George Zimmerman shot in road rage incident

You have lost your mind if you're defending this guy,

"Apart from the 2012 Martin shooting, Zimmerman has had other encounters with the law, including two incidents in 2005, five incidents in 2013 and other incidents in following years.[26]

In July 2005, when he was 21, Zimmerman was arrested after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent while a friend of Zimmerman's was being arrested for underage drinking. The officer alleged that Zimmerman had said, "I don't care who you are," followed by a profanity, and had refused to leave the area after the officer had shown their badge.[27] The charges were subsequently dropped when Zimmerman entered a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.[3][28] Also in 2005, Zimmerman's ex-fiancée filed a restraining order against him, alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman requested a reciprocal restraining order. Both orders were granted.[3][29] These incidents were raised by prosecutors at Zimmerman's initial bond hearing. The judge described them as "run of the mill."[30][31]

On September 9, 2013, in Lake Mary, police responded to a 911 call by Zimmerman's estranged wife, who reported that Zimmerman had threatened her and her father with a gun and had punched her father in the face. Zimmerman was briefly detained and questioned by police.[32] No gun was found at the scene. Police took a broken iPad from the scene for examination of a video recording of the incident to determine whether to press charges against either Zimmerman or his wife.[33] His wife declined to press charges, later expressing regret about her decision.[34] After determining that the iPad video could not be recovered, the Lake Mary police department announced they would not be pressing charges against Zimmerman, his wife, or her father.[35]

On November 18, 2013, Zimmerman's girlfriend called the police alleging that after she had asked Zimmerman to leave her home, he had pointed a shotgun at her and begun breaking her belongings.[36] The police reported that Zimmerman had barricaded himself inside the apartment before they had made their way inside and arrested him.[37] He was charged with aggravated assault with a weapon – a felony – as well as domestic violence battery and criminal mischief.[38][39] On December 6, Zimmerman's girlfriend asked that the charges against Zimmerman be dropped and that the restraining order barring him from seeing her be lifted, after which prosecutors said that they would no longer be pursuing a case against him.[40][41]

On Tuesday September 9, 2014, George Zimmerman was named by police in a road rage incident where he reportedly threatened and followed another driver.[42] Zimmerman reportedly responded aggressively when he noticed another driver pointing at him. According to the other driver Zimmerman said "Do you know who I am?" before saying, "I'll (expletive) kill you." Zimmerman allegedly followed the other driver to a parking lot while the driver called 911, but he fled before the police arrived.[43] The other driver declined to press charges.

On January 9, 2015, Zimmerman was arrested by Lake Murray police and charged with aggravated assault with a weapon after allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his ex-girlfriend.[44] He was released on bond the following day.[45] The charges were later dropped after the complainant recanted her story.[46]"
You have lost your mind if you're defending this guy,

"Apart from the 2012 Martin shooting, Zimmerman has had other encounters with the law, including two incidents in 2005, five incidents in 2013 and other incidents in following years.[26]

In July 2005, when he was 21, Zimmerman was arrested after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent while a friend of Zimmerman's was being arrested for underage drinking. The officer alleged that Zimmerman had said, "I don't care who you are," followed by a profanity, and had refused to leave the area after the officer had shown their badge.[27] The charges were subsequently dropped when Zimmerman entered a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.[3][28] Also in 2005, Zimmerman's ex-fiancée filed a restraining order against him, alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman requested a reciprocal restraining order. Both orders were granted.[3][29] These incidents were raised by prosecutors at Zimmerman's initial bond hearing. The judge described them as "run of the mill."[30][31]

On September 9, 2013, in Lake Mary, police responded to a 911 call by Zimmerman's estranged wife, who reported that Zimmerman had threatened her and her father with a gun and had punched her father in the face. Zimmerman was briefly detained and questioned by police.[32] No gun was found at the scene. Police took a broken iPad from the scene for examination of a video recording of the incident to determine whether to press charges against either Zimmerman or his wife.[33] His wife declined to press charges, later expressing regret about her decision.[34] After determining that the iPad video could not be recovered, the Lake Mary police department announced they would not be pressing charges against Zimmerman, his wife, or her father.[35]

