Georgia Mass Shooter

Not sure why the resident gun nuts are upset about the dad. Under our laws it sounds like he was just a good guy with a gun. Nothing to see here.
i think eveyrone understands that what the father did was wrong

i think the disconnect is that this wasn't somehow foreseeable...when you have a group with immense political power and influence whose sole mission is to get as many guns into as many hands as possible while opposing every single measure to regulate them in any way...this is what you get

the bed has been made and we are now laying in it
i think eveyrone understands that what the father did was wrong

i think the disconnect is that this wasn't somehow foreseeable...when you have a group with immense political power and influence whose sole mission is to get as many guns into as many hands as possible while opposing every single measure to regulate them in any way...this is what you get

the bed has been made and we are now laying in it

From a legal standing, the father up until Monday, was in the exact same standing as our gun nutters. Just a good guy with a gun expressing his 'merican freedoms and raaaaghts.

If "everyone" - as you say - understands that what the father did was wrong, maybe we should consider enacting some laws that enable us to differentiate the good guy from the bad when it's so overtly obvious and before the bullets start flying.

Oh, who am I kidding. This is 'merica dammit! We got rights! 2A4L! Shall not be infringed (even for shitty dads)!

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How many school shootings involve an AR? Roughly what percent? I am so sick of the rights careless rhetoric. This is a prime example.

It's not careless rhetoric,... In the hands of a bad individual any firearm can be deadly,.. Remove all the AR's and there will simply be another version of firearm to take their place.
Interview between FBI and the dad from last year.

Officers with the Jackson County sheriff's office spoke face-to-face with Colt Gray on May 21, 2023, when he was 13 years old after the FBI tipped them off about a threat posted on the messaging app Discord, and found his father Colin Gray to be largely uncooperative, reported Fox News.

"He's going through a lot...very difficult for him to go to school and not get picked on," Colin Gray said, according to a recording.

The elder Gray, who was charged with felony murder after the shootings this week at Apalachee High School in Winder, told the officer that he and the boy's mother had gotten divorced and then they were evicted.

"He struggled at first with the separation," he said. "I've been taking him to school. He goes to Jefferson Middle School. He's been doing really good."

The boy's father assures the officer that his son "knows how serious it is, trust me," but he claims he's been to the school multiple times and said Colt wants to leave the district because other students keep touching him and picking on him.

"Let me ask you this – do you have any weapons in the house?" the officer asks.

The father acknowledges that he does and admits they're accessible, but he insists that none of them are loaded.

"We do a lot of shooting, we do a lot of deer hunting," Colin Gray says. "He shot his first deer this year. Like, I'm pretty much in shock…I'm pissed off to be honest with you. I'm a little taken back by the whole thing, but I can tell you this, I take that very serious and so does he, as a matter of fact."

"I don't know anything about him saying s--- like that, and I'm going to be mad as hell if he did, and then all the guns will go away and they won't be accessible to him," the father adds. "You know, I'm trying to be honest. I'm trying to teach him about firearms and safety and how to do it all and get him an interest in the outdoors."

The officer suggests that he "get him away from the video game," and the elder Gray agrees.

"Yeah, exactly – right, that's the best," he says. "The God honest truth is, the picture on my phone is him with blood on his cheeks when he shot his first deer. It's just the greatest day ever. So sure, he knows the seriousness of weapons and what they can do and how to use them and not use them. So it's kind of a little bit of a shock. So whatever y'all are telling him, please instill in him what if this is whatever or wherever some come from is no joke – no, like, it's no joke."

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Colt Gray
A white male teen
Quiet and timid
Just now getting to the thread. Can someone answer the most important questions I have?

  • What were his political leanings?
  • Was he/she trans?
  • Who did his parents vote for (what political signs were in the yard)
  • Where did he get the gun (I'll assume it was a pew pew AR-15)
  • Do his parents suck a$$
Just now getting to the thread. Can someone answer the most important questions I have?

  • What were his political leanings?
  • Was he/she trans?
  • Who did his parents vote for (what political signs were in the yard)
  • Where did he get the gun (I'll assume it was a pew pew AR-15)
  • Do his parents suck a$$
Forgot which are his favorite books
Harry Potter or Five Nights at Freddy’s
The devil is in the details for any laws surrounding this. Knowingly making a semi-auto gun available to someone that is distressed and mentally ill is different than making a hunting rifle available to you teenage hunter... Who (without warning) goes out and commits a crime.

I don't think you can't ALWAYS charge the owner of a gun at the same level as the criminal.... because at the end of the day, the SHOOTER pulled the trigger.

I'm am on the side of making the AR platform illegal now. It just serves little purpose for legal use.... Besides "having fun shooting it". And it's just getting used waaaay too much in these crimes.

Take the AR away and handguns and rifles may take it's place, as weapon of choice for these damn school shootings, but the damage done by the effing shooters will be reduced.

