Gov. Kim Reynolds: Iowa ready to use National Guard, law enforcement for mass deportations


HB King
May 29, 2001
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds says she is ready to use "every tool at our disposal," including deploying the state's National Guard and law enforcement, to carry out President-elect Donald Trump's plans for "mass deportations" of illegal immigrants, according to a joint statement by Republican governors.

Trump has signaled he wants to see an overhaul of the country's immigration system, starting with deporting immigrants living in the country illegally who have violated the law.

"On Day 1, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get the criminals out," Trump said during his campaign's closing speech at Madison Square Garden.

Reynolds and 25 other Republican governors vowed in the statement to stand behind Trump's plans to seal the border to illegal immigrants, which they said President Joe Biden's administration failed to accomplish.

“Republican governors remain fully committed to supporting the Trump Administration’s efforts to deport dangerous criminals, gang members, and terrorists who are in this country illegally," the governors said in their statement. "We understand the direct threat these criminal illegal immigrants pose to public safety and our national security, and we will do everything in our power to assist in removing them from our communities."

Reynolds' office did not immediately respond to a request for additional information on how the National Guard and law enforcement might be deployed in the deportation effort.

The Dim One has way bigger problems than this.

The State's Budget office predicts that State expenditures will EXCEED State revenue in the next business year.

Damn, who would have ever forseen those vote begging tax cuts might not be a wise idea????

Dumbest bitch on Planet Earth!
Tax cuts are the exact opposite of increasing tax revenue.

Wait until immigration payroll taxes are reduced when the White Nationalist deportation workers.

Like I said,.. you raise taxes when you need revenue.
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I have a buddy that has two sons in the National Guard. I asked him about this possibility and he told me they’d joined to clean up after tornadoes and help with floods. Maybe be there in case the US needs them for WW3. They didn’t sign up for this. One is a college graduate with a solid degree, and the other is a junior in college.
Kim needs to read the room for an organization already struggling to recruit and retain citizen soldiers. Kim needs to read the room that besides the MAGAts average Iowans won’t be supportive of the disruption.
States need to be prepared for dissatisfaction, and some scandals. It happened the first time, it will happen again. Some guardsman will rape a teenage girl, or there will be pictures of some dipshit smacking a migrant around for fun, and the questions will start.
I have a buddy that has two sons in the National Guard. I asked him about this possibility and he told me they’d joined to clean up after tornadoes and help with floods. Maybe be there in case the US needs them for WW3. They didn’t sign up for this. One is a college graduate with a solid degree, and the other is a junior in college.
Kim needs to read the room for an organization already struggling to recruit and retain citizen soldiers. Kim needs to read the room that besides the MAGAts average Iowans won’t be supportive of the disruption.
States need to be prepared for dissatisfaction, and some scandals. It happened the first time, it will happen again. Some guardsman will rape a teenage girl, or there will be pictures of some dipshit smacking a migrant around for fun, and the questions will start.
They will follow orders or face office hours or court martial!!!!
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds says she is ready to use "every tool at our disposal," including deploying the state's National Guard and law enforcement, to carry out President-elect Donald Trump's plans for "mass deportations" of illegal immigrants, according to a joint statement by Republican governors.

Trump has signaled he wants to see an overhaul of the country's immigration system, starting with deporting immigrants living in the country illegally who have violated the law.

"On Day 1, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get the criminals out," Trump said during his campaign's closing speech at Madison Square Garden.

Reynolds and 25 other Republican governors vowed in the statement to stand behind Trump's plans to seal the border to illegal immigrants, which they said President Joe Biden's administration failed to accomplish.

“Republican governors remain fully committed to supporting the Trump Administration’s efforts to deport dangerous criminals, gang members, and terrorists who are in this country illegally," the governors said in their statement. "We understand the direct threat these criminal illegal immigrants pose to public safety and our national security, and we will do everything in our power to assist in removing them from our communities."

Reynolds' office did not immediately respond to a request for additional information on how the National Guard and law enforcement might be deployed in the deportation effort.

If these guys were serious they would put the onus on employers to use the more effective “citizen verification” systems that are already available… and has been for well over a decade.
Businesses dealing with infirmed, aged and food prep annd service areas, are going to feel the folly of Trump’s ways first.
If these guys were serious they would put the onus on employers to use the more effective “citizen verification” systems that are already available… and has been for well over a decade.
Businesses dealing with infirmed, aged and food prep annd service areas, are going to feel the folly of Trump’s ways first.
Employers aren't LEOs, Honus!
Some already do with school closings in rural areas. Like I said, hopefully those who voted for it feel some real pain. Unfortunately I think we'll all feel it, just some more than others.

Name one that was tied to vouchers. Just one.
Were your ancestors legal immigrants, or illegal alien criminals like Trump is deporting?

Read a book about America's immigration history. It has always had racist / ethnicity overtones.

And yes. That doesn't mean I am more entitled to this country than others. I have a certificate from the King of Norway when my ancestors came. They farmed the ground, fed the people, and were good people.

How is that different than those that Trump is bitching about?
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Read a book about America's immigration history. It has always had racist / ethnicity overtones.

And yes. That doesn't mean I am more entitled to this country than others. I have a certificate from the King of Norway when my ancestors came. They farmed the ground, fed the people, and were good people.

