Gals from the 90s.......

The fashion was so baggy and bad, it sure was hard to "rank 'em". But worth a try anyway:


I go with 1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4
Sisterhood of the ugly pants: 3,5,1,2,4,6
Jackie, I'm with you 100%. I graduated high school in 1994 and college in 1998 -- what an awful time to be a young male aged 18-22. 10-15 years before was the Studio 54 era. 10-15 years after was the Real World/Reality TV era. Both were big on opulence, sex, and experimentation.

The 1988-1998 era was brutal. Nancy Reagan proclaiming "Just Say No" to drugs, Magic Johnson's HIV announcement allegedly putting a heterosexual face on the disease, abstinence and teen pregnancy being the issue du jour for every young adult television program, MADD, SADD and every other anti-drinking group staging demonstrations to warn about the dangers of underage drinking, and the absurdity of fashion influenced by grunge musicians and hip hop artists where everything was big, baggy, flannel and ridiculous led to unwarranted sexual frustration.

Remember the Eddie Murphy stand up routine about what came after AIDS? You stuck your d*** in and it just blew up? That's the fear factor they instilled in you during what should have been my greatest years.