis, but when they get into degrading wrestlers, questioning their character or heart as they did with the whole ducking stuff, it sickens me, because they don't know the facts, yet they spin the most negative narrative possible. None of those guys on that broadcast wrestled at a level that would allow them to understand the challenges these guys go through. You don't hear anybody that wrestled at the DI level ever get as critical as those Jr. High/High school (maybe one or two them wrestled in high school) ever do. It's because the guys that have been in the arena and on that mat know what goes into it. Great post by Green. And as far Spencer, I think FLO only hears what they want to hear and then they sensationalize the information. They heard Tom Brands, say shortcuts, so they talk about Spencer possibly taking short cuts in his training. I've been in that room this year and there are no short cuts. HEY WILLIE, I do know guys on the team and one of the coaches very well and Coach Brands was talking about Spencer using the splits versus getting his hips back as taking a short-cut...but that's too technical for you or your cohorts to understand, so since that's over your head, you go to it must be taking short-cuts in his training. Just as you pull comments out of context for headlines. It's marketing and as long as FLO doesn't cross a line of degrading athletes, I'm good with it. As far as what's wrong, if you didn't practice selective listening, you would have heard his head coach in an interview say, Spencer has battled through being beat-up, hurt and sick, it's been a rough year. What do you not understand in that post? It's the fact that you don't want to hear it. It doesn't fit the negative narrative you and so many other haters want to espouse. Coach Brands who never shares anything, made that comment regarding Spencer's health. So, even if he is healthy now, maybe he's not all the way back into game shape. Let's see what happens in 4-weeks and I can't wait to see how FLO spins whatever Iowa does in a negative manner. I'm a Hawkeye fan and I hope Iowa and Spencer helps you to keep your record of poor predictions running along as being wrong far more times that you guys are ever right. Keep predicting Spencer's demise, because it gives me hope, because I am more worried when you are picking our guys to win.
Anyone that has followed Spencer knows beyond a doubt he’s not 100 percent....his lack of endurance and conditioning aren’t typical....this is totally irresponsible reporting by these idiots.....I personally refuse to subscribe and between BTN2Go and Espn plus.... I can catch 90 percent of Iowa’s matches..... I understand people subscribing for their coverage.... I do find it amusing how many people despise them but feel they need their coverage.... kind of like a utility company they have you by the shorthairs and they’re gonna milk it all they can..... **** em
Why has Lee wrestled all season (18 matches) if something is wrong with him? You have a decent backup you could start while Spencer recuperated from whatever is ailing him. By repeatedly starting him the coaches are effectively stating that nothing is wrong with him.
There are people on this board far far more connected to the Iowa program than Flo. Flo is simply wrong on this topic. Spencer Lee’s issues don’t need to be made public but he certainly isn’t 100%. Lee, Brands, Ironside and a host of other people have alluded to it. Common sense would tell you that it’s a thing.
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ESPN and BTN offer plenty of wrestling. Without the garbage of FLO
Where? Seriously where? I haven't seen it. If you haven't noticed FLO took over most of what used to be the BTN student broadcasts. ESPN is national finals only, but I'm sure you knew that.
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Why has Lee wrestled all season (18 matches) if something is wrong with him? You have a decent backup you could start while Spencer recuperated from whatever is ailing him. By repeatedly starting him the coaches are effectively stating that nothing is wrong with him.
Maybe he is trying to learn how to wrestle and train thru the issue he is having?
So you think Spencer or Brands told them he is healthy? And if so, do you think they'd answer that openly and honestly even if he were dealing with something?
"Assuming the FLO guys are doing their job" to me means, as they were in OKC, they would have asked around. Assuming they didn't hear anything and therefore went with the "healthy" story line. So it was a surprise they were so definitive.
Where? Seriously where? I haven't seen it. If you haven't noticed FLO took over most of what used to be the BTN student broadcasts. ESPN is national finals only, but I'm sure you knew that.

I subscribe to BTN+ and missed only one Iowa dual this year and watched a TON of other Big Ten duals... Every single Big Ten dual is available there.
I subscribe to BTN+ and missed only one Iowa dual this year and watched a TON of other Big Ten duals... Every single Big Ten dual is available there.
Me too - and when I was in Iowa City, my brothers used my login on their smart tv
Did anybody read the article on Desanto and Lee from a week or two ago? In it Tom Brands brought up Lee's health but didn't go into details.
Section from the article:

That, plus some previously undisclosed issues, led to Lee's 7-3 December loss to Northwestern’s Sebastian Rivera.

“The thing is, he understands it’s about getting better,” Brands said. “He had a rough go at the beginning of the year. He was sick, he was hurt, he was banged up, beat up..

There you have it. Straight from Brands' mouth. Why do people (also named Flo) continue to debate? It says it right here.

ESPN doesn't really do anything except for the NCAA tourney and if you're not a fan of a Big Ten team, BTN will not really work for you.

