Georgia Mass Shooter

And the Mother.
This is just your normal everyday white trash family.
Buy your kid another gun after the damn FBI comes to your house and sits your dumb ass down about your messed up kid. If law enforcement came to my house about my kid I’d be scared 💩less and I would be asking myself where did I mess up as a parent?
And there’d be some serious changes in my household.
At least we see where the messed up kid gets it from.
God help us.

I don't know, they seem to be pretty exceptional white trash. Not typical run of the mill but extreme in many ways. And NOT gonna win any parent of the year awards fo' sho'
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Whoa, who, whoa, whoa....that sounds like 2A infringement. Freaking 'merica hater.


I see we’re not being serious or even trying to contribute anything to the discussion today?
So it was the first day of school- but they’re supposed to know about bullying situations already?
If it stemmed from last year, then yes. Most schools are pretty lame in re to bullying. Problems at school involving assault (which varies by state). In GA: (a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

What is illegal in public and in the workplace on adults should be no different than HS students. If they failed to address this even the year before (if it happened), then yes the school should be held responsible.

School teachers and admin are mandatory reporters. If they failed to report actual acts, even if they were following local school policy, if it is contrary to state code, then absolutely yes. In this situation, the school should also lose some funding for violating FAPE which is a Federal mandate.


So, then since the Trump shooter did this on Trumps first day at that rally then officials shouldn't be held to responsibility?

Lot's of if's in that about the school, but if it was a continuation, then yes, even if it was at the jr. high the previous year. Schools can do better..
If you've read even some of the background on this kid, his life, and his family and your takeaway is, "more gun laws will fix this", congratulations in being among the most simple minded, easily manipulated people in the world.
This is a basic case study on how to create a sociopathic killer by age 14. Him choosing to use an AR-15 should be the least of what people fixate on but alas here we are.
Nevermind the abusive drugged out parents, awful bullying, a beyond toxic social media environment, apparent transgender anger, inept law enforcement...
Sadly rather than these being rare situations for kids to be raised in it's becoming pretty well common in today's America. And we're seeing the results.
An abortion would have fixed it.
When it comes to this topic, no one is serious anymore. You definitely have to dig deep through my cynicism about ‘Merica and our never ending boner for guns to find any point I suppose.
I agree.
I came across an article yesterday about three teens in Idaho who were elk hunting (in season with permits) using hunting bows when a grizzly came up on them and attacked. It took 24 bullets from guns they carried with parental knowledge for emergencies to bring him down after he had one of them by the arm shaking him like a rag doll. The Feds investigated and found them in the clear as did Idaho GFC. All three are recovering and the one kid won’t lose his arm.
The comments section was just super enlightening with a sharp division among Western hunters and animal lovers and gun control supporters. But the sort of gun nuts who said they should have all had AR15’s as a mandatory weapon was frankly scary. It was either fake trolls or if they’re real I’m glad I don’t live in Idaho.
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Excellent. Let’s enforce them. Blood draw and have to wait for results required upon purchase? Annual recertification? You don’t want people illegally gaining access to firearms, right?
You won't get a response to this or any other suggestion from the gun nuts. They feign outrage at someone who shouldn't have a gun getting one but then cower at measures that would make it harder for them to do so. They're giant hypocrites.
You won't get a response to this or any other suggestion from the gun nuts. They feign outrage at someone who shouldn't have a gun getting one but then cower at measures that would make it harder for them to do so. They're giant hypocrites.

Oh, I’m well aware. I knew we were headed to the cut and run part of this conversation and just enjoyed guiding it there.

Gun nutters aren’t serious people and they are pieces of shit. I just hope they stay good guys with guns as long as possible.
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Oh, I’m well aware. I knew we were headed to the cut and run part of this conversation and just enjoyed guiding it there.

Gun nutters aren’t serious people and they are pieces of shit. I just hope they stay good guys with guns as long as possible.
You've done it masterfully. The MAGA minions hate it when their own arguents are used against them. Almost as much as simple questions about their positions. They are a weak minded bunch.
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If it stemmed from last year, then yes. Most schools are pretty lame in re to bullying. Problems at school involving assault (which varies by state). In GA: (a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

What is illegal in public and in the workplace on adults should be no different than HS students. If they failed to address this even the year before (if it happened), then yes the school should be held responsible.

