Great movies Millennials probably don’t know about

Car flicks (F your F&F Franchise)

Vanishing Point
2 Lane Blacktop

Good list.

Someone posted a picture on a facebook car group I'm on of an identical yellow GTO from Two Lane. I asked if that was Warren Oates and none of the young ones had any clue what I was talking about. One of my favorite films.
Drug themed movies

Rush - with Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jason Patric, Sam Elliot, and Greg Allman makes an appearance. One of the great soundtracks
Drugstore Cowboy with Matt Dillon, Heather Graham. William Burroughs makes an appearance (Millennials may have to that up))
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Drug themed movies

Rush - with Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jason Patric, Sam Elliot, and Greg Allman makes an appearance. One of the great soundtracks
Drugstore Cowboy with Matt Dillon, Heather Graham. William Burroughs makes an appearance (Millennials may have to that up))
I knew William Burroughs (and Ginsberg, Keroauc) but not Drugstore Cowboy. Watching now for the first time. On Prime right now until Monday.
I won't go over every movie I've seen ITT because I went out of my way to look for some of them during COVID restrictions. But I think at least most millennials know John Hughes movies, they were constantly on cable. Gen Z probably didn't watch nearly as much cable. But those Hughes films left a pretty big impact on the culture and still influence or get referenced by shows and movies today (prominently featured in Ready Player One which is gem Z's Jurassic Park), so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot more gen Zers than just the cinephiles have seen at least one Hughes film. We did a unit on The Breakfast Club in my high school sociology course. I remember thinking it was better than something similar we did with The Outsiders in an English class when I was a freshman.
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War games....I remember watching that with my dad as a kid and was blown away

The set that was built to represent NORAD inside Cheyenne Mountain was amazing! In reality, NORAD's "war room" isn't nearly that elaborate. The mountain base is still remarkable though. Much of the footage from the film is from the actual base, including the entrance, tunnel and blast doors.
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The Last Picture Show - done in Black and White
I re-read this whole thread and I don’t recall seeing The Graduate.
And Animal House? 🤯

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