Not quite true. ESPN is showing many or all ACC duals and a lot of MAC. Maybe others.
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My guess is if Spencer fails to win the title this year he and Brands will stick to the “no excuses” mantra, and we may never know what his issue is, which is frustrating as a fan but also admirable. If he does win I think there’s a decent chance they say what he’s been dealing with. If that happens I can’t wait to hear the response from Willie and CP, although knowing what I know about those two they will probably brush it off and act like they did nothing wrong.

I think James Green hit the nail on the head. It’s been pretty amusing to see how butthurt those guys have been this week after a bit of criticism when criticism is the business they’re in. I appreciate what Flo does, and I really like Bader, but some of the crew can be tough to listen to. If they would replace Willie their content could be so much better. CP at least offers some decent insights, but Willie rarely has anything intelligent to add and comes off as a huge baby on social media.
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Here is the absolute most FLO would have gotten. “Everybody is a little dinged this time of year. Spencer is healthy enough to wrestle. No excuses.” He is not close to 100 percent. Jesus Coach recently said he had been sick and hurt. And usually he won’t even say that. FLO wanted clicks and got them by asking if Lee was healthy enough to wrestle and when he took the mat they like a tabloid journal and like all the ISU and PSU trolls transposed to and said he is 100 percent and like that lying douche Psycho Twins said “he has regressed under Brands and is ducking competition.” God would I love a time on the mat with these trolls. Actually a full season and see how they react to injury and sickness and making weight in a one-on-one sport. I digress. But am shocked at FLO. They must really need clicks cause they know what they said isn’t true. Hack journalism or reporting but they know how to drum up traffic. Talking about anybody but Iowa does nothing for them.
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My guess is if Spencer fails to win the title this year he and Brands will stick to the “no excuses” mantra, and we may never know what his issue is, which is frustrating as a fan but also admirable. If he does win I think there’s a decent chance they say what he’s been dealing with. If that happens I can’t wait to hear the response from Willie and CP, although knowing what I know about those two they will probably brush it off and act like they did nothing wrong.

I think James Green hit the nail on the head. It’s been pretty amusing to see how butthurt those guys have been this week after a bit of criticism when criticism is the business they’re in. I appreciate what Flo does, and I really like Bader, but some of the crew can be tough to listen to. If they would replace Willie their content could be so much better. CP at least offers some decent insights, but Willie rarely has anything intelligent to add and comes off as a huge baby on social media.

Does he ever do FRL?
My guess is if Spencer fails to win the title this year he and Brands will stick to the “no excuses” mantra, and we may never know what his issue is, which is frustrating as a fan but also admirable. If he does win I think there’s a decent chance they say what he’s been dealing with. If that happens I can’t wait to hear the response from Willie and CP, although knowing what I know about those two they will probably brush it off and act like they did nothing wrong.

I think James Green hit the nail on the head. It’s been pretty amusing to see how butthurt those guys have been this week after a bit of criticism when criticism is the business they’re in. I appreciate what Flo does, and I really like Bader, but some of the crew can be tough to listen to. If they would replace Willie their content could be so much better. CP at least offers some decent insights, but Willie rarely has anything intelligent to add and comes off as a huge baby on social media.

I don't think the FRL guys are mad about getting critiqued this time as much as the criticism just being dumb.

I've called out the Flo guys before on BWI and here (remember a few weeks ago when the guys kept calling Pyles a Shenandoah Valley HillJack- that was me, because he was acting like an idiot and being arrogant). But this criticism people are having of Flo, from Greg Sesker (an idiot, to be sure) on Intermat, it's dumb. ESPN DIDN'T WANT TO BROADCAST THIS EVENT. NOR DID FOX OR CBS OR BBC OR YOUTUBE. How do I know? Because all of them have more money in their seat cushions than Flo has. It wasn't an option. Flo shouldn't be in the business of giving away their best sellers either. No one was fly by viewing it because it would be on.

I don't mind the FRL guys calling that Greg out over his criticism of them. It's not that he's just wrong and they're right, he's exhibiting levels of stupidity that he knows isn't even legit, for outrage sake. Flo dragging him for that is within the lines.
Actually flo pisses me off more than PSU trolls. Sometimes they have an opportunity to do some really great things, but always seam to revert to Im right your wrong.
Theres been some really good HR threads that no other fan base can offer and yet they troll looking for the most controversial crap they can make fun of.
Every time CP opens his mouth he talks over everyone and argues til the others back down or change to see his point.
Actually saying some of the stupidest things, I have to question whether he actually participated in the sport.
He reminds me of the guy who tells everyone how good he was in 8th grade and beat all the guys that went on to glory.
Actually I'm amazed at his ability to talk non stop since most of the time his mouth is firmly around caels phallic.
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I have both ESPN and BTN+ and I was able to watch PLENTY of wrestling. B1G and ACC. alike. I listen to FRL but I haven't yet taken the leap to subscribe to Flo. They have an agenda, sure they want to promote the sport, but they also want to promote themselves and discourage competition. The fact is that ESPN has far better infrastructure than Flo. I think Flo is being a bit childish about all the heat from the Okie St. / Iowa dual. I actually read Craig Intermat article and not just the headline, and his point was that the dual deserved to be on the platform that shown the greatest light, which is live cable television. At no point did he admonish Flo.