Gen Z and Millenial hatred and vitriol toward boomers

You’re assigning that to all Boomers, but it’s Republican Boomers who are at fault. The Paul Ryan and Koch brother types.
Well, see this is the problem right here. This is an idiotic post that proves my point.

The Democrats have been in power more years since 1960.
Looking forward to hearing how Boomer Republicans are at fault.
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It’s our fault?! 😂
You’re right. We didn’t spank you little shits nearly enough.
I never said it was your fault. I said there's plenty of the boomers on here spewing bullshit too. I'll go back to what I said earlier. There's absolutely lazy, entitled millennials out there that want to be given everything. Nowadays they go on social media, and shit goes viral. Then older folks see it, and assume that one person is speaking on behalf of the entire generation.

In every single decade in history, there's lazy people that want free stuff and not want to work. That's not something new that popped up with millennials. The new aspect, is being able to broadcast it to the entire world, which was not a thing for previous generations.

Seeing my post and thinking "Sheesh, they think it's our fault, we didn't spank them enough" is ****ing weird. And if that actually is the root issue here, then your generation is actually to blame. You should have all spanked us more.
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The under 44 crowd seems to dominated the large $400,000+ homes in Iowa city and Des Moines area. They also seem to enjoy big SUVs and trucks. I hope these are not the complainers about no future no money.

And how can you blame boomers and say how great the Biden economy is?
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Are you SERIOUSLY this effin stupid?
Oh, so pensions weren't eliminated? The only places you can still find them are jobs with a strong union presence. And yeah, its your generation that eliminated them under the promise of a 401k replacement. As it turns out, for most people that's not working. Mainly because in order for a 401k to work people's wages needed to increase with the cost of living and that certainly didn't happen.
It’s usually cost effective to use a realtor, because of simple laws of capitalism. People will sell their home for $200k without a realtor and brag that they saved $10k. But, in fact, it’s quite possible they could have gotten $220k for the home if it were exposed to a wider market.

There is a tremendous amount of self-delusion when it comes to the finances around people’s homes. And this is coming from someone who did it all wrong, not someone bragging. We bought a home in 2000 that we sold fifteen years later for 60% more than we paid for it. If you ask my wife she’d probably guess we put $50k into it. But I know we put closer to $200k into it. Her memory, like many people, is selective.
Generally in small towns the value is not hard to determine. When the realtor represents both side you aren’t likely getting top dollar either.
They're almost as addicting as WEED
Actually there are more addicting. Look it up.
Again, If you want more expensive things or nicer things you have to do what it takes to get there. If you want to work your job only and not work more that’s great. But it makes it hard to complain if you don’t get what you want. Especially when you consider you are in a competitive market.

As to the initial context; my wife and I have several younger friends that think the house we live in is where we landed after college and merely a result of the jobs we currently have. They don’t see the crappy starter home you had first. Ie instant gratification. .

I have and do acknowledge the issue created by people/companies buying rental homes and driving up prices. I’d also guess there’s a large number of vrbo renters that complain about home prices.
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Oh, so pensions weren't eliminated? The only places you can still find them are jobs with a strong union presence. And yeah, its your generation that eliminated them under the promise of a 401k replacement. As it turns out, for most people that's not working. Mainly because in order for a 401k to work people's wages needed to increase with the cost of living and that certainly didn't happen.
You might want to look at which party being in control of Congress has the best and worst track record for wage gap.
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Seems like a lot of these arguments against different generations could almost all be blamed on capitalists.

Maybe but who put the capitalists in charge?

We used to have things like regulations and high taxes on high earners to keep the capitalists from getting too much power.

We got rid of those in the 1980's thanks to the votes of boomers. Now shockingly the capitalists own nearly everything because the boomers traded the futures of their children for boosts to their own wealth.
Oh, so pensions weren't eliminated? The only places you can still find them are jobs with a strong union presence. And yeah, it’s your generation that eliminated them under the promise of a 401k replacement. As it turns out, for most people that's not working. Mainly because in order for a 401k to work people's wages needed to increase with the cost of living and that certainly didn't happen.
Boomers pushed for reform of SS that would have allowed workers to use the traditional SS for retirement or to direct that their payroll tax be placed into a 401K account instead but it was defeated in Congress because the Feds wanted those funds in general revenue instead,
Pensions that were not properly set up in the first place to fund in perpetuity began to fail and in many cases the Feds ( uh, we taxpayers) had to “guarantee” them.
Not all pensions were eliminated - not by a long shot. Pension reform is not automatically pension elimination.
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Maybe but who put the capitalists in charge?