On November 18, 2013, Zimmerman's girlfriend called the police alleging that after she had asked Zimmerman to leave her home, he had pointed a shotgun at her and begun breaking her belongings.[36] The police reported that Zimmerman had barricaded himself inside the apartment before they had made their way inside and arrested him.[37] He was charged with aggravated assault with a weapon – a felony – as well as domestic violence battery and criminal mischief.[38][39] On December 6, Zimmerman's girlfriend asked that the charges against Zimmerman be dropped and that the restraining order barring him from seeing her be lifted, after which prosecutors said that they would no longer be pursuing a case against him.[40][41]

On Tuesday September 9, 2014, George Zimmerman was named by police in a road rage incident where he reportedly threatened and followed another driver.[42] Zimmerman reportedly responded aggressively when he noticed another driver pointing at him. According to the other driver Zimmerman said "Do you know who I am?" before saying, "I'll (expletive) kill you." Zimmerman allegedly followed the other driver to a parking lot while the driver called 911, but he fled before the police arrived.[43] The other driver declined to press charges.

On January 9, 2015, Zimmerman was arrested by Lake Murray police and charged with aggravated assault with a weapon after allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his ex-girlfriend.[44] He was released on bond the following day.[45] The charges were later dropped after the complainant recanted her story.[46]"

Not defending, they are worshipping Zimm.
Um. If Zimmerman stays in his truck and doesn't unnecessarily follow an unarmed teenager than both make it home.

You can blame Martin all you want but what exactly was he doing wrong?

He attacked and assaulted GZ, and was pounding his head on the concrete sidewalk. A witness and forensic evidence confirmed this. Sorry, but that's the fact.

Also, the evidence was that GZ was no longer following TM, but was returning to his truck when the final encounter took place.
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You have lost your mind if you're defending this guy,

"Apart from the 2012 Martin shooting, Zimmerman has had other encounters with the law, including two incidents in 2005, five incidents in 2013 and other incidents in following years.[26]

In July 2005, when he was 21, Zimmerman was arrested after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent while a friend of Zimmerman's was being arrested for underage drinking. The officer alleged that Zimmerman had said, "I don't care who you are," followed by a profanity, and had refused to leave the area after the officer had shown their badge.[27] The charges were subsequently dropped when Zimmerman entered a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.[3][28] Also in 2005, Zimmerman's ex-fiancée filed a restraining order against him, alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman requested a reciprocal restraining order. Both orders were granted.[3][29] These incidents were raised by prosecutors at Zimmerman's initial bond hearing. The judge described them as "run of the mill."[30][31]

On September 9, 2013, in Lake Mary, police responded to a 911 call by Zimmerman's estranged wife, who reported that Zimmerman had threatened her and her father with a gun and had punched her father in the face. Zimmerman was briefly detained and questioned by police.[32] No gun was found at the scene. Police took a broken iPad from the scene for examination of a video recording of the incident to determine whether to press charges against either Zimmerman or his wife.[33] His wife declined to press charges, later expressing regret about her decision.[34] After determining that the iPad video could not be recovered, the Lake Mary police department announced they would not be pressing charges against Zimmerman, his wife, or her father.[35]

On November 18, 2013, Zimmerman's girlfriend called the police alleging that after she had asked Zimmerman to leave her home, he had pointed a shotgun at her and begun breaking her belongings.[36] The police reported that Zimmerman had barricaded himself inside the apartment before they had made their way inside and arrested him.[37] He was charged with aggravated assault with a weapon – a felony – as well as domestic violence battery and criminal mischief.[38][39] On December 6, Zimmerman's girlfriend asked that the charges against Zimmerman be dropped and that the restraining order barring him from seeing her be lifted, after which prosecutors said that they would no longer be pursuing a case against him.[40][41]

On Tuesday September 9, 2014, George Zimmerman was named by police in a road rage incident where he reportedly threatened and followed another driver.[42] Zimmerman reportedly responded aggressively when he noticed another driver pointing at him. According to the other driver Zimmerman said "Do you know who I am?" before saying, "I'll (expletive) kill you." Zimmerman allegedly followed the other driver to a parking lot while the driver called 911, but he fled before the police arrived.[43] The other driver declined to press charges.

