H ROTards would like to explain to you why voting is for fools

Not how I see it. IMO, people cause problems. For the weak, the only mechanism for addressing those problems is the government. You deprive the weak of the power to stand up to people doing harm while you protect the rights of the powerful to steamroll them. The bailout is the sort of thing I generally want my government to be able to do. I want them to stand between me and catastrophe, of course I'd like to see them arrest those who caused the catastrophe too. I'd like them to monitor, regulate, and enforce more, not less. Libertarianism isn't a move in that direction.
Don't look now, Chief. But, they're being steamrolled now under the present non-libertarian system. For centuries, people possessing your sexual inclinations were ostracized. In a libertarian world- live and let live. Read Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do by Pete Williams.

That one sentence is absolutely hilarious. You want those arrested who caused the catastrophe. So, they're going to arrest themselves?

Ah yes. The #3 on the menu board:

3. Start a partisan divide-and-conquer fight or otherwise push emotional buttons to sow discord and ensure that cooperation is thwarted. Get people fighting against each other instead of the 3corrupt powers-that-be. Use baseless caricatures to rile everyone up. For example, start a religious war whenever possible using stereotypes like “all Jews are selfish”, “all Christians are crazy” or “all Muslims are terrorists”. Accuse the author of being a gay, pro-abortion limp-wristed wimp or being a fundamentalist pro-war hick when the discussion has nothing to do with abortion, sexuality, religion, war or region. Appeal to people’s basest prejudices and biases. And (as explained by H. Michael Sweeney’s 25 Rules of Disinformation) push the author into a defensive posture:

Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule … Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

You're such a troll and shill. What a surprise. You really didn't have an "Honest Question". There's nothing honest about you.
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If Libertarians

I double agree. Libertarians are very disingenuous about their own integrity issues. Tarians and Rand Paul had a love affair with each other, until Rand demonstrated that ambition among Libertarians does the same thing to them that it does to Republicans n Democrats. It makes them compromise.
Again..Rand is not libertarian. He is despised by them. He's a neocon like you. Maybe you're just a self-hater. Also, Libertarian with a capital 'L' indicates the party. Small 'l' indicates a movement.
I wonder if HR has a problem with Muslims and wants to make sure we spend lives and money to keep them in-line over in the Middle East?
I'm surprised WWJD likes the new version of HRisCool. Same old thing, from what I see. Maybe I'm not surprised.
I wonder if HR has a problem with Muslims and wants to make sure we spend lives and money to keep them in-line over in the Middle East?
In his perverted mind, there isn't a problem government can't fix. In his next breath, he'll tell us he's a conservative because they believe in small government.
In his perverted mind, there isn't a problem government can't fix. In his next breath, he'll tell us he's a conservative because they believe in small government.

Well, the thread was somewhat credible. It is a good topic to discuss why only D's and R's get elected. Why don't third parties get a fair playing field? Why has the duopoly made it impossible for any other voice to be heard but theirs? Why are Americans content to let that go on? Those are valid questions. It doesn't matter what name the third parties have or claim to be. Voter apathy is always abundant. Choosing between crap and poop isn't going to generate much of a turnout.
HROT Libertarian explanation for the world we live in: "Super-secret centuries-old puppet masters are in control of a world-wide conspiracy to control the masses with religion, socialism, democracy, entertainment and cronyism."

Explanation from the rationales: "Mankind is an emotional species of limited intellect allergic to logic."
HROT Libertarian explanation for the world we live in: "Super-secret centuries-old puppet masters are in control of a world-wide conspiracy to control the masses with religion, socialism, democracy, entertainment and cronyism."

Explanation from the rationales: "Mankind is an emotional species of limited intellect allergic to logic."
....and you make a fool of yourself twice in this post. Comparing your ability to understand logic, to Nats, Strumm, and my own is like pulling up next to a Ferrari, while you're on a bicycle, and thinking you can beat us to the next stop light.
HROT Libertarian explanation for the world we live in: "Super-secret centuries-old puppet masters are in control of a world-wide conspiracy to control the masses with religion, socialism, democracy, entertainment and cronyism."