We used to have things like regulations and high taxes on high earners to keep the capitalists from getting too much power.

We got rid of those in the 1980's thanks to the votes of boomers. Now shockingly the capitalists own nearly everything because the boomers traded the futures of their children for boosts to their own wealth.
This would be laughable anywhere else. It now appears that woke BS is also being taught in campus Business Schools? Or are you some troll for the CCP sowing misinformation and deliberate discord?
High taxes that were in effect in the 50’s (WWII/FDR) were accompanied by far more write offs that resulted in no one actually paying taxes at those high rates. And very very few earned enough to be taxed at those rates anyway.
Up until the 80’s people could write off things you would never deduct today. Credit card interest used to be deductible, for instance.
Hey, charge it. Create a deduction! Spend money you don’t have.
Excuse me while I go refill my coffee cup and have a good laugh at “who put the capitalists in charge”.
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This would be laughable anywhere else. It now appears that woke BS is also being taught in campus Business Schools? Or are you some troll for the CCP sowing misinformation and deliberate discord?
High taxes that were in effect in the 50’s (WWII/FDR) were accompanied by far more write offs that resulted in no one actually paying taxes at those high rates. And very very few earned enough to be taxed at those rates anyway.
Up until the 80’s people could write off things you would never deduct today. Credit card interest used to be deductible, for instance.
Hey, charge it. Create a deduction! Spend money you don’t have.
Excuse me while I go refill my coffee cup and have a good laugh at “who put the capitalists in charge”.

So dump the write-offs, keep the high tax rates.

Regardless between that and regulations the capitialists have gained more power and wealth in this country than they have had since the gilded age.
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Mostly correct, but there are quite a few democrat boomers that voted for Reagan.
I was still a Democrat and voted that way until the latter part of Reagan’s presidency. Hell yes there was a lot of us who voted for him. Second term at least!
We were a decade out of college, starting families, buying houses, holding down jobs and paying taxes. And Democrats were not full of “squad” types veering the party left at the time either.
We weren’t a mob of radicals that some have portrayed either.
Heck even Abby Hoffman grew up and went to work on Wall Street.
So dump the write-offs, keep the high tax rates.

Regardless between that and regulations the capitialists have gained more power and wealth in this country than they have had since the gilded age.
Making money is not against the law and never has been. Money gives us power…the power of choice. Tell me how and why that’s bad.

More Americans than ever own stock. Nearly 60% of us. We don’t do that just to pass the time of day. We do it because we hope that we’ll make some money.
I was still a Democrat and voted that way until the latter part of Reagan’s presidency. Hell yes there was a lot of us who voted for him. Second term at least!
We were a decade out of college, starting families, buying houses, holding down jobs and paying taxes. And Democrats were not full of “squad” types veering the party left at the time either.
We weren’t a mob of radicals that some have portrayed either.
Heck even Abby Hoffman grew up and went to work on Wall Street.

Reagan's philosophy was radical for it's time. Now it's the norm.

You were radicals that changed what was a good thing in order to sell out your children's futures to increase your own wealth and power.
Making money is not against the law and never has been. Money gives us power…the power of choice. Tell me how and why that’s bad.

More Americans than ever own stock. Nearly 60% of us. We don’t do that just to pass the time of day. We do it because we hope that we’ll make some money.

Making money is not illegal but it comes with responsibility the more you have the higher the responsibility becomes.
Maybe but who put the capitalists in charge?

We used to have things like regulations and high taxes on high earners to keep the capitalists from getting too much power.

We got rid of those in the 1980's thanks to the votes of boomers. Now shockingly the capitalists own nearly everything because the boomers traded the futures of their children for boosts to their own wealth.

I don't completely disagree, I mostly agree. The way it went down I think your average voter didn't understand the impacts of "free trade deals," the impact of the telecommunications act of 96, and the repeal of Glass Steagall the average person doesn't know what that is, and a lot of people only know it is bad on hindsight. With trickle down, we still have people that have faith in it, at the time the average American probably only had the knowledge of the slogans saying what they wanted to claim it would do, and not the ability to foresee the implications of it over 40 years.

I think the takeover of America by capitalists, neoliberals, etc was done on a very intentional way, a way normal American voters can't even conceptualize.

It is also worth considering outside of Reagan's dominate elections that typically over the years voting wise the people are split. So I don't think we can generalize a whole generation of people when plenty of people opposed. I would hate some day for people to be like "effing millennials, they got us Trump Jr as president" when I know he could win with a minority of votes because of electoral college.