On January 9, 2015, Zimmerman was arrested by Lake Murray police and charged with aggravated assault with a weapon after allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his ex-girlfriend.[44] He was released on bond the following day.[45] The charges were later dropped after the complainant recanted her story.[46]"

First, I am not "defending" GZ. Second, how could all of these post TM events been relevant to the issue of what happened between TM and GZ? It is metaphysically impossible.
Also, are some here failing to comprehend that the reported incident today involved someone shooting at GZ, not GZ shooting at anyone?
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He attacked and assaulted GZ, and was pounding his head on the concrete sidewalk. A witness and forensic evidence confirmed this. Sorry, but that's the fact.

Also, the evidence was that GZ was no longer following TM, but was returning to his truck when the final encounter took place.
You are flat out wrong. There were no witnesses at all that saw the beginning or end of the fight. The witnesses had conflicting versions of what they saw with some claiming TM was on bottom and screaming for help and one with the opposite. Nearly every witness that support GZ was either a friend or family member of his. Of course the one family member who claimed that he raped her didn't support him.

The forensic evidence was not conclusive of his head being pounded. In fact the medical examiner said it was highly unlikely. None of the witnesses claimed to have seen that action either. They saw punches being thrown only and that is all that the forensic evidence supported.

Your facts are just flat out wrong.

As for your response to my last post, some of those incidents were before he became a murderer. The ones after just show us what a POS he really is and it would would be dumb to ignore them today.
Don't get more wrong, from what we know it sounded like things just spiraled and got out of hand, but the more that comes out from him, the more it makes me think he was looking for some trouble when he approached trayvonn
From everything that came out about Martin I would say he was either looking to steal or looking to initiate something with George...I say Zim did the right thing...he defended himself against a criminal.
You are flat out wrong. There were no witnesses at all that saw the beginning or end of the fight. The witnesses had conflicting versions of what they saw with some claiming TM was on bottom and screaming for help and one with the opposite. Nearly every witness that support GZ was either a friend or family member of his. Of course the one family member who claimed that he raped her didn't support him.

The forensic evidence was not conclusive of his head being pounded. In fact the medical examiner said it was highly unlikely. None of the witnesses claimed to have seen that action either. They saw punches being thrown only and that is all that the forensic evidence supported.

Your facts are just flat out wrong.

As for your response to my last post, some of those incidents were before he became a murderer. The ones after just show us what a POS he really is and it would would be dumb to ignore them today.

Well, when you resort to out and out lying, it is hard to have a rational debate.
Look, the fact remains that the police and the district attorney initially investigated this incident and the DA determined (correctly it turned out) that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. Only after politically correct pressure was applied, the state caved in to pressure and decided to prosecute.

The state committed a ton of resources to this case, put a top prosecutor on it, and they committed numerous ethical violations in an effort to convict GZ. The pulled out all the stops. Nevertheless, despite all of that, a jury heard all the evidence and acquitted GZ. Game over.

Lose with some class.
"Dr. Valerie Rao, a medical examiner who reviewed video and photographs of Zimmerman's injuries, testified that she thought Zimmerman's wounds were "insignificant" and "non-life threatening." She said that Zimmerman's head may have only hit the concrete a single time and the injuries were so minor that they were not consistent with grave force.[129][130]"

" She commented that when the porch lights are off, it is "pitch black" in the yard, but that she could see well enough to see that the person on top was wearing a dark or black shirt or jacket. West asked her to reconcile Martin's chest wound, with her testimony that Zimmerman stood up from on top, with Martin underneath him, face down. West pressed her to admit that she assumed which voice was which, but she replied that she felt the aggressive voice was "a man's", and that the other voice was higher pitched and she felt that it was "a boy's"

"He could not hear any pounding or hitting, but did see "downward arm motion, multiple times" that "looked like punches" from the person on top. He heard a "help" from the person on the bottom, and Good said "cut it out", and that he was going to call 911. He went back inside to call 911, but he heard a gunshot before the call was completed. Good's call to 911 was played for the jury."
From everything that came out about Martin I would say he was either looking to steal or looking to initiate something with George...I say Zim did the right thing...he defended himself against a criminal.
Trayvonn didn't need to confront him, but he did and it was the WRONG choice. If Zimmerman had never followed Trayvonn, Trayvonn wouldn't have needed to confront Zimmerman. So yes, Trayvonn was wrong, but Zimmerman was the one who started the situation by following Trayvonn. If you were out and seem someone following your daughter are you gonna ignore it or are you going to see what the hell the guy wants?
Look, the fact remains that the police and the district attorney initially investigated this incident and the DA determined (correctly it turned out) that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. Only after politically correct pressure was applied, the state caved in to pressure and decided to prosecute.