Explanation from the rationales: "Mankind is an emotional species of limited intellect allergic to logic."
If you can prove us wrong on what we say then try that instead, no one else has been able to do so.
This is the confused kind of post I expect from a pseudo libertarian leaning poster who fawns all over everything from statist, Robert Reich. You just championed the status quo that is going in a fascist direction at warped speed. Take just about any issue and there is a libertarian solution to it. Government offers coercion and theft while libertarians offer freedom of choice. For some reason, HR Cool, Natural and yourself feel threatened to denounce libertarianism even though you say it's going nowhere. Perhaps because Ron Paul still has an audience while out of office and young people are enamored by him. This upsets the Romney types because...well, he's Romney.

Your post flaunts a lack of history. The world was awash in monarchies that moved away from that form of government. They moved to a more sophisticated form known as democracy by using all of their wealth to deliver schmucks a false narrative come election time. This game of Hobson's choice leaves the electorate feeling empowered. The wealthy laugh because they know they control the purse, the debt strings of the nation aka The Fed. You can throw all the mis-direction you want as you shill for the Man. Socialist Party A and Socialist Party B will continue keeping the public's eye off the ball and receiving inflated dollars to buy votes. They never attack the hydra-headed monster that feeds them. Only libertarians offer this solution that would bring the bad people to their knees. Ending the Fed defangs them. It's how they fund wars and buy votes. It promotes the welfare-warfare state that you gush over.

Oh well.
Guys, what the tarians need to remember is that there are a lot of republicans and more than a few democrats who want to jump on board your bandwagon. So when we read Nat (in another thread) use words like Big Pharma our eyes just roll.

BIG pharma
BIG oil
BIG automakers
BIG software companies
BIG insurance
BIG coal
BIG steel
BIG nuclear
BIG hydroelectric
BIG aerospace
BIG telecom
BIG softdrink
BIG agriculture
BIG fast food
BIG tobacco
BIG appliance
BIG legal
BIG tire repair
BIG chemical
BIG exterminator
BIG amusement-park
BIG retail
BIG hotels

That type of talk puts the "Lib" in libertarian and it scares away people who might vote for you. There's no magic that happens just because you put the word "Big" in front of something. Big companies can't use force against you. Big, medium and small government's can. Big companies can go bankrupt and disappear. If they were as powerful as the weak-minded believe that wouldn't happen.

Anyway, to sum up. If libertarians just focus on a positive economic message and put a stop to the religious persecution and geopolitical conspiracy talk you guys will win a few elections. Ron Paul was never gonna be Prez., but Rand has a shot. And what do you guys do to the one person (Rand) sympathetic to your cause? You throw him under the bus. You guys want power? Stop sabotaging your own movement!
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Practically speaking...How can "libertarians" ever be a political party? Wouldn't they be too independent and too self-reliant to belong to any type of group or any particular of mantra?

There is insight here. Libertarians may have a strain of anarchism. That makes it hard for them to build something that requires cooperation if not outright goal-oriented conformity. I should add, IMO the Democrats have demonstrated better than any other party the success that comes with goal-oriented conformity. When the Democrats want something, their drive allows them to get it. Republicans are happy with bread crumbs. Tarians seem to be happy just to be critics.
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Guys, what the tarians need to remember is that there are a lot of republicans and more than a few democrats who want to jump on board your bandwagon. So when we read Nat (in another thread) use words like Big Pharma our eyes just roll.

BIG pharma
BIG oil
BIG automakers
BIG software companies
BIG insurance
BIG coal
BIG steel
BIG nuclear
BIG hydroelectric
BIG aerospace
BIG telecom
BIG softdrink
BIG agriculture
BIG fast food
BIG tobacco
BIG appliance
BIG legal
BIG tire repair
BIG chemical
BIG exterminator
BIG amusement-park
BIG retail
BIG hotels

That type of talk puts the "Lib" in libertarian and it scares away people who might vote for you. There's no magic that happens just because you put the word "Big" in front of something. Big companies can't use force against you. Big, medium and small government's can. Big companies can go bankrupt and disappear. If they were as powerful as the weak-minded believe that wouldn't happen.

Anyway, to sum up. If libertarians just focus on a positive economic message and put a stop to the religious persecution and geopolitical conspiracy talk you guys will win a few elections. Ron Paul was never gonna be Prez., but Rand has a shot. And what do you guys do to the one person (Rand) sympathetic to your cause? You throw him under the bus. You guys want power? Stop sabotaging your own movement!

I love the self-righteous pontification here. My eyes are rolling, too.
Something about Libertarians scares the piss outta HRiscool. Look at the effort he's going to here in this thread!
Something about Libertarians scares the piss outta HRiscool. Look at the effort he's going to here in this thread!
First they ignore you, then they attack you.

