Welp, there we have it.
Amit Elor wins Gold.
The next "Tranny" for the MAGAs to chirp about.
- Opened Vs previous world champ: 10-2 (dominated)
- Quarterfinal bout: 8-0
- Semifinal bout: 10-0
- Gold medal: 3-0
Just destroyed the rest of the women's competition, and she checks all the boxes for the MAGAs:
✔️ Strange name that sounds un-'merican: Amit Elor
✔️ Immigrant parents, so a "foreigner"
✔️ From CA (I believe), so probably a "liberal"
✔️ Practically unscored on the entire Olympics (garbage seconds last takedown by previous world champ in rout)
✔️ We have no chromosome test here, so almost surely "a guy"