The state committed a ton of resources to this case, put a top prosecutor on it, and they committed numerous ethical violations in an effort to convict GZ. The pulled out all the stops. Nevertheless, despite all of that, a jury heard all the evidence and acquitted GZ. Game over.

Lose with some class.
I will agree that there was not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman, but a gut feeling just tells me, something was not right with this situation.
Trayvonn didn't need to confront him, but he did and it was the WRONG choice. If Zimmerman had never followed Trayvonn, Trayvonn wouldn't have needed to confront Zimmerman. So yes, Trayvonn was wrong, but Zimmerman was the one who started the situation by following Trayvonn. If you were out and seem someone following your daughter are you gonna ignore it or are you going to see what the hell the guy wants?
It was his job to follow "suspicious" looking characters. Martin attacked him when he got his little "tude" and now he is dead. Shouldn't have happened and maybe Zim should have just walked away but as far as I'm concerned George was defending his life and had every right to do anything he felt is obvious the jury agrees with me as well.
It was his job to follow "suspicious" looking characters. Martin attacked him when he got his little "tude" and now he is dead. Shouldn't have happened and maybe Zim should have just walked away but as far as I'm concerned George was defending his life and had every right to do anything he felt is obvious the jury agrees with me as well.

Me too. Little dude got smoked cuz what he was doin. Don't start no shit/won't be no shizit.
It was his job to follow "suspicious" looking characters. Martin attacked him when he got his little "tude" and now he is dead. Shouldn't have happened and maybe Zim should have just walked away but as far as I'm concerned George was defending his life and had every right to do anything he felt is obvious the jury agrees with me as well.
No, he was a volunteer. It wasn't his job, also neighborhood watch is not supposed to follow, only report. Their policy also forbids guns and insists on listening to police instructions. So basically he did everything wrong.
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No, he was a volunteer. It wasn't his job, also neighborhood watch is not supposed to follow, only report. Their policy also forbids guns and insists on listening to police instructions. So basically he did everything wrong.
I've already stated he didn't handle the situation right...he should have reported it and walked. He was a nobody looking to be important...but he also felt he was doing what he was asked. Tons of blame to go around...a kid is dead...never a good thing...but when confronted by someone who was obviously trying to harm him he did the same thing you and I would have reluctantly done...and that is all I am saying...don't bash the guy for doing something we all would have done.
I've already stated he didn't handle the situation right...he should have reported it and walked. He was a nobody looking to be important...but he also felt he was doing what he was asked. Tons of blame to go around...a kid is dead...never a good thing...but when confronted by someone who was obviously trying to harm him he did the same thing you and I would have reluctantly done...and that is all I am saying...don't bash the guy for doing something we all would have done.
There is no way in hell I would have done what GZ did. Of course he deserves bashing. He is a hothead nut who is also a domestic abuser and chronic road rager. George did the confronting. That is fact. Had he not followed TM then there would have been no fight. He gets no pass from me.
No, he was a volunteer. It wasn't his job, also neighborhood watch is not supposed to follow, only report. Their policy also forbids guns and insists on listening to police instructions. So basically he did everything wrong.

If little dude don't start shizit, he don't get smoked. Easy as that. Don't be blamin for something he got no choice but to do.
Also, are some here failing to comprehend that the reported incident today involved someone shooting at GZ, not GZ shooting at anyone?