Every month or so, he comes up with a similar post. He definitely feels threatened.
HROT Libertarian explanation for the world we live in: "Super-secret centuries-old puppet masters are in control of a world-wide conspiracy to control the masses with religion, socialism, democracy, entertainment and cronyism."

Explanation from the rationales: "Mankind is an emotional species of limited intellect allergic to logic."
....and you make a fool of yourself twice in this post. Comparing your ability to understand logic, to Nats, Strumm, and my own is like pulling up next to a Ferrari, while you're on a bicycle, and thinking you can beat us to the next stop light.
I'm not sure how to feel about this post. :)
First they ignore you, then they attack you.

Every month or so, he comes up with a similar post. He definitely feels threatened.
Lots of things about libertarianism ought to scare any sane individual, but HR hasn't posted here in months.
There is insight here. Libertarians may have a strain of anarchism. That makes it hard for them to build something that requires cooperation if not outright goal-oriented conformity. I should add, IMO the Democrats have demonstrated better than any other party the success that comes with goal-oriented conformity. When the Democrats want something, their drive allows them to get it. Republicans are happy with bread crumbs. Tarians seem to be happy just to be critics.
Wait, it's your impression that Ds are more disciplined and organized than Rs? o_O
Lots of things about libertarianism ought to scare any sane individual, but HR hasn't posted here in months.
Freedom is scary in your world and sending millions of boys off to die for the oligarchs is sane? Is your last name Orwell?
Freedom is scary in your world and sending millions of boys off to die for the oligarchs is sane? Is your last name Orwell?
Nope, we agree on the war issue. We disagree that libertarianism represents freedom for anyone but the elites. You're playing into big brother's hands by sowing the seeds of your own demise. You've been conned.
Nope, we agree on the war issue. We disagree that libertarianism represents freedom for anyone but the elites. You're playing into big brother's hands by sowing the seeds of your own demise. You've been conned.

So... how, exactly, are "the elites" NOT free to do whatever they like in this current structure??? I'm not sure how "libertarianism" will guarantee it will remedy the elites' power, but they're entrenched very well right now!
So... how, exactly, are "the elites" NOT free to do whatever they like in this current structure??? I'm not sure how "libertarianism" will guarantee it will remedy the elites' power, but they're entrenched very well right now!
There are numerous regulations, taxes and laws that serve to curtail the power of the elites. If we agree they still have too much power, the solution isn't to remove the protections we have as Libertarianism would do, but to redouble our efforts to curtail their power further. Libertarianism points us in exactly the wrong direction.
There are numerous regulations, taxes and laws that serve to curtail the power of the elites. If we agree they still have too much power, the solution isn't to remove the protections we have as Libertarianism would do, but to redouble our efforts to curtail their power further. Libertarianism points us in exactly the wrong direction.

O)h, yeah... you definitely have them on-the-ropes for sure. Those "efforts" of voting for people they pay for over and over has really hamstrung them all, big time. By all means, double-up and put more of them in office. You're doin' a helluva job.
You and you merry band keep telling yourself that Libertarians lose elections world-wide because of some vast conspiracy.
This is a joke right? How on earth did you come to the conclusion that any Libertarian took that page out of the Liberal playbook?
O)h, yeah... you definitely have them on-the-ropes for sure. Those "efforts" of voting for people they pay for over and over has really hamstrung them all, big time. By all means, double-up and put more of them in office. You're doin' a helluva job.
Yep, libertarians sure seem to think so too. Sure beats your alternative.
libertarians are brilliant with perfect ideas, the people who run the show are evil, they cannot have that. The libertarians are squashed by the new world order plain and simple. The war machine keeps turning, rolling over libertarians
libertarians are brilliant with perfect ideas, the people who run the show are evil, they cannot have that. The libertarians are squashed by the new world order plain and simple. The war machine keeps turning, rolling over libertarians
The truth is, the bad guys win because they aren't afraid to do what they need to, in order to win.
Because hardly anyone thinks they can win at the national level.

People want to vote for someone they think can win.

And that is the problem. People actually think "they" are winning when they vote one way or another.
No one truly wants change, because no one is starving in the one is truly hurting. Remove the social safety nets and there would either be outright revolution in this country or dozens of new parties would spring up over night.

One thing is certain. The two party system is strangling the country to a slow and agonizing death. And we are seeing it happen...yet no one will step forward to stop it.

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