Fuck.....Trump re-starting his MAGA tours to make America worse and keep Republicans in the minority

Jon Heileman on Lib TV started calling Trump Fat Elvis last year. This is going to be Fat Elvis on tour before he croaked on the crapper. Just a vain attempt to keep on playing the golden oldies to the aging fans who will pay to see faded glory on stage.
Safe to assume that Mitch McConnell will not repeat his stinging criticism of Barack Obama, and tell Trump to just shut up and stay in the background, like a good former president should?
did anyone really believe the grift would end by simply voting him out of office? He has been reduced to a clown show going on tour to rile up his base of racists and morons. Criminal charges need to happen sooner than later, I get all parties are building the strongest case possible and that takes time, but the legal hammer needs to come down sooner than later. That is the only way to cut off the proverbial head of the Trump cult and grifting operation.
Trump is just like the rest of us. Covid has been rough and he just wants to get back out there and shake ish.

If DeSantis is planning on protecting Trump from extradition, then I guess it takes the mystery out of where these rallies will be held.
As I said when Trump first said he was moving to Florida, he was playing the long game against prosecutors. I was made fun of a little bit that extradition was a slam dunk, and blah, blah, blah. Delay, deny, delay, deny... Take up time. That was the point of the move.
It’s because the engagement on his dumb blog is horrible. Nobody is retweeting his madness. He needs to give speeches so Fox News can run clips.
It’s because the engagement on his dumb blog is horrible. Nobody is retweeting his madness. He needs to give speeches so Fox News can run clips.
I suppose, but as I have said many times, Trump is in reruns. I don't think 90 minute long riffs about how great everything was under his reign will draw eyeballs beyond the people already watching. As I understand it Fox has lost viewers since the election. All the networks have. Eventually The Apprentice was cancelled because no matter how many twists they gave, it was the same formula, and it was stale. Trump is stale except to the most hardcore viewers of 45's reign.
Like a has-been band that had one hit despite lacking talent, the emotional support rallies are out of people’s weddings and hitting the road!

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Nah. The more exposure this loser gets, the better. The American middle needs to be consistently reminded of exactly who and what the Republicans are embracing.
Trump’s schtick is old hat. If the middle doesn’t know who the republicans are getting behind, then they are just as complacent.

the best thing would be for the media to ignore him. He wants the attention.
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Define “the media”.
What you would likely call mainstCable and network media. The abcs, nbc’s, cnn’s, msnbc’s of the world. Fox will carry it because they are trying to out crazy OAN and Newsmax.

i know conservative and right wing media will cover it, but i dont even want to see left leaning tv/radio/podcast give these rallys any oxygen or see it discussed on any of the opinion shows.

Thats what he gets off on. He craves the attention amd wants his name in the headlines. Unfortunatey these rallys will give him that
Hopefully the indictments will start being issued against him soon.
With each passing day I doubt there will be any charges...and if there are, they won’t be significant enough to keep him from living the grifting life he wants to live.
I know it’s not going to happen because it will be ratings gold for them, but i wish the television media would refuse to air these speeches live
The only major channel that will broadcast them live (possibly) is Fox. Nobody else least that's my prediction.

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