Are you failing to read the story to know that dipshit Zimmerman was waving his gun at someone. Just so happened the other person had a gun too this time and GZ got shot...sadly not in the head.
I've already stated he didn't handle the situation right...he should have reported it and walked. .
Well duh. that is what I've been trying to tell you. I've stated both parties handled the situation wrong. I admit that there was not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman. All I'm saying is something just doesn't feel right about this and the more I hear about Zimmerman, the more it feels wrong to me.
You're grammar is almost as bad as your opinion. Zimmerman had no choice? Lol
Nah man, it's slang...sorry I'll speak more clear. Once GZ got attacked then he got to shoot. I ain't saying he's perfect, but dude had no choice once he gettin his ass beat.
Nah man, it's slang...sorry I'll speak more clear. Once GZ got attacked then he got to shoot. I ain't saying he's perfect, but dude had no choice once he gettin his ass beat.
Just out of curiosity, how do you know Zimmerman didn't throw the first punch? Because he said so? But he's also the guy who stalked an unarmed person through an apartment complex for no reason. He's the guy who demonstrably lied about their encounter. But we should believe him about THAT? Why?
Look, the fact remains that the police and the district attorney initially investigated this incident and the DA determined (correctly it turned out) that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. Only after politically correct pressure was applied, the state caved in to pressure and decided to prosecute.

The state committed a ton of resources to this case, put a top prosecutor on it, and they committed numerous ethical violations in an effort to convict GZ. The pulled out all the stops. Nevertheless, despite all of that, a jury heard all the evidence and acquitted GZ. Game over.

Lose with some class.

And OJ didn't do it, either.
Just out of curiosity, how do you know Zimmerman didn't throw the first punch? Because he said so? But he's also the guy who stalked an unarmed person through an apartment complex for no reason. He's the guy who demonstrably lied about their encounter. But we should believe him about THAT? Why?

Look man. I ain't got nothin for GZ. Dudes a punk if you ask me. I'm just goin off what they had in court. No doubt none this sht would happen if GZ stays home.
Hispanic isn't a race, you know. It's like you're saying to someone who says they're Scandinavian..."oh, you're not white?"
Nevertheless it's still a valid question. Is Zimmerman white? He's part Afro-Peruvian on his mother's side.
He attacked and assaulted GZ, and was pounding his head on the concrete sidewalk. A witness and forensic evidence confirmed this. Sorry, but that's the fact.

Also, the evidence was that GZ was no longer following TM, but was returning to his truck when the final encounter took place.

You would be incorrect. Hardly surprising. John Good testified that Martin was on top but that he did not see Martin banging Zimmerman's head on the concrete. Jonathan Manalo testified only to what he saw afterwards, he didn't see the fight at all. Selma Mora testified that it was Zimmerman on top - she said it was the person in black and red. Zimmerman was wearing a black and red jacket that night.
No one saw what started the fight but we do know what Zimmerman claimed THAT NIGHT.


He claimed to police that Martin approached him as he stood up near the Total Station mark. He claimed that Martin sucker punched him knocking him on his back and that Martin jumped on him and started beating him.

You can read it for yourself:

The problem with that is that Martin's body is 30 feet south of that point. So tell us coff...if Zimmerman was heading back to his truck when Martin assaulted him (he would have been heading right to left across the top of the diagram), how did they end up thirty feet away from that point? How did Zimmerman slide 30 feet south...while flat on his back...with Martin hammering on his head?

BTW, he also claimed he walked all that way to find the name of a street in a complex he supposedly patrolled that has all of three named streets. And he couldn't remember the name of the street where he parked his truck. Yeah...this guy is all kinds of believable.


"Shooting of Trayvon Martin map" by HectorMoffet - Rendered in Inkscape using Open Map data. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
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Oh, he's a douchebag. hgThere's never been any question about that. But I don't think he's a murderer.

He initially went back to his truck after Trayvon took off running. Then he got back out and headed in the same direction because he wanted to get eyes on him to point him out to police when they arrived. Meanwhile, Trayvon got pissed and decided to double back and confront the guy who was following him.

He never returned to his truck. Ever.

The confrontatiom occurred - what, 80 feet from the truck? Maybe a hundred? The details are a little rusty for me. But the idea that nothing would have happened if GZ stayed in his truck simply isn't true. TM was looking for GZ just as GZ was looking for TM, and TM would have found him even if GZ had stayed in his truck.

Try about 250 feet from his truck. And Zimmerman said he walked all that way because he was looking for a street sign so he could direct the police. He's looking for a street sign. In a complex HE patrols. A complex with three named streets. And he can't remember the name of the street he's on. Right.

GZ wasn't looking for a fight. He just wanted to keep TM in sight to point him out to police. He wouldn't have summoned the authorities first if he was just looking to kill a black guy.