How is that different than those that Trump is bitching about?
Again, were they here legally? Did they come through a port of entry? Ellis Island, Milwaukee, New Orleans. No Republican that I know of is anti-immigrant, we support legal immigration. If you are here illegally, you are a criminal, you need to be sent to your home.
Again, were they here legally? Did they come through a port of entry? Ellis Island, Milwaukee, New Orleans. No Republican that I know of is anti-immigrant, we support legal immigration. If you are here illegally, you are a criminal, you need to be sent to your home.

Dude, Trump wants to deport birthright citizens. I'm not making up the racism. First it was the Irish, than the Itailians, then Scandinavians, then the Chinese, now brown people. Don't try to whitewash history.
How many illegal immigrants are actually in Iowa?
You might ge surprised at the number. Iowa has a lot of meat processors, and the service industries are seeing more and more browns working them than before.
If you don’t want “illegals” quit hiring them! Don’t bring’em in for jobs and then treat them like criminals! Abd give them a way (a more modern way) to earn citizenship!? Quit relying on immigration laws that are 50 years old and biased towards Europeans and expect them to work.
They get to decide if they stay in the guard.
Are you or your kids going to replace them?
The PR on this will be terrible.
Yes they can leave before their enlistment is up with few consequences; other than a dishonorable discharge, or less than honorable discharge. Good luck getting a good job, or Federal loans for school. The number of soldiers who would not support the round-up would be microscopic. LEOs' will take the lead with the Iowa Guard providing support and security.

The Immigration Act of 1924 (The Johnson-Reed Act)​


The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States as of the 1890 national census. It completely excluded immigrants from Asia.


President Coolidge signing the Johnson-Reed Act
Literacy Tests and “Asiatic Barred Zone”

In 1917, the U.S. Congress enacted the first widely restrictive immigration law. The uncertainty generated over national security during World War I made it possible for Congress to pass this legislation, and it included several important provisions that paved the way for the 1924 Act. The 1917 Act implemented a literacy test that required immigrants over 16 years old to demonstrate basic reading comprehension in any language. It also increased the tax paid by new immigrants upon arrival and allowed immigration officials to exercise more discretion in making decisions over whom to exclude. Finally, the Act excluded from entry anyone born in a geographically defined “Asiatic Barred Zone” except for Japanese and Filipinos. In 1907, the Japanese Government had voluntarily limited Japanese immigration to the United States in the Gentlemen’s Agreement. The Philippines was a U.S. colony, so its citizens were U.S. nationals and could travel freely to the United States. China was not included in the Barred Zone, but the Chinese were already denied immigration visas under the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Immigration Quotas

The literacy test alone was not enough to prevent most potential immigrants from entering, so members of Congress sought a new way to restrict immigration in the 1920s. Immigration expert and Republican Senator from Vermont William P. Dillingham introduced a measure to create immigration quotas, which he set at three percent of the total population of the foreign-born of each nationality in the United States as recorded in the 1910 census. This put the total number of visas available each year to new immigrants at 350,000. It did not, however, establish quotas of any kind for residents of the Western Hemisphere. President Wilson opposed the restrictive act, preferring a more liberal immigration policy, so he used the pocket veto to prevent its passage. In early 1921, the newly inaugurated President Warren Harding called Congress back to a special session to pass the law. In 1922, the act was renewed for another two years.


Senator William P. Dillingham
When the congressional debate over immigration began in 1924, the quota system was so well-established that no one questioned whether to maintain it, but rather discussed how to adjust it. Though there were advocates for raising quotas and allowing more people to enter, the champions of restriction triumphed. They created a plan that lowered the existing quota from three to two percent of the foreign-born population. They also pushed back the year on which quota calculations were based from 1910 to 1890.

Another change to the quota altered the basis of the quota calculations. The quota had been based on the number of people born outside of the United States, or the number of immigrants in the United States. The new law traced the origins of the whole of the U.S. population, including natural-born citizens. The new quota calculations included large numbers of people of British descent whose families had long resided in the United States. As a result, the percentage of visas available to individuals from the British Isles and Western Europe increased, but newer immigration from other areas like Southern and Eastern Europe was limited.

The 1924 Immigration Act also included a provision excluding from entry any alien who by virtue of race or nationality was ineligible for citizenship. Existing nationality laws dating from 1790 and 1870 excluded people of Asian lineage from naturalizing. As a result, the 1924 Act meant that even Asians not previously prevented from immigrating – the Japanese in particular – would no longer be admitted to the United States. Many in Japan were very offended by the new law, which was a violation of the Gentlemen’s Agreement. The Japanese government protested, but the law remained, resulting in an increase in existing tensions between the two nations. Despite the increased tensions, it appeared that the U.S. Congress had decided that preserving the racial composition of the country was more important than promoting good ties with Japan.

The restrictive principles of the Act could have resulted in strained relations with some European countries as well, but these potential problems did not appear for several reasons. The global depression of the 1930s, World War II, and stricter enforcement of U.S. immigration policy served to curtail European emigration. When these crises had passed, emergency provisions for the resettlement of displaced persons in 1948 and 1950 helped the United States avoid conflict over its new immigration laws.

In all of its parts, the most basic purpose of the 1924 Immigration Act was to preserve the ideal of U.S. homogeneity. Congress revised the Act in 1952.
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Dude, Trump wants to deport birthright citizens. I'm not making up the racism. First it was the Irish, than the Itailians, then Scandinavians, then the Chinese, now brown people. Don't try to whitewash history.
You must of missed the part of the 14th Amendment; and "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". And I am pretty sure the Irish, the Italians, the Scandinavians, Germans all entered the country legally. Do you really not know history?
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