Georgia Mass Shooter

Good start, but not far enough. I continue to believe that if you give a gun to someone who commits a crime you should face the identical charges as if you were the person committing the crime. First degree murder for the dad. F*ck him, let him spend his life in jail or face the death penalty depending on the state.
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Not sure how true it is but there are facebook posts by his mother circulating saying it's bullshit they're trying him as an adult and the system is being unfair to her son.

I mean, she is the mom, it's her job to defend HER child. But, treat your kid like an adult (give them a gun) they will be treated like an adult by the rest of us when he commits an adult crime.
I mean, she is the mom, it's her job to defend HER child. But, treat your kid like an adult (give them a gun) they will be treated like an adult by the rest of us when he commits an adult crime.
When your kid murders 4 ppl you don’t get to defend them anymore. No reasonable or sensible parent would. Doesn’t mean you can’t love them but actions have consequences and in happen they lock up…he’ll fry the dad for all I care
I would be interested to know the mom’s story. I assumed since it was only the kid’s 2nd day in the school that he started the school year with his mom and she sent him back to dad. Possibly because he was psycho.
I don’t know if this has been talked about in other threads, but how does a 14 year-old get an AR gun to school? Does it fit in a backpack? Under a coat he was wearing? And no one saw him put the gun in his locker?
It wouldn’t take much to take it apart and reassemble in a bathroom stall.
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Double standards exist in society, but this is quite possible the dumbest shit written about school shootings to date. Congratulations.
there is a slippery slope to all this.

If the gun was the dad’s and the kid took it…..

If it was the dad’s gun but the dad left the home months ago…..

If the kid got the gun illegally but kept it in the house?…. Need to prove the parents knew about the gun?…

When it’s publicly stated the gun was a gift that seems like a slam dunk but where do you draw the line?
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Yup. In other words, you can disregard everything he said up until "as long as".
Charging parents for school shootings is a very recent precedent. When a black, Latino, or Asian kid does a school shooting and no charges are filed against the parents, then maybe he’ll have a point.

Meanwhile, while idiots like him are worried about the racial angle involving a dad who gave his 14-year-old son an AR-15 as a Christmas present, there are people wondering why the suspect didn’t have 15 bullet holes in him before he dropped to the ground. Then they say, “Oh, yeah. That’s right. He’s white.”

So, whatever.
there is a slippery slope to all this.

If the gun was the dad’s and the kid took it…..

If it was the dad’s gun but the dad left the home months ago…..

If the kid got the gun illegally but kept it in the house?…. Need to prove the parents knew about the gun?…

When it’s publicly stated the gun was a gift that seems like a slam dunk but where do you draw the line?
A big part of these cases will hinge on whether the parent has reason to believe that the child could become a school shooter. If the reporting is accurate in this case then there seemed to be evidence that this kid was dangerous and a reasonable parent would take steps to insure their child did not have access to a firearm.