No...he was looking to be a hero. Because "these assholes, they always get away". He chased Martin...he caught Martin...he tried to restrain to keep that "asshole" from getting away. That narrative fits the facts far better than the fairy tale Zimmerman tells. The problem is that Zimmerman is the only one talking.
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You would be incorrect. Hardly surprising. John Good testified that Martin was on top but that he did not see Martin banging Zimmerman's head on the concrete. Jonathan Manalo testified only to what he saw afterwards, he didn't see the fight at all. Selma Mora testified that it was Zimmerman on top - she said it was the person in black and red. Zimmerman was wearing a black and red jacket that night.
No one saw what started the fight but we do know what Zimmerman claimed THAT NIGHT.


He claimed to police that Martin approached him as he stood up near the Total Station mark. He claimed that Martin sucker punched him knocking him on his back and that Martin jumped on him and started beating him.

You can read it for yourself:

The problem with that is that Martin's body is 30 feet south of that point. So tell us coff...if Zimmerman was heading back to his truck when Martin assaulted him (he would have been heading right to left across the top of the diagram), how did they end up thirty feet away from that point? How did Zimmerman slide 30 feet south...while flat on his back...with Martin hammering on his head?

BTW, he also claimed he walked all that way to find the name of a street in a complex he supposedly patrolled that has all of three named streets. And he couldn't remember the name of the street where he parked his truck. Yeah...this guy is all kinds of believable.


"Shooting of Trayvon Martin map" by HectorMoffet - Rendered in Inkscape using Open Map data. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
I can tell you put a great deal of effort into this to share with us...I for one am impressed.
He never returned to his truck. Ever.
He most certainly did. Listen to the audio recording of his phone call again. When the police dispatcher asks him if he is following Martin and Zimmerman replies that he is, we can hear wind noise being picked up by his phone's mic. The dispatcher tells Zimmerman "we don't need you to do that." Several seconds later we hear the sound of a door opening as well as the familiar "door is ajar" chime. Then we hear a door close and both the chime and the wind noise stop.

That was Zimmerman getting back into his truck.
He most certainly did. Listen to the audio recording of his phone call again. When the police dispatcher asks him if he is following Martin and Zimmerman replies that he is, we can hear wind noise being picked up by his phone's mic. The dispatcher tells Zimmerman "we don't need you to do that." Several seconds later we hear the sound of a door opening as well as the familiar "door is ajar" chime. Then we hear a door close and both the chime and the wind noise stop.

That was Zimmerman getting back into his truck.

Well, I'll just assume you have a faulty memory. The sounds you refer to are Zimmerman getting OUT of his truck. His own police statement proves you don't know what you're talking about:

I told the dispatch I did not know but I was out of my vehicle looking for a street sign & the direction the suspect went. The dispatch told me not to follow the suspect and that an officer was in route. As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said “you got a problem” I said “no” the suspect said “you do now”. And [illegible] and tried to find my phone to dial 911 the suspect punched me in the face. I fell backwards onto my back. The suspect got on top of me.

He NEVER went back to his truck after the dispatcher told him to break off the chase.

The 911 transcript proves it as well.

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Ambient sounds are heard which may be Zimmerman unbuckling his seat belt and his vehicle's "open door" chime sounding. The change in his voice and the sound of wind against his cell phone mic indicate that he has left his vehicle and is now walking. The dispatcher seems to pick up on these changes and sounds concerned when he later asks Zimmerman if he is following Martin.

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

Zimmerman: The back entrance…(expletive)(unclear)

Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.

It's already been established that Zimmerman claims this is the point that he started walking back to his truck and was attacked.'re just wrong. He most certainly did NOT return to his truck. EVER.
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Nobody really gives a crap what you believe, Travelon picked the wrong guy to try to murder.

From Zimmerman's police statement:

I unholstered my firearm in fear for my life as he had assured he was going to kill me and fired one shot into his torso. The suspect got back allowing me to sit up and said “you got me.” At this point I slid out from underneath him and got on top of the suspect holding his hands away from his body.

Martin's body was found 30 feet from where Zimmerman claimed he was knocked down. Oh yeah...the police reported that Martin was face-down and his hands were underneath his body. Figure that one out for us. Or is it enough for you that he was black?

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