She won in large part because it was an off year election and the Dems put up a lousy candidate and she ran a very good campaignThey have many in office, Ernst from Iowa for one.
Natural progression goes like this: keep government off my back so I can make bank. After you make bank, politicians will undoubtedly reach out to you for donations (or vice versa) so you can insulate yourself from competition. Now you become a corporate socialist crony who plays the system. Big government is for the haves. They always sell there designs to the unwashed as to how it will help the public good and their children. Nothing could be further from the truth.Seems about right.
Don't you anticipate some libertarian billionaires could get some of their kind into office?
The Kochs are NOT libertarian. The father, yes. Sons, no.I really only see this with the Rs. Libertarianism via the Kochs, Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party machine is the new religious right. I don't see that sort of push in the Ds. The Ds have been moving into the old Rockefeller republican ground that the Clintons represent. Both parties have shifted to the right on policy issues. Liberals have to look to civil rights as a source of consolation.
I'd like to read your thoughts on why they are bad. After reading the below quote by this insider, voting libertarian for this reason alone should be sufficient. Libertarians would end the Fed. D's and R's adore it. Now they are throwing the Trans Pacific Partnership on the secret of course.1) Libertarian ideas are mostly bad
2) Good libertarian ideas get absorbed by the current party system.
3) Neither Sanders nor Jefferson were Libertarians.
In a nutshell libertarians don't believe in solving problems. They ignore them leaving the weak vulnerable to the powerful. Libertarians are all about concentrating power in private hands. Its laughable that they would do anything to stop your Quigley scenario. Libertarians would get out of the way and let private concentrations of power do as they will without regulation or oversight. Under libertarianism, real feudalism would be the direction we would be headed, complete with lords and surfs.I'd like to read your thoughts on why they are bad. After reading the below quote by this insider, voting libertarian for this reason alone should be sufficient. Libertarians would end the Fed. D's and R's adore it. Now they are throwing the Trans Pacific Partnership on the secret of course.
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."
-- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20
In a nutshell, governments CAUSE the problems. It's their constant meddling that upsets peaceful transactions. They restrain freedom. They lust for power and dominion over the lives of others. They intercede in foreign countries on behalf of multi-national oligarchs leaving us in perpetual war.In a nutshell libertarians don't believe in solving problems. They ignore them leaving the weak vulnerable to the powerful. Libertarians are all about concentrating power in private hands. Its laughable that they would do anything to stop your Quigley scenario. Libertarians would get out of the way and let private concentrations of power do as they will without regulation or oversight. Under libertarianism, real feudalism would be the direction we would be headed, complete with lords and surfs.
I invite everyone who hates the republicans and democrats to explain to me why their aren't more Bernie Sanders' and Thomas Jefferson's in office?
Edit: I realize Sanders isn't a libertarian. I'm just putting him out there as a counter-weight to the tea party. Socialists and Tea Partiers seem to have something in common. Neither of them are too thrilled with the party they are affiliated with.
Not how I see it. IMO, people cause problems. For the weak, the only mechanism for addressing those problems is the government. You deprive the weak of the power to stand up to people doing harm while you protect the rights of the powerful to steamroll them. The bailout is the sort of thing I generally want my government to be able to do. I want them to stand between me and catastrophe, of course I'd like to see them arrest those who caused the catastrophe too. I'd like them to monitor, regulate, and enforce more, not less. Libertarianism isn't a move in that direction.In a nutshell, governments CAUSE the problems. It's their constant meddling that upsets peaceful transactions. They restrain freedom. They lust for power and dominion over the lives of others. They intercede in foreign countries on behalf of multi-national oligarchs leaving us in perpetual war.
What is laughable is your response. Libertarians getting out of the way, huh? Were you in a coma in 2008 when the "too big to fails" were bailed out by Joe Sixpack and Charlie the Plumber?
I rarely have someone tell me they are going to vote for a candidate because they like that candidate. They either believe to other major candidate is going to ruin the country, they think their vote will be wasted on a third party or both.
