Most people will never understand just how big of a deal it is for classified materials.
Many years ago I picked up the phone in the dorm room in the middle of the night. Happened to be one coworker calling to talk to another coworker. I was like dumbass, if you are at home then he has to be a work. Three people worked overnight, and I could hear Monday Night Football in the background so I knew he wasn't at work as at least two of them had to be working.
He then informed me I was the dumbass, he was at work.
I hung up, went and got a couple other coworkers, made some calls, and went to where we worked. Twenty people or so showed up where we worked within the next hour.
We all figured something was terribly wrong if I could here MNF in the background.
Dumbasses at work had a radio inside a SCIF so they could listen to the game.
You would not believe how fast so many people that worked at Fort Mead got on planes and where in Europe the next day. Damn investigation lasted months.