Gesell, Iowa's so much better......

Mike had 25 points against Michigan State, earlier this year.

Not a scorer. Yeah, well, errrrrrrrrrr...............
How much does Mike need to score/look for shots when Peter and Jarrod are both going for about 25 ?

Different strokes for differin folks
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when he distributes the ball to others instead of forcing shots....he is not a scorer. McCaffery better straighten him out before he costs this team a undue loss. Not acting like a 4 year senior starter....

Man he has struggled lately. What is going on with him? I do agree with the others though that we need him to be threat. Adds that much more to this team.
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when he distributes the ball to others instead of forcing shots....he is not a scorer. McCaffery better straighten him out before he costs this team a undue loss. Not acting like a 4 year senior starter....
Agree!! He's forcing the ball way too much. Can definitely stand to play smarter. Little bit frustrating, in fact he was a big factor in loss @ Ames & Md. w to's missed FTs. Love the kid though. I'm sure he knows & will play better down stretch.
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I thought our problems at Maryland were that Mike and Sapp were not aggressive enough. We need them to be scoring threats to lessen the pressure off Uthoff and Jok
He was playing like a senior earlier in the year: the last few games not so much.

It seems like he makes up his mind about every 10th time down the floor that he's going to take it to the hole and nothing is going to stop him. From the look on Fran's face this afternoon after one of those plays I'm pretty sure that it will be taken care of in practice. Am betting the old Mike is back to playing great basketball from here on out.
Rockeye, he needs to distribute the ball, not have forced drives, not turn over the ball and make his foul shots. He is very inconsistent at all that. He has been a major contributor in some games over the years and a major reason for losses in others. Can be solid defensively or can be abused. Overall, an acceptable but average point guard his 4 years for this LEVEL OF PLAY. That's not a knock either. The %age of men in the world who can do what he does is real tiny.
Gessell has really limited turnovers this year. It is one of the real improvements in Iowa's game this year. If you don't agree, wait until next year when he is gone! Bohanon and Williams will have tons of TOs. You will miss Mikey guaranteed.
Gessell has really limited turnovers this year. It is one of the real improvements in Iowa's game this year. If you don't agree, wait until next year when he is gone! Bohanon and Williams will have tons of TOs. You will miss Mikey guaranteed.
We had 10 today and it felt like 6 came in the last 3 minutes. Mike and Co have taken good care of the ball overall and created issues for the other teams.
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Even with some not-so-great performances recently I'd still put him in the upper third of B1G PGs.
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I thought our problems at Maryland were that Mike and Sapp were not aggressive enough. We need them to be scoring threats to lessen the pressure off Uthoff and Jok
Mike got blocked at least four tomes against Maryland. He needs to value the ball a little more. Trying a jam today over someone 6'11 makes no sense.

The young mans a winner though. He will win us a couple yet this year.
I'd really like to know what is going on with Mikey G. His level of play the last 4 or 5 games has been very substandard for him. I know it has been mentioned that he had a hammy, but is that still it? Or is he just feeling the hang over from the hammy.

He can certainly play better, and Iowa will need him to shoot the ball at a better rate than he has been as well as to stop making bad passes and dumb drives.
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MG sometimes suffers from short man's disease...I will drive it in there and make a dunk or fabulous layup...over 2-3 trees... He tires not to do this but the chronic disease sets in and off he goes...ears back to make a statement and prove he can do it. This most often doesn't end well... Sure...looks good on the stats vs cupcakes...a few uncontested layups when the game is decided. MG needs to play within his limitations...and if he does, with a good shooting team...he can excel. He excels at pushing the ball...avoiding turnovers... He is not a go to guy...except in an emergency.

Fran is a moron if his plan at the end of games in tight games vs quality to have MG play crazy ball... Fran isn't a moron...

MG has some short man demons and demons visiting him at the FT line...they need to be cast gone...legion.
Yes, you did.
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Mike is a good. His only problem is when he he forces the action and not let the game come to him. The only mistakes he makes, is when he goes to fast to the hole. If he was under control he could dish it out. I think he is a really good athlete and sometimes decides he is going to score because he is so competitive and sometimes this works against him.. He just needs to let the game slow down for him and he will be fine. I think Fran just needs to yank him when he does it, talk to him and get him back in. When mike is good he is very good.
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It's not the trying to score that's a problem.
It's taking it all the way in deep with no escape route and either eating it from a big or turning it over.
The 10-15 foot shot is open frequently; he needs to stop there and hit it unless the lane to the bucket is wide open.
I think MG skill set has been the same for 3 years not a bad thing but everybody else has improve so much year to year
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Not sure why Mike decided he needed to dunk it today. I think he tried it 3 times. I thought he was fouled on a couple of those attempts, but I am still not sure why he decided that was the thing to do, especially at the end of the half.

