I was looking at Cigarettemans thread about the Iowa draft card burning ceremony. Todays world would never allow for a draft of any kind. We are an entirely different generation of people today. We aren't blind followers like we were then. Even then, there was mischief and rebellion all over the nation.
Could you peeps imagine what would happen if the Government tried to draft us into a war with North Korea? Iran? In todays times?!1 The public awareness of how things really run is just too well known at this time. We know these wars are mostly bogus and have more to do with the spread of our empire rather than the preservation of our freedom.
The mentality of Americans is quick to react, and quite frankly it would get ugly as hell very quickly. The gun ownership would most definitely be a key in all of this. It would be the one thing that would make politicians think twice before EVER trying to do something as reckless as they did during Vietnam again.
The military and the police themselves, our family, friends and neighbors, already embatttled, would likely not be interested, nor up to the task of dealing with the chaos. Are they better armed, sure, but what good is that, if you are trying to convince them to attack their own people? I sure as hell wouldn't. Not on the word of a bunch of corrupt politicians and war mongering shadow players. And when the protectors turned their back on the politicians and their corporate cronies, whom do you think would be in danger? Maybe those same politicians and corporate cronies who no longer enjoy the protection they once had?
The gun problems are real in this country. But so is our very corrupt Government. So for those asking for guns to be taken away, just make sure you understand what you're asking for.
Could you peeps imagine what would happen if the Government tried to draft us into a war with North Korea? Iran? In todays times?!1 The public awareness of how things really run is just too well known at this time. We know these wars are mostly bogus and have more to do with the spread of our empire rather than the preservation of our freedom.
The mentality of Americans is quick to react, and quite frankly it would get ugly as hell very quickly. The gun ownership would most definitely be a key in all of this. It would be the one thing that would make politicians think twice before EVER trying to do something as reckless as they did during Vietnam again.
The military and the police themselves, our family, friends and neighbors, already embatttled, would likely not be interested, nor up to the task of dealing with the chaos. Are they better armed, sure, but what good is that, if you are trying to convince them to attack their own people? I sure as hell wouldn't. Not on the word of a bunch of corrupt politicians and war mongering shadow players. And when the protectors turned their back on the politicians and their corporate cronies, whom do you think would be in danger? Maybe those same politicians and corporate cronies who no longer enjoy the protection they once had?
The gun problems are real in this country. But so is our very corrupt Government. So for those asking for guns to be taken away, just make sure you understand what you're asking for.