In a nutshell, governments CAUSE the problems. It's their constant meddling that upsets peaceful transactions. They restrain freedom. They lust for power and dominion over the lives of others. They intercede in foreign countries on behalf of multi-national oligarchs leaving us in perpetual war.
This an easy argument and its happenings not this thread right now.
You're the reason, the other party followers are the reason.
You immediately side with each other again the outside thinkers. Which just goes to prove that you're one the same.
In 2008 Obama was elected Prez. In 2 short years a new movement known as the Tea Party was cobbled together and they got several people elected to congress.
Some claim they have control of the Repubs. That's doubtful, but they do have influence. If they can do it, why can't the libertarians who've been around much longer? The only reason I can come up with is the voters aren't buying what they are selling.
Isn't that line of thinking stripping me of MY right to support whoever I choose? In 1980 John Anderson ran as an independent. 92 Perot was on the ballot. 2000 Nader.ran. Those are just some of the names. There's no law stopping you libertarians from raising money and putting your choice on the ballot. As already mentioned the voters have been given an opportunity to move away from the 2 parties and have voluntarily said no. Just because you don't like their choice, doesn't mean they don't have a right to it.
Blacks say they are disenfranchised
So do Arabs and Native Americans
Latinos say the same thing
Libertarians makes this claim
Atheists feel this way because "In God We Trust" is on the currency and you have to put your hand on the bible when being sworn into office.
And now Christians are making the claim after losing the culture wars
So if everyone's disenfranchised, maybe nobody is? Maybe, just maybe, Americans are poor losers, or at least don't understand that you can't have a winner without a loser.
The tea party is the popular expression of libertarian ideas.In 2008 Obama was elected Prez. In 2 short years a new movement known as the Tea Party was cobbled together and they got several people elected to congress.
Some claim they have control of the Repubs. That's doubtful, but they do have influence. If they can do it, why can't the libertarians who've been around much longer? The only reason I can come up with is the voters aren't buying what they are selling.
Sure, those are the folks who buy into the libertarian, do nothing fantasy. But while most tea party members might be as you describe, the tea party itself specifically tries to avoid religion and while militant, isn't neocon.From where I'm sitting, the Tea Party is just the simpler-minded neo-cons who hold the Bible in one hand and their gun-of-choice in the other and just hate everything the "conservative media" refers to as being "The Left."
Sure, those are the folks who buy into the libertarian, do nothing fantasy. But while most tea party members might be as you describe, the tea party itself specifically tries to avoid religion and while militant, isn't neocon.
Your link supports my position that tea party members hold many ideas outside of the actual tea party platform. When you are talking about 41% of the electorate that's bound to happen. It might also be argued that since your article defines the tea party as 41% of the electorate, the author is basically denying any distinction between the tea party and republicans and hence it might be a poor source. Nevertheless, the tea party principles are an expression of mainly libertarian ideas. I'm surprised a man who claims to hate labels and boxes would insist on such purity.
From where I'm sitting, the Tea Party is just the simpler-minded neo-cons who hold the Bible in one hand and their gun-of-choice in the other and just hate everything the "conservative media" refers to as being "The Left."
Sure, those are the folks who buy into the libertarian, do nothing fantasy. But while most tea party members might be as you describe, the tea party itself specifically tries to avoid religion and while militant, isn't neocon.
Your link supports my position that tea party members hold many ideas outside of the actual tea party platform. When you are talking about 41% of the electorate that's bound to happen. But the tea party platform is an expression of mainly libertarian ideas. I'm surprised a man who claims to hate labels and boxes would insist on such purity.
Let's not forget that the Tea Party (the broader movement, not necessarily the formal party) has morphed a good bit in the last 7 years or so. It was initially a reaction to the economic meltdown. And it attracted interest from left and right. It started off with a lot of outrage against Wall Street; against job losses and outsourcing; against people losing their homes; against favorable treatment for big banks, and big corporations and the whole idea of "too big to fail"; against the rich and powerful being able to buy our government. And more. But then it was co-opted.