Not sure who said Mike has been abused on defense, but whoever said that must not be watching very closely when Iowa is playing defense. I think Sapp and Mike might be the best defensive backcourt I have seen this year, especially when you consider their ability to provide help defense. It is one of Iowa's biggest strengths.
Not sure why Mike decided he needed to dunk it today. I think he tried it 3 times. I thought he was fouled on a couple of those attempts, but I am still not sure why he decided that was the thing to do, especially at the end of the half.

Not sure who said Mike has been abused on defense, but whoever said that must not be watching very closely when Iowa is playing defense. I think Sapp and Mike might be the best defensive backcourt I have seen this year, especially when you consider their ability to provide help defense. It is one of Iowa's biggest strengths.
This has been understated on this board. These two bring it defensively every game. I think they've along with Woody brought the energy needed to defend at a Big Ten level. It's rubbed off on every too. Offensively playing these two together hurts but with the play of Jok and Uthoff it hasn't mattered.
I agree that Mike hasn't played as well since Rutgers when he had the hammy injury. I think it's affected him in his drives to the basket and shooting. Consequently, his decision-making in those 2 areas has been off. He might get better gradually, in the week off we have after WI, or (as has happened in past seasons) he might play with a lingering injury the rest of the season. I hope it's one of the first 2 possibilities.
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when he distributes the ball to others instead of forcing shots....he is not a scorer. McCaffery better straighten him out before he costs this team another undue loss. Not acting like a 4 year senior starter....

Both the Sioux City boys need to quit driving so much.

Unless it's a turn and one dribble type thing for Woodbury, he needs to settle for the short jumper. Had a poor drive today, but he has been much better about that this year, imo. Just don't revert back.
when he distributes the ball to others instead of forcing shots....he is not a scorer. McCaffery better straighten him out before he costs this team a undue loss. Not acting like a 4 year senior starter....

be sure to call into Fran's radio show this week and tell Fran this!

good luck
MG has a bit of "helter-skelter" in him... More than one would expect from a four year starter.

Playing quickly...without reverting to this HS the key.

I would guess Fran is aware of need to call the show. Lots more important topics for callers to discuss...colonoscopy...cavities...special plays...
MG has a bit of "helter-skelter" in him... More than one would expect from a four year starter.

Playing quickly...without reverting to this HS the key.

I would guess Fran is aware of need to call the show. Lots more important topics for callers to discuss...colonoscopy...cavities...special plays...
You and I have brought this up numerous times. When MG plays within himself, he's a good player, but for whatever reason he thinks he's got to take over at times, and it usually always works out badly. His "helter-skelter" ball is nothing short of head scratching. Honestly, most games, I could care less if Mike took a shot. That's not the major things MG brings to the table. He should be the 5th scoring option on the team. Run the offense, play hard nose defense, and we can live with the other limitations.

My concern is come tournament time you can figure games will be close and come down to FT's to win the game, and MG scares the hell out of me shooting FT's at the end of games. If Iowa had a backup PG who could adequately handle the ball and was a good FT shooter, I'd say benching him might be a good idea. However, they don't and there's no real realiable ball handler on the bench, so we are stuck biting our nails as you know teams are going to foul MG at the end of games knowing his history. This is my biggest gripe with Fran. How do you not have a backup PG who isn't a true freshman, who's trying to learn the position because he primarly played the 2G in high school. PG's or combo guards are like QB's, you should probably have one in just about every class because they are so important. Iowa really only has 2 guys (MG and AC) who can handle the ball or who you trust to handle the ball in pressure situations.
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After watching the bench play at the end of the NW game, I don't think anyone should be complaining about MG. Fans are going to have a whole new level of appreciation for him next year.
You guys ripping on MG are going to really miss him next year. He has been a great player for Iowa and is one of the major reasons we have been successful and continue to be successful. If we win the conference this year he will have been a major factor.
Yes we are going to miss him and yes he has done a lot of great things in his career but he has not played like a senior who is in the twilight of his career these last 4 games- I also agree he needs to value the ball more
You guys ripping on MG are going to really miss him next year. He has been a great player for Iowa and is one of the major reasons we have been successful and continue to be successful. If we win the conference this year he will have been a major factor.
So you're saying that Mikey G's play HASN'T been rather poor the last 4 or 5 games, particularly his shooting?
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