It has also been a long time now that people that know at least something about politics know that DC does not vote in legislation for average people that has overwhelming support. Even when Obama won in a big fashion, and controlled every branch, the voters were rewarded with a capitalist healthcare act, and then mostly nothing else. To start breaking some of these 40 plus year patterns, people would need to vote in democratic socialist types which are pretty well propagandized as socialists that are fringe and go to far.

tl;dr shits all messed up, and people are ignorant, regardless of arbitrary generations
Yes, and refusing to acknowledge that things are harder than when we started and when our parents started is dumb.




I certainly don't have a problem with saying things maybe harder. That's because there are more things and those things can be expensive depending on what you buy and the condition. The problem I have is the fact the younger generations are trying to blame previous generations for it.
I don't completely disagree, I mostly agree. The way it went down I think your average voter didn't understand the impacts of "free trade deals," the impact of the telecommunications act of 96, and the repeal of Glass Steagall the average person doesn't know what that is, and a lot of people only know it is bad on hindsight. With trickle down, we still have people that have faith in it, at the time the average American probably only had the knowledge of the slogans saying what they wanted to claim it would do, and not the ability to foresee the implications of it over 40 years.

I think the takeover of America by capitalists, neoliberals, etc was done on a very intentional way, a way normal American voters can't even conceptualize.

It is also worth considering outside of Reagan's dominate elections that typically over the years voting wise the people are split. So I don't think we can generalize a whole generation of people when plenty of people opposed. I would hate some day for people to be like "effing millennials, they got us Trump Jr as president" when I know he could win with a minority of votes because of electoral college.

It has also been a long time now that people that know at least something about politics know that DC does not vote in legislation for average people that has overwhelming support. Even when Obama won in a big fashion, and controlled every branch, the voters were rewarded with a capitalist healthcare act, and then mostly nothing else. To start breaking some of these 40 plus year patterns, people would need to vote in democratic socialist types which are pretty well propagandized as socialists that are fringe and go to far.

tl;dr shits all messed up, and people are ignorant, regardless of arbitrary generations

I would agree. . . the sad thing is that few have really recognized their errors. I guess most likely that is because it worked out well for them, so they either don't care how other people are getting screwed.
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Well, see this is the problem right here. This is an idiotic post that proves my point.

The Democrats have been in power more years since 1960.
Looking forward to hearing how Boomer Republicans are at fault.
As a Democrat I totally agree with you.
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I would agree. . . the sad thing is that few have really recognized their errors. I guess most likely that is because it worked out well for them, so they either don't care how other people are getting screwed.

There is that, certainly worth considering.
So dump the write-offs, keep the high tax rates.

Regardless between that and regulations the capitialists have gained more power and wealth in this country than they have had since the gilded age.
The Gilded Age is a fascinating period of American history and a popular and informative study.
The so-called Robber Barons were actually a very small group of men with some common traits and ideals who changed America and accumulated wealth along the way like no one else before them.
Some were immigrants (Germans who brewed beer, the DuPonts, Carnegie, etc) and they proved that America was a land of opportunity. The recent flood of undocumented people at our border should be so fortunate for America but sadly 60% of them are already receiving US Federal taxpayer funded benefits. And it’s not hurting the still very small group of ultra wealthy- we, the middle class, are shouldering the burden.
If you’re worth millions you can still afford what you need and you don’t care that you’re paying $7 for a jar of mayonnaise. The rest of us do notice it though. “Taxing the rich” won’t change that. Understanding the reasons why that Mayo is now so much more costly takes some effort - so yelling out silly slogans about taxes is easier and fires up the uninformed, so that’s what we hear.
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There is that, certainly worth considering.

And therein lies the problem.

The boomers are the first generation in American history to do better than their children. This was coming, we were talking about this 30 freaking years ago. And now it came and still few of them have turned looked at it and even admit that they screwed the whole thing up.

Hell they won't even give up power. Tons of boomers sitting in congress right now who will likely be there til they die.
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So dump the write-offs, keep the high tax rates.

Regardless between that and regulations the capitialists have gained more power and wealth in this country than they have had since the gilded age.
You don't like capitalists?

Do you realize all of the technical and other innovation made possible by those capitalists you're referring to?

Oh, wealth isn't a zero sum game. I'd venture a guess that you are wealthier than half the people in the world. Do you have wealth envy?

The number of Americans with $1 million or more in investible assets surged to a record 14.6 million in 2021, according to a report from wealth research firm the Spectrem Group.