School teachers and admin are mandatory reporters. If they failed to report actual acts, even if they were following local school policy, if it is contrary to state code, then absolutely yes. In this situation, the school should also lose some funding for violating FAPE which is a Federal mandate.


So, then since the Trump shooter did this on Trumps first day at that rally then officials shouldn't be held to responsibility?

Lot's of if's in that about the school, but if it was a continuation, then yes, even if it was at the jr. high the previous year. Schools can do better..
voucher dolt, thinking he's making a point. he's not.
When it comes to this topic, no one is serious anymore. You definitely have to dig deep through my cynicism about ‘Merica and our never ending boner for guns to find any point I suppose.
A gunmen blew the bodies of twenty first graders apart and nothing was done. This country - and especially the right - values guns over children but only if those children are already born.
What are some of the gun controls proposed that you consider "reasonable"?
You don't actually need laws to have reasonable gun control, common sense can do wonders.
For example the shooter who went on the shooting spree in Georgia, his dad should not have purchased him a rifle. Common sense dictated that.
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What are some of the gun controls proposed that you consider "reasonable"?

After all current gun legislation is consistently being enforced, I'd be open to discussing any of the following on a national level:
1. Uniform background checks
2. Automatic double penalty for any crime committed with a firearm
3. Personal firearm security requirements
After all current gun legislation is consistently being enforced, I'd be open to discussing any of the following on a national level:
1. Uniform background checks
2. Automatic double penalty for any crime committed with a firearm
3. Personal firearm security requirements
Yet the party you support won't consider any of those.
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So?,.. I suspect that your thoughts don't always align with the party you support either...
I don't support a party. I support positions and have some that are higher priority than others. Gun control is high on the list. Apparently it's not for you.
there is a slippery slope to all this.

If the gun was the dad’s and the kid took it…..

If it was the dad’s gun but the dad left the home months ago…..

If the kid got the gun illegally but kept it in the house?…. Need to prove the parents knew about the gun?…

When it’s publicly stated the gun was a gift that seems like a slam dunk but where do you draw the line?
Admittedly a gray area, but this case seems like one that could serve as a clear starting point. Cops talked the kid previously, dad knew, dad bought the gun anyways. Seems pretty reasonable he should be at least partly liable.
I think even if you have the world’s greatest kid…valedictorian, class President and all state athlete: if they commit a crime with the parent’s gun then the parent should also be charged with the same crime. Full stop. If you allow others access to your weapons then you roll the dice.

Everyone should secure their weapons anyway…it’s an extra incentive for people to safely store their guns…which is a good thing.
I feel like you made this argument in a different thread awhile back. Blanket guilt by association isn’t something I can agree with.
Admittedly a gray area, but this case seems like one that could serve as a clear starting point. Cops talked the kid previously, dad knew, dad bought the gun anyways. Seems pretty reasonable he should be at least partly liable.

I feel like you made this argument in a different thread awhile back. Blanket guilt by association isn’t something I can agree with.
I probably could have worded my statement better. I am not trying for guilt by association. I am saying if you don’t lock your gun in a secured safe and someone uses it to commit a crime then you should face the same charges as that crime. Similarly if you give/sell a weapon to someone without a background check you take a similar risk.

The only gray area would be if someone gets your code/breaks into your safe snd steals your gun I suppose. But then you should have an obligation to report your gun as stolen.
The solution is staring you in the face, every country in the world has people with mental illness, who are racist etc. but somehow they manage to not kill their children with guns. Wow I wonder how they do that?
Many countries lock up the mentally ill, some use electroshock therapy or some use lobotomies while others use insane asylums. We in the U.S, just issue meds and let them loose.
You don't actually need laws to have reasonable gun control, common sense can do wonders.
For example the shooter who went on the shooting spree in Georgia, his dad should not have purchased him a rifle. Common sense dictated that.
Rico, you give conservatives a bad take. Certainly the fact that Harris and Trump are our candidates show common sense is not easily practiced.
What countries are those and are you advocating for imitating them?

Regarding the U.S;
I see that our current path in dealing with mentally ill people is not working. In looking back 50+ years we had easier access to guns and less mass shootings however back then we dealt with crazy people in a much different manner.

What does that tell you?
Regarding the U.S;
I see that our current path in dealing with mentally ill people is not working. In looking back 50+ years we had easier access to guns and less mass shootings however back then we dealt with crazy people in a much different manner.

What does that tell you?
Your answer tells me you're full of shit.
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