It's still against some of those things, but it also now defends some of them. It's stopped being outraged by out-of-control businesses and government. Now it's mainly only opposed to government. It now opposes "entitlements" that people have worked and paid for - like Social Security - but supports entitlements like the ruinous tax breaks for the rich passed by the Bush administration. It still objects to our bought-and-paid-for government, but objects even more to passing laws that would stop this blatant corruption.
An abstract group you apparently have a very specific opinions about. I find that fun, but you sound mad brah.Which is it? The "actual" Tea Party or some variant that you've cooked-up in your mind- OPINION. The Tea Party is just another abstract group.
Did a Ron Paul supporter take one of your love interests? This sounds personal to me.
Good summation of libertarianism here."The poor always been f*cked-over by the rich. Always have, always will."
You sound exactly like jscott bitching about conservatism. Always wrong, but has a personal grudge, nonetheless.Good summation of libertarianism here.
An abstract group you apparently have a very specific opinions about. I find that fun, but you sound mad brah.
I realize these terms are like cryptic voodoo chants to you, but I'm trying to help you use them correctly. Your tenuous grasp on reality would be greatly aided by a dictionary and a modicum of curiosity.You sound exactly like jscott bitching about conservatism. Always wrong, but has a personal grudge, nonetheless.
I think this is a more accurate summation. Most tea party people I ever met and spoke with in-person were only Libertarian in their desire to shrink government. But, they weren't specific except that they didn't like being taxed. Of course, they were co-opted and now they are fine with being taxed as long as it's tax breaks for the wealthy in the end result.
This all reminds me of the character in Platoon- "King." Stone's screenplay has him citing to the idealistic Chris (Charlie Sheen): "The poor always been f*cked-over by the rich. Always have, always will."
You don't see the problem with you claiming you're the only "pure" libertarian. Hell, there is a large rift within your movement. I would be more sympathetic to libertarians if they didn't start from a place of self-righteousness pontification.
"Everyone's corrupt except me!"
Practically speaking...How can "libertarians" ever be a political party? Wouldn't they be too independent and too self-reliant to belong to any type of group or any particular of mantra?
Neither do most libertarians.ITT I learned that most here have no earthly clue what Libertarians actually are.
Neither do most libertarians.
Neither do most libertarians.
This is the confused kind of post I expect from a pseudo libertarian leaning poster who fawns all over everything from statist, Robert Reich. You just championed the status quo that is going in a fascist direction at warped speed. Take just about any issue and there is a libertarian solution to it. Government offers coercion and theft while libertarians offer freedom of choice. For some reason, HR Cool, Natural and yourself feel threatened to denounce libertarianism even though you say it's going nowhere. Perhaps because Ron Paul still has an audience while out of office and young people are enamored by him. This upsets the Romney types because...well, he's Romney.Until your last sentence, I was planning to tell you you need a bigger tin foil hat.
Here's what's wrong with everything you said up to that point. It isn't governments that do those bad things and have those bad motives. It's the people we put in power (or allow to have power) who do those bad things and have those bad motives.
Some forms of government make it easier for the wrong people to gain power and easier for them to use power badly. The constitutional structure of our government was one of the early, better attempts to make it hard for the bad people to hold power or to use that power badly. But the power-hungry have had over 2 centuries to expose and exploit the flaws in that ancient text.
Even libertarians favor government. And even the small government favored by libertarians is corruptible.
Instead of railing against government as the source of all evil - rather than power and, in particular, the abuse of power as the source of all evil - I suggest you focus your energy on getting government back on the rails. And yes, work to make it smaller, if you wish.
It's the ease with which major concentrations of power now give orders to the government that's the main problem we face. When you spend your energy attacking government, instead of trying to wrest control of government from those who now own it, you are helping the actual bad guys.