Hamas is Terrible

So pick and choose, as god intended.
No, but the new covenant, as Jesus taught, wasn’t about killing. It was alot trying to get people to put down their sins and follow him. This is where many people get confused and think Jesus hung out with sinners who kept being prostitutes, tax collectors, etc. They gave up their sin to follow him.
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Here is your post #6:

Can you explain the sarcasm element of saying you were an Israel supporter in October 2023? That, my friend, is what you call a lie.
I was until they killed 35,000 people. Pretty sure, most of that is not hamas.
A little levity ... or is that... levitation?

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No, but the new covenant, as Jesus taught, wasn’t about killing. It was alot trying to get people to put down their sins and follow him. This is where many people get confused and think Jesus hung out with sinners who kept being prostitutes, tax collectors, etc. They gave up their sin to follow him.
And yet certain passages from the OT keep coming up. Almost seems like people just pick what they like out of that book and ignore the parts they don’t. I wonder if other religions are like that.
Has God changed since then?

Is that one of the OT things Jesus changed?

I ask that because I am reliably told that if Jesus didn't specifically change it, the OT is still the literal word of God.

I don't buy it, but that's what I've been told here many times.
The thing is, these stories were written by goatherders 2000+ years ago. All of them have weird bits in them that their believers ignore. That’s fine. The obnoxious bit is that while ignoring their tricky bits they hold the other religions to theirs.
The thing is, these stories were written by goatherders 2000+ years ago. All of them have weird bits in them that their believers ignore. That’s fine. The obnoxious bit is that while ignoring their tricky bits they hold the other religions to theirs.
Modern Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus, which again, some people twist to mean we should open our churches to moral decay.
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The thing is, these stories were written by goatherders 2000+ years ago. All of them have weird bits in them that their believers ignore. That’s fine. The obnoxious bit is that while ignoring their tricky bits they hold the other religions to theirs.
Yet another variation of the double standard all cultures seem prey to:

If someone in my culture does something bad, that individual is bad, but you shouldn't generalize to the rest of us. Whereas if an individual in your culture does something bad, your whole culture is an abomination and all of you deserve whatever we decide to inflict upon you.
Yet another variation of the double standard all cultures seem prey to:

If someone in my culture does something bad, that individual is bad, but you shouldn't generalize to the rest of us. Whereas if an individual in your culture does something bad, your whole culture is an abomination and all of you deserve whatever we decide to inflict upon you.
Except, with Islam, it isn’t individuals. A very large segment wants Sharia Law. A very large segment would make the LGBT people very sad. When Muslims are in the majority, they become way less tolerant.
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Modern Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus, which again, some people twist to mean we should open our churches to moral decay.
Are you saying modern Christians should reject moral decay?

Then please explain how it is that so many Christians support Trump?

How does "let those without sin..." get turned in to aggressive support of the worst sinner?
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Except, with Islam, it isn’t individuals. A very large segment wants Sharia Law. A very large segment would make the LGBT people very sad. When Muslims are in the majority, they become way less tolerant.
Yeah. That's awful. And I'm willing to accept the assertion that the percentages look better among today's Christians vs today's Muslims.

But 2 things: first, the Christians of yesteryear were no better; and, second, a whole lot of today's Christians would cheer from the rooftops if we could return to those days.

And most of those are Republicans who support Trump, in all his faux-closer-to-Godliness.
Modern Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus, which again, some people twist to mean we should open our churches to moral decay.

Churches in AmeriKKKa seem only to exist for the pastor to get fabulously wealthy and for the youth pastors to find a child bride.

Religion in general appears to be little more than a justification for controlling or killing others. Maybe if the church types did a lot less talking and finger pointing, and instead practiced what they preach then maybe they’d have some credibility.
Are you saying modern Christians should reject moral decay?

Then please explain how it is that so many Christians support Trump?

How does "let those without sin..." get turned in to aggressive support of the worst sinner?
I don’t know, my thoughts are abortion, the border, and to some extent the economy. I separate my politics from my religion
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Atrocity propaganda, just like the Kuwait incubator story. People have lied about their enemies ever since they began talking.

I used to feel we could count on our government to be an honest broker of information about these sorts of things. As some point I realized we occasionally couldn't. Nowadays, I fear we often can't.

There was a time when it was clear I couldn't count on Fox and other so-called press on the right, but I still felt reasonably confident in major sources in the center and on the left. Nowadays, I have to fact check them all.

We used to have fact checkers that seemed reasonably responsible. Nowadays, I need fact checkers for the fact checkers.

There are still clearly better and worse press. And there are still ways to improve our odds of learning the truth. But, nowadays, it's harder.
"you can't move five or six million people out of a country and fill it up with five or six million more and expect both sets of them to be pleased."

MP2002-477 Former President Truman Discusses the Challenges of Establishing Israel in Palestine

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Sen. Bernie Sanders says 'Israel has broken international law' and 'American law': Full interview