GOP doubling down

Thank you.

No problem. I bristle whenever someone says the rich are paying their fair share. They are not - but they’re also playing by the rules as they exist today.

Social Security could be made more solvent just by increasing the current income cap. But god forbid someone take a principled stance against their wealthy benefactors. Same applies to the current tax code.
I'm sure your family is relieved that you finally found a friend to talk to that shares your same condition. And I realize you're salty about being a future 3x Tumper, but in a year or two you'll probably have already forgotten the first two. Something to look forward to!
You’re not very good at this.
No problem. I bristle whenever someone says the rich are paying their fair share. They are not - but they’re also playing by the rules as they exist today.

Social Security could be made more solvent just by increasing the current income cap. But god forbid someone take a principled stance against their wealthy benefactors. Same applies to the current tax code.
Agree - those are the rules in place. If they didn’t pay CPA’s and tax attorneys a lot to find those loopholes and breaks we’d call them stupid.
And SS does need some serious tweaks if it’s going to last.
So you must think that’s illegal or immoral. Your solution is…??

Don’t know what illegal or immoral has to do with it.

My solution - How about we start taxing billionaires at the same level of the rest of American taxpayers? And how about we impose an AMT for corporations like we do on private individuals? How about we stop allowing offshoring of profits? How about auditing everyone in the Top 1%? How about hiring more IRS agents? How about prohibiting loans against stock holdings? How about moving away from the stepped up basis?
Agree - those are the rules in place. If they didn’t pay CPA’s and tax attorneys a lot to find those loopholes and breaks we’d call them stupid.
And SS does need some serious tweaks if it’s going to last.

The main challenge: the rich and their elected servants write the tax code to benefit themselves. And themselves only. It’s f’in criminal.
Agree - those are the rules in place. If they didn’t pay CPA’s and tax attorneys a lot to find those loopholes and breaks we’d call them stupid.
And SS does need some serious tweaks if it’s going to last.

Taking out the cap on SS taxes? Say yes or you are full of it
What a f’n load.
The “little people” - almost 40% of US households - comprising 79 million folks - won’t pay ANY taxes in 2025.
The top 1% will pay 48% of all US taxes collected in 2024.

Number of tax returns filed does not equal number of people. It also doesn't equal number of households.
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Don't be obtuse. Yes we all use the roads. But who beats them up the most? I don't see Bezos paying his share of taxes for the roads his trucks abuse.
Neither does any other big trucking company I suspect. What’s your solution?
Neither does any other big trucking company I suspect. What’s your solution?

Not give so many writeoffs for billion dollar companies. AMT as mentioned above. Toll tax for those that are abusing the roads. A minimum tax rate of at least 25% on billionaire companies.

No stock buy backs. Invest the money in your employees.
I suspect you are inclined to avoid them. That’s okay. We can’t all be fortunate.

We've come full circle, this is exactly the sort of delusion that I was talking about as being somewhat desirable.

An ancient lady on the internet, one post it's about playing with mirrors (as if it's a good thing), in another it's shrieking about the distinction that she's a 2x Trumper, not 3x! Another post seems to indicate she thinks she's doing a good job at this posting stuff. And to cap it off, she believes she's among the fortunate!

That sort of delusion DOES have it's appeal in a pathetic sort of way.
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Taking out the cap on SS taxes? Say yes or you are full of it
Absolutely in favor of it. And have stated that in previous threads about it.
I’m also in favor of raising the minimum age for eligibility as well as tightening or modifying eligibility overall. The number of people who have zero retirement savings is shocking and they can’t live on SS alone. But that’s another topic.
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We've come full circle, this is exactly the sort of delusion that I was talking about as being somewhat desirable.

An ancient lady on the internet, one post it's about playing with mirrors (as if it's a good thing), in another it's shrieking about the distinction that she's a 2x Trumper, not 3x! Another post seems to indicate she thinks she's doing a good job at this posting stuff. And to cap it off, she believes she's among the fortunate!

That sort of delusion DOES have it's appeal in a pathetic sort of way.
Ancient = bad for me.
Ancient = good for POTUS.
And I’m the one who’s delusional?

You’re still not enough of a hardass to sit at the big kids table. Or maybe the “ancients” table.
Ancient = bad for me.
Ancient = good for POTUS.
And I’m the one who’s delusional?

You’re still not enough of a hardass to sit at the big kids table. Or maybe the “ancients” table.

Your wires are crossed. I didn't say ancient was bad for you, it's the reality for you. I didn't say ancient is good for POTUS, in fact, it's bad.

And yes, your comprehension of all this is another indicator of your delusion. That has been the theme of this back and forth.
Not give so many writeoffs for billion dollar companies. AMT as mentioned above. Toll tax for those that are abusing the roads. A minimum tax rate of at least 25% on billionaire companies.

