GoT Season 5 opener


HR Heisman
Jan 21, 2005
Well, thoughts on the 1st episode of season 5? Seemed pretty slow... not much happened. It was almost like a refresher of where we were to end last year. I was hoping for more I guess.
I liked it but I agree it was slow. Basically telling us where a few people are with only a small hint of what they may be facing. Wrapping up a thread with the wildings that could have been better, but the book didn't develop either.

With that sort of slow start, they really needed to stretch the opener to 2 hours.

At this pace, we'll see where other people are next week. Then the following week we'll meet some new characters (the Dorne contingent). Then maybe in the 4th week the story will start gathering steam.

What will the episode 9 stunner be this season?
SPOILERS ALERT**** just the standard disclaimer to those who always bitch about theses threads giving anything away.

This is what you get when you have such a sprawling world like Westros with multiple story lines. It takes an entire hour just to bring them up to speed with Dorne & Braavos yet to be come.

2 dragons going through their teenager stage. Scaring the s^&t out of their parent.

Tyrion continuing on his life-quest to drink all the booze he can find.

Varys sharing his vision of the future.

JS - bold & merciful.

Jamie - more discord with his twin.

Maggie the Frog fans got their flashback fix.
Originally posted by INXS83:

SPOILERS ALERT**** just the standard disclaimer to those who always bitch about theses threads giving anything away.

This is what you get when you have such a sprawling world like Westros with multiple story lines. It takes an entire hour just to bring them up to speed with Dorne & Braavos yet to be come.

2 dragons going through their teenager stage. Scaring the s^&t out of their parent.

Tyrion continuing on his life-quest to drink all the booze he can find.

Varys sharing his vision of the future.

JS - bold & merciful.

Jamie - more discord with his twin.

Maggie the Frog fans got their flashback fix.
It's also clear Jaime is going to have to get more invovled despite not wanting to. Having to tell Cersei that problems are around the corner now that Tywin is gone, is proof she's not in the mindset to handle the situation.

They did a good job of setting up the season.

As a non book reader I was surprised at the way the "King beyond the Wall" character met his end. I kept expecting some clever compromise or revolt to free him to change the dynamic. I can't see how killing him in front of his very passive army is going to get them to fight for Stanis. Seems politically stupid. Add to that that Stanis has just a fraction of the men as the Wilding army and it makes even less sense. I would have kept him alive to ensure the Wildings stay loyal or at least more manageable. As it ended up, the whole point of that story line seems to be just to make Snow look heroic and honorable, but we already knew that.

Question, are the dragons supposed to get big enough that people rid them into battle or are the always just unleashed on enemies to fight beside the armies. It seemed from the old stories that the Targarians rode them.


First you didn't like the way the King beyond the Wall died. And you made great point about the numbers for the army. Just be patient because it will play out to how you think it should.

Dragons over the past centuries have been smaller and smaller since Magic started running out. These Dragons are already bigger than the past few centuries where they were as big as small children or dogs. Also the more a dragon is free the bigger it can grow, so 1 is out 2 are tied up. All are growing but the free dragon, Drogon, is growing faster. That and it was already the bigger one just leads you to think that he is going to be huge
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I just think I must have been wanting more after waiting a year. Looks like the House of Black and White, Tyrion/Varys going to meet Dany and more action at teh wall is coming. So, I know some great stuff is coming, but wanted to see more last night.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

As a non book reader I was surprised at the way the "King beyond the Wall" character met his end. I kept expecting some clever compromise or revolt to free him to change the dynamic. I can't see how killing him in front of his very passive army is going to get them to fight for Stanis. Seems politically stupid. Add to that that Stanis has just a fraction of the men as the Wilding army and it makes even less sense. I would have kept him alive to ensure the Wildings stay loyal or at least more manageable. As it ended up, the whole point of that story line seems to be just to make Snow look heroic and honorable, but we already knew that.
Stannis is unyielding and relatively uncompromisable on every subject. It's no surprise that he has no problem killing someone who doesn't kneel, to make an example.
naturalmwa posted on 4/13/2015...


As a non book reader I was surprised at the way the "King beyond the Wall" character met his end. I kept expecting some clever compromise or revolt to free him to change the dynamic. I can't see how killing him in front of his very passive army is going to get them to fight for Stanis. Seems politically stupid. Add to that that Stanis has just a fraction of the men as the Wilding army and it makes even less sense. I would have kept him alive to ensure the Wildings stay loyal or at least more manageable. As it ended up, the whole point of that story line seems to be just to make Snow look heroic and honorable, but we already knew that.

Question, are the dragons supposed to get big enough that people rid them into battle or are the always just unleashed on enemies to fight beside the armies. It seemed from the old stories that the Targarians rode them.


As Arya recounted to Tywinn 2 seasons ago, Aegon the Conqueror and his 2 sister-wives rode dragons into battle, conquered Westros and forged the iron throne.

Dany will have to find a way to 'bond' with her 'babies' before anything like that can happen in future seasons.

