"Despite....contradicting decades of rigorous research showing
no link between vaccines and autism"
That statement is false. It's anything but rigorous.
Decades of poorly designed fraudulent BS claiming to be settled science is more like it. Once again bunsen, they only studied one vaccine (MMR) and one ingredient (thimerosal) "rigorously", and even that research is flawed. None of the control groups in those studies were completely unvaxxed and none of the test groups in those studies were completely vaxxed, just for starters. The kids in the control group were almost fully vaxxed, in fact. Go see for yourself if there are studies on injected aluminum indicating safety. The science that does exist indicates problems. If you ask for studies that indicate safety here, you'll get either MMR, thimerosal, or a combo of both. Last time I checked there are more ingredients and more vaccines on the schedule.
Then you have the clinical trials for the scheduled vaccines. They are ultra short-term, low powered, and do not use and inert placebo.
It's pointless to argue this stuff right now in a separate thread from the 100 other threads that have already gone over this so many times. Soon (hopefully) we'll all be able to look at the data from the VSD (millions of kids), completely vaxxed vs. completely unvaxxed and we'll see what that data looks like. How about we wait for that data, then come back to this and see who was right?
Anyone who's looked into it can understand the current safety science is terrible. Sorry but anyone who thinks the science is settled on vaccine safety is either lying or has no clue what their talking about and hasn't looked into it for themselves.