No stock buy backs. Invest the money in your employees.
Abusing the roads is interesting. Are these trucks hauling goods all of us buy? Y’all willing to pay even more for those goods? Someone’s going to absorb those toll charges.
If they were offloaded at a port like here in Jax they were moved by longshoremen who make a very good wage so do we stop bringing in goods and eliminate their jobs? And they use the roads to get to and from work. Better charge them a toll too, maybe?
Did ANY of you take even a semester high school economics course? Are all you MF’ers ChiCom bots who don’t know how free markets work?
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Your wires are crossed. I didn't say ancient was bad for you, it's the reality for you. I didn't say ancient is good for POTUS, in fact, it's bad.

And yes, your comprehension of all this is another indicator of your delusion. That has been the theme of this back and forth.
And you’re missing your mark. None of this bothers me. You’re trying to insult me and it’s not working.
You’re too nice. You probably don’t even realize it. Your Mom would be proud though.
The Top 1% also owns more than 70% of the nations’ wealth.

Really is amazing that many people believe billionaires and multimillionaires’ taxes are too high. Amazing sales job by the wealthy.
Sounds your governing principle is envy.
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What a f’n load.
The “little people” - almost 40% of US households - comprising 79 million folks - won’t pay ANY taxes in 2025.
The top 1% will pay 48% of all US taxes collected in 2024.
****ing hilarious.
They won’t pay the IRS federal taxes. Google it.
I can’t wait for my senior delusions to arrive…it’s apparent POTUS is having fun with his.
And you must be okay with him having them, right?
Surely you realize that many of those households are essentially in a situation of subsistence living, just enough coming in to provide for the basic necessities to survive. Many of them are seniors as well.
And you’re missing your mark. None of this bothers me. You’re trying to insult me and it’s not working.
You’re too nice. You probably don’t even realize it. Your Mom would be proud though.

Your confusion persists. Of course none of this bothers you. That has been my point throughout: delusion can be comfortable!!! Ignorance is bliss. You make a fool of yourself, but you are none the wiser. There is an appeal to that!

As for the insults - in part, yes I am guilty of that - but that has not been the goal of my posts. Several of them have been attempts to correct your poor comprehension, no success of course.

And yes, I am often nice, although I admit I will sometimes punch down, like in this thread. My mom (no pics) is proud, and I'm grateful that she's got more going for her than internet message boards and a mirror staring hobby.
Do you believe they pay a comparable percentage of their income to taxes as the poors?
The rich do have more than you and I and they are better able to invest and shelter more income at a higher level than most of us are. Many of those investments offer tax deductions as a draw. That’s what makes them attractive in the first place. But even average folks can participate albeit in smaller doses.
You can direct your 401/IRA towards a REIT or a stock index fund focused on a particular sector like the tech sector or a contrarian type of fund. (ie Fidelity) These can be a little more volatile but the big guys do this and any losses are taken often for tax write offs. Paper losses that allow them write offs but still build equity. You and I benefit more often than not. It amazes me that you rage against big corporations yet your retirement funds NEED them to be successful.
Your confusion persists. Of course none of this bothers you. That has been my point throughout: delusion can be comfortable!!! Ignorance is bliss. You make a fool of yourself, but you are none the wiser. There is an appeal to that!

As for the insults - in part, yes I am guilty of that - but that has not been the goal of my posts. Several of them have been attempts to correct your poor comprehension, no success of course.

And yes, I am often nice, although I admit I will sometimes punch down, like in this thread. My mom (no pics) is proud, and I'm grateful that she's got more going for her than internet message boards and a mirror staring hobby.
OMG great post.
If you need to hang on to your effort to insert sly insults - by all means go ahead. Love the mirror staring thingy.
But I must ask…if internet message boards are not a worthy (yes largely unproductive as well) may I inquire why you’re using your valuable time on here?
I’m retired. What’s your excuse?
The disgusting part of these conversations is that almost every tax in this country (sales taxes, excise taxes, car registrations, hunting license, etc.) are regressive. The overall tax structure (states, local, federal) is regressive; with lower income taxpayers paying a higher percentage of their income to taxes of some kind or another than the wealthy.

But conservatives will never shut up about the one tax that is progressive.
The rich do have more than you and I and they are better able to invest and shelter more income at a higher level than most of us are. Many of those investments offer tax deductions as a draw. That’s what makes them attractive in the first place. But even average folks can participate albeit in smaller doses.
You can direct your 401/IRA towards a REIT or a stock index fund focused on a particular sector like the tech sector or a contrarian type of fund. (ie Fidelity) These can be a little more volatile but the big guys do this and any losses are taken often for tax write offs. Paper losses that allow them write offs but still build equity. You and I benefit more often than not. It amazes me that you rage against big corporations yet your retirement funds NEED them to be successful.
I don't rage against big corporations. I worked for them for the past 20 years and like you said, the majority of my investments are in big corporations. That wasn't what we were discussing though. We were discussing how wealthy individuals are taxed and how they don't pay their fair share.