Great movies Millennials probably don’t know about

Car flicks (F your F&F Franchise)

Vanishing Point
2 Lane Blacktop

The Magnificent Seven
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid

Taxi Driver
Dirty Harry

Paper Moon
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

Some others

All The Presidents Men
Easy Rider
The Odd Couple
Tommy, A Rock Opera
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3 days of the condor
One that someone recently mentioned to me that they couldn’t believe I’ve never seen is Meatballs. It came out before I was born and I still need to watch it. The reviews look good and it evidently launched Bill Murray’s film career and indirectly later led to Ghost Busters, etc.
Each camp member will track and kill their very own bear.
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You baited him, didn't you?
To this day, I've never owned, nor do I particularly care to ride in, a red car.

Dunno if it's strictly because of this movie, but when I get in a one, I immediately think of that scene where the guy finds out he is driving a fire department car.

"Maroon car, my ass. This motherfugger is RED!"

I also like their inflation solution. A shotgun. "6299? THATS TOO EFFIN, HIGH! BLAM!"
If I’ve seen an older movie, I’m fine watching it again. But watching almost anything 70s and before that I’ve never seen is brutal...even if it’s a good movie.

It’s amazing how much acting as evolved and improved...let alone camera quality, special effects, etc.

But mostly it’s the dialogue. So robotic and “big” like a stage production. People just don’t talk they way.
Acting has evolved and improved since the ‘70s? :rolleyes:
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Car flicks (F your F&F Franchise)

Vanishing Point
2 Lane Blacktop

The Magnificent Seven
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid

Taxi Driver
Dirty Harry

Paper Moon
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

Some others

All The Presidents Men
Easy Rider
The Odd Couple
Tommy, A Rock Opera

This is seriously a good list. Kudos.

And for those that like pictures, here is the best car chase scene ever from the movie Bullitt.

Buckaroo Banzai is outstanding. A tip of the cap to Strange Brew, the Last Starfighter, and Valley Girl.
What, no love for the Scott Baio & Willie Aames classic Zapped!? Next you're going to tell me you didn't care for the Adrian Zmed masterpiece Grease 2.
Big Trouble in Little China
A Fish Called Wanda
Dirty Harry
The Outlaw Josey Wales
History of the World Part I

Gosh. So many.

True story-I convinced my literature teacher in high school to let us watch the end of History of the World, Part 1 after we read Tale of Two Cities. This was in 2003. But I was an early study in Mel Brooks.

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