The number of Americans with $1 million or more in investible assets surged to a record 14.6 million in 2021, up from 13.3 million in 2020, according to a report from wealth research firm the Spectrem Group.
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Reagan's philosophy was radical for it's time. Now it's the norm.

You were radicals that changed what was a good thing in order to sell out your children's futures to increase your own wealth and power.
I’ve never sold out anything about my children’s future. My husband and I made sure we funded our kids college savings first before we funded our own savings.
Radicals? LOL.
Are you for real?
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And therein lies the problem.

The boomers are the first generation in American history to do better than their children. This was coming, we were talking about this 30 freaking years ago. And now it came and still few of them have turned looked at it and even admit that they screwed the whole thing up.

Hell they won't even give up power. Tons of boomers sitting in congress right now who will likely be there til they die.
Who keeps voting for them?
You should stop posting. You’re just making a fool of yourself.
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The Gilded Age is a fascinating period of American history and a popular and informative study.
The so-called Robber Barons were actually a very small group of men with some common traits and ideals who changed America and accumulated wealth along the way like no one else before them.
Some were immigrants (Germans who brewed beer, the DuPonts, Carnegie, etc) and they proved that America was a land of opportunity. The recent flood of undocumented people at our border should be so fortunate for America but sadly 60% of them are already receiving US Federal taxpayer funded benefits. And it’s not hurting the still very small group of ultra wealthy- we, the middle class, are shouldering the burden.
If you’re worth millions you can still afford what you need and you don’t care that you’re paying $7 for a jar of mayonnaise. The rest of us do notice it though. “Taxing the rich” won’t change that. Understanding the reasons why that Mayo is now so much more costly takes some effort - so yelling out silly slogans about taxes is easier and fires up the uninformed, so that’s what we hear.

The reason for that was the Trump administration kicked off a massive increase in M2 and his hand picked people in the fed did not adjust the interest rates accordingly to cool down the massive increases in M2.
Who keeps voting for them?
You should stop posting. You’re just making a fool of yourself.


I’ve never sold out anything about my children’s future. My husband and I made sure we funded our kids college savings first before we funded our own savings.
Radicals? LOL.
Are you for real?

That's nice for your children. Kind of screwed over the kids of poorer families though. Which is why today we have so little economic mobility.

If your generation had kept up funding public college like it needs to be funded tuition should right now be about $4,000 a year.
I certainly don't have a problem with saying things maybe harder. That's because there are more things and those things can be expensive depending on what you buy and the condition. The problem I have is the fact the younger generations are trying to blame previous generations for it.
Agree. This is the crew who’s starting each day with an $8 soy latte from Starbucks.
I went to Starbucks once about three years ago.
Do I get a participation trophy?
The reason for that was the Trump administration kicked off a massive increase in M2 and his hand picked people in the fed did not adjust the interest rates accordingly to cool down the massive increases in M2.
JFC. Just stop using big words, terms and abbreviations you heard in class. That one time you went.
You don't like capitalists?

Do you realize all of the technical and other innovation made possible by those capitalists you're referring to?

Oh, wealth isn't a zero sum game. I'd venture a guess that you are wealthier than half the people in the world. Do you have wealth envy?

The number of Americans with $1 million or more in investible assets surged to a record 14.6 million in 2021, according to a report from wealth research firm the Spectrem Group.

The number of Americans with $1 million or more in investible assets surged to a record 14.6 million in 2021, up from 13.3 million in 2020, according to a report from wealth research firm the Spectrem Group.


There is only so much wealth in this country. It is constantly increasing but it can only increase so fast. And those increases have been going to the people who least need them for 40 to 50 years now.

If Capitalists didn't buy and pay for congress, paid their employees fairly and paid their fair share of taxes I would like them just fine. But they don't.
Oh, so pensions weren't eliminated? The only places you can still find them are jobs with a strong union presence. And yeah, its your generation that eliminated them under the promise of a 401k replacement. As it turns out, for most people that's not working. Mainly because in order for a 401k to work people's wages needed to increase with the cost of living and that certainly didn't happen.

Pensions were eliminated for a number of reasons. For one, why should a company be forced to manage your retirement funds. Yes there are pensions that gave some people a decent retirement. My dad was one of them. But there are downsides to pensions as well. My dad worked for the same company for 30+ years to get that pension. Many Millennial's have a hard time staying at a job for 5 years. Having a 401k that followers the person, allows people to move from company to company and seek better pay and working conditions. My dad retired as soon as he could because of the working conditions and the pay increases.