Great movies Millennials probably don’t know about

Car flicks (F your F&F Franchise)

Vanishing Point
2 Lane Blacktop

The Magnificent Seven
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid

Taxi Driver
Dirty Harry

Paper Moon
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

Some others

All The Presidents Men
Easy Rider
The Odd Couple
Tommy, A Rock Opera
Car flicks (F your F&F Franchise)

Vanishing Point
2 Lane Blacktop

The Magnificent Seven
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid

Taxi Driver
Dirty Harry

Paper Moon
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

Some others

All The Presidents Men
Easy Rider
The Odd Couple
Tommy, A Rock Opera

I've seen quite a few of those.

Born in 1981.
Maybe Planes, Trains, and Automobiles came out too recently (1986, I believe), but I read there is going to be a remake so maybe millennials can watch it. Hard to believe though that they can produce anything that will be as good as the original.

Will Smith, Kevin Hart to Star in ‘Planes, Trains & Automobiles’ Remake

As far as comedies go for millenials to watch, I always liked this one:

Most of the millenials on this site are mid to late 30s, but I have the feeling they think millenials are 12.

Anyone have a lead on any good artisan avocado bread?
I was born in the early 60's, and most of those movies I couldn't get into when they were in the theaters.

The only one I can remember going to see is Tommy. In a theater a block east of East 14th and Grand in DM.

CSB. Shortly after that it shut down and came back as a pron theater. The 1536 C'mon, you old pervs. You remember that place. Fess up.
That was made for millennials?
I didn’t put much thought into it, but I just looked it up out of curiosity and there is a wide range for what is considered a millennial, with various definitions including kids born in the late 90s and early 2000s. In rough terms it sounds like millennials are today between 20 to 40 years old. This is what I learned from skimming Wikipedia a minute ago.

So the younger half of the millennial group could have easily missed movies released in 2001 as they would have been infants. But the older half of the age group would have been high school to college age at that time so they probably would be familiar with it.
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If I’ve seen an older movie, I’m fine watching it again. But watching almost anything 70s and before that I’ve never seen is brutal...even if it’s a good movie.

It’s amazing how much acting as evolved and improved...let alone camera quality, special effects, etc.

But mostly it’s the dialogue. So robotic and “big” like a stage production. People just don’t talk they way.

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