JS now has 'cred' with the Wildling army.
Originally posted by Barnst... Hoops:

I just think I must have been wanting more after waiting a year. Looks like the House of Black and White, Tyrion/Varys going to meet Dany and more action at teh wall is coming.  So, I know some great stuff is coming, but wanted to see more last night.
I honestly think it was just a recap and the first step of everyone's new story. The thing I realized is that this is the moment where all the characters start their new story, it's going to start popping
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by INXS83:

JS now has 'cred' with the Wildling army.
I hadn't thought about that, that might get exciting. Isn't there some book lore about Snow maybe being more than just the son of a random bar maid too? Like his Mom might be noteworthy in some meaningful way? The Red Witch seemed interested.
Originally posted by INXS83:
The Red Witch is always on he prowl for new blood.
She is, but she's her motivations seem to be fairly good for the most part. Keep in mind, it was her that told Stannis that he needed to go to the wall. It wasn't necessarily a power move on her part, it was because she knew how big of a threat the walkers are.

She's extreme, but she's got reasons for being so.
Are they gonna take care of the White Walkers first or just take off from the wall and try to start conquering? Wasn't clear on their plan.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Originally posted by INXS83:
The Red Witch is always on he prowl for new blood.
She is, but she's her motivations seem to be fairly good for the most part. Keep in mind, it was her that told Stannis that he needed to go to the wall. It wasn't necessarily a power move on her part, it was because she knew how big of a threat the walkers are.

She's extreme, but she's got reasons for being so.
My guess is that Jon could have been eligible for one of her sacrifices if still a virgin but the Red Witch likes him, so she was glad she didn't have to pencil his name in for that role. I don't recall an exchange like that in the book, but it fits with another scene.
Originally posted by Ried#3:
Are they gonna take care of the White Walkers first or just take off from the wall and try to start conquering? Wasn't clear on their plan.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
The walkers are the main focus, at least according to Melisandre. Stannis though still wants the throne and is obsessed with getting it. His first order of business is to try take out the Boltons, which is where his focus will be for now.

Melisandre said in season 3 I believe, that there will be no Kingdom for anyone unless they deal with what is beyond the wall first. So one way or the other, they are going to have to deal with them.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Originally posted by Ried#3:
Are they gonna take care of the White Walkers first or just take off from the wall and try to start conquering? Wasn't clear on their plan.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
The walkers are the main focus, at least according to Melisandre. Stannis though still wants the throne and is obsessed with getting it. His first order of business is to try take out the Boltons, which is where his focus will be for now.

Melisandre said in season 3 I believe, that there will be no Kingdom for anyone unless they deal with what is beyond the wall first. So one way or the other, they are going to have to deal with them.
Refresh my memory, please. She has shown some actual magic. Who else? We could call the warg ability magical, I suppose. And the birth of dragons from fossilized eggs. But we don't really have to go that far. There was the guy who was resurrected several times, but that's her god again, not some other source of magic. We don't know what the deal is with the blue-eyed zombies, but that might have some sort of plausible explanation. Probably won't but might.

That's one of the reasons I like this better than some other fantasy tales. Less reliance on magic. And the magic isn't big earthshaking nonsense, but small events.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Originally posted by Ried#3:
Are they gonna take care of the White Walkers first or just take off from the wall and try to start conquering? Wasn't clear on their plan.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
The walkers are the main focus, at least according to Melisandre. Stannis though still wants the throne and is obsessed with getting it. His first order of business is to try take out the Boltons, which is where his focus will be for now.

Melisandre said in season 3 I believe, that there will be no Kingdom for anyone unless they deal with what is beyond the wall first. So one way or the other, they are going to have to deal with them.
Refresh my memory, please. She has shown some actual magic. Who else? We could call the warg ability magical, I suppose. And the birth of dragons from fossilized eggs. But we don't really have to go that far. There was the guy who was resurrected several times, but that's her god again, not some other source of magic. We don't know what the deal is with the blue-eyed zombies, but that might have some sort of plausible explanation. Probably won't but might.

That's one of the reasons I like this better than some other fantasy tales. Less reliance on magic. And the magic isn't big earthshaking nonsense, but small events.
The Bravos assassin guy changed his face. Don't know if it's magic or not. The guy in the tree at the end of last season. He seemed to have some psychic ability.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by Ried#3:
Are they gonna take care of the White Walkers first or just take off from the wall and try to start conquering? Wasn't clear on their plan.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
The walkers are the main focus, at least according to Melisandre. Stannis though still wants the throne and is obsessed with getting it. His first order of business is to try take out the Boltons, which is where his focus will be for now.

Melisandre said in season 3 I believe, that there will be no Kingdom for anyone unless they deal with what is beyond the wall first. So one way or the other, they are going to have to deal with them.
Refresh my memory, please. She has shown some actual magic. Who else? We could call the warg ability magical, I suppose. And the birth of dragons from fossilized eggs. But we don't really have to go that far. There was the guy who was resurrected several times, but that's her god again, not some other source of magic. We don't know what the deal is with the blue-eyed zombies, but that might have some sort of plausible explanation. Probably won't but might.

That's one of the reasons I like this better than some other fantasy tales. Less reliance on magic. And the magic isn't big earthshaking nonsense, but small events.
The children over with the three-eyed raven showed some magical prowess. The warlocks that Dany faced showed magical abilities as well. Not to mention Dany herself and that lady that cursed Khal and put him into a coma state.

It's said that since the birth of the dragons, Melisandres powers have grown. She is also said to be stronger whilst at the wall. Her very look, may in fact be a magical charm.(I hope not, she's hot).

I like the fact, that they don't go over the top with the magic as well.
There is magic. Stannis is going after the North, Jon and Melisandre are concerned about White Walkers.

The Warg stuff gets brought up a lot in the books but it's very subtle and small but let's you know Magic
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Ultimately, dragon fire may kick everything's @ss, including white walkers. At this point, that's my opinion.