We also need to find a way to attack this problem from the mental health side of things. Restrict access to social media for kids under 18 or something.... WAY too much warped sense of reality can be formed from being on social media.
I think even if you have the world’s greatest kid…valedictorian, class President and all state athlete: if they commit a crime with the parent’s gun then the parent should also be charged with the same crime. Full stop. If you allow others access to your weapons then you roll the dice.

Everyone should secure their weapons anyway…it’s an extra incentive for people to safely store their guns…which is a good thing.
If you've read even some of the background on this kid, his life, and his family and your takeaway is, "more gun laws will fix this", congratulations in being among the most simple minded, easily manipulated people in the world.
This is a basic case study on how to create a sociopathic killer by age 14. Him choosing to use an AR-15 should be the least of what people fixate on but alas here we are.
Nevermind the abusive drugged out parents, awful bullying, a beyond toxic social media environment, apparent transgender anger, inept law enforcement...
Sadly rather than these being rare situations for kids to be raised in it's becoming pretty well common in today's America. And we're seeing the results.
It should be. No reason it cannot be exactly this simple except we lack the political willpower to make this a law. Law abiding gun owners should want their guns secured anyway. God forbid your curious 10 year old nephew visits and finds your gun is in the drawer of your nightstand,
I agree 100% guns should be secured; however people's cars are secured, and they still get stolen.

In many of these situations the shooter has broken into a gun cabinet or safe and the parent has zero idea the kid has the gun.
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It's not careless rhetoric,... In the hands of a bad individual any firearm can be deadly,.. Remove all the AR's and there will simply be another version of firearm to take their place.

Is that what the data says? There was a time not too long ago that they weren't as prevalent, and I do not remember there being an as effective death tool being used as frequently.
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Oopsie! Another crazed LGTBQ.
Couple things here. Was Colton gay? In the story I read, the father said kids called him "gay", not that he was bullied for being gay. Big difference.

Was his frustration with trans acceptance that it was too accepted or not accepted enough? The CNN article doesn't really say which side of the issue the kid was on.

I haven't been keeping up on the story, so maybe more details have been release, but I also wouldn't be surprised if Libs of Tiktok is trying to make this an anti-trans/LGTBA issue to help drive their narrative.
You should learn more about the father....
And the Mother.
This is just your normal everyday white trash family.
Buy your kid another gun after the damn FBI comes to your house and sits your dumb ass down about your messed up kid. If law enforcement came to my house about my kid I’d be scared 💩less and I would be asking myself where did I mess up as a parent?
And there’d be some serious changes in my household.
At least we see where the messed up kid gets it from.
God help us.
Couple things here. Was Colton gay? In the story I read, the father said kids called him "gay", not that he was bullied for being gay. Big difference.

Was his frustration with trans acceptance that it was too accepted or not accepted enough? The CNN article doesn't really say which side of the issue the kid was on.

I haven't been keeping up on the story, so maybe more details have been release, but I also wouldn't be surprised if Libs of Tiktok is trying to make this an anti-trans/LGTBA issue to help drive their narrative.
It was his first day at a new school and he had long hair which it appeared to be bleached blonde. He may have been teased and it’s apparent to me he lacked the skill set to deal with it. He had a clueless father to talk with and an absent druggie Mother. So four people had to die. 😢
I know all about the father. And the mother.

And purely from a legal standing perspective, he was just a good guy with a gun like all of you until Monday. In the eyes of the current laws dictating guns in this country, you are (were) equal.

Good guy, bad guy, idiot guy, harmless guy, clueless guy.
Adjectives aside four innocent humans are dead.
Good guy, bad guy, idiot guy, harmless guy, clueless guy.
Adjectives aside four innocent humans are dead.

Yeah, real shame under the FBI coming to your house doesn’t change you from “good guy” to “denied guy” under the eyes of the law when it comes to procuring weapons. Under the current laws though, the morgue needed its dead before that could happen.

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I know all about the father. And the mother.

And purely from a legal standing perspective, he was just a good guy with a gun like all of you until Monday. In the eyes of the current laws dictating guns in this country, you are (were) equal.

I dont think 14 year olds are allowed to own rifles. So, his Xmas present made him a bad guy.

Also, in a thread with the usual rightie trolls in it, you are the jackass. That's pretty impressive.
I dont think 14 year olds are allowed to own rifles. So, his Xmas present made him a bad guy.

Also, in a thread with the usual rightie trolls in it, you are the jackass. That's pretty impressive.

Exactly what a nutter would say. Stay the “good guy.” For the sake of those around you.
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I know all about the father. And the mother.

And purely from a legal standing perspective, he was just a good guy with a gun like all of you until Monday. In the eyes of the current laws dictating guns in this country, you are (were) equal.

There are laws against owning firearms while being on drugs.
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