Hamas is Terrible

So sad what these victims are going through.
It doesn't matter which side you're on, this girl needs help. She reminds me of those girls who left for ISIS where they're totally consumed by a cause. These people get so consumed that they totally lose their sense of who they are. People like her change the persona to match the cause they're fighting for and all that does is make them extreme. This girl has problems and she's rejecting her family (much like a cult), and so her family will never be able to communicate with her. Hopefully they're able to be there for her when her life truly falls apart.
Anyone else? I remember Erin when she was a blatant right-winger at CNBC. Has she changed any?

The overall coverage of CNN is anti-Israel that I've seen.

CNN is a left leaning news network and the left seems anti-Israel.

Turn on Fox News and it's rabidly pro-Israel.
No, dumb bombs.
No. Educate yourself

The Washington-based news outlet, Politico, reported that the weapons held back also include Boeing’s Joint Direct Attack Munitions, which are guidance kits that convert “dumb” bombs dropped in free-fall, ballistic trajectory into precision-guided, “smart bombs”.

Zoran Kusovac, a military analyst, explained: “The dumb bomb – basically you drop it from the plane and it falls much in the same way as it did in World War One and World War Two and Vietnam.
No. Educate yourself

The Washington-based news outlet, Politico, reported that the weapons held back also include Boeing’s Joint Direct Attack Munitions, which are guidance kits that convert “dumb” bombs dropped in free-fall, ballistic trajectory into precision-guided, “smart bombs”.

Zoran Kusovac, a military analyst, explained: “The dumb bomb – basically you drop it from the plane and it falls much in the same way as it did in World War One and World War Two and Vietnam.
You sure? I'm pretty sure the Palestinian children have paid 100 to 1 in terms of lives and butchery.
What does that have to do with my post?

Your OP was about the treatment of Palestinians in a detention center. I’m simply pointing out that I’m guessing a lot of Israeli women and children who were captured by Hamas last fall would gladly trade places.
What does that have to do with my post?

Your OP was about the treatment of Palestinians in a detention center. I’m simply pointing out that I’m guessing a lot of Israeli women and children who were captured by Hamas last fall would gladly trade places.
This really is a fascinating defense that we see here often.
"Look, they may be committing crimes against humanity, but they're not as bad as a terrorist group! So whatever"
I'm waiting for someone to defend Hamas.

Since that seems unlikely, what do you think Hamas would say in its defense?

I imagine Hamas folks think they are the good guys. And that Israeli forces and government are the bad guys.

So, from their point of view, does that justify what they did? I assume so, or they wouldn't have done it. But how would they explain that out loud?
I'm waiting for someone to defend Hamas.

Since that seems unlikely, what do you think Hamas would say in its defense?

I imagine Hamas folks think they are the good guys. And that Israeli forces and government are the bad guys.

So, from their point of view, does that justify what they did? I assume so, or they wouldn't have done it. But how would they explain that out loud?
Evidently half of the killers on oct 7th weren’t Hamas
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This really is a fascinating defense that we see here often.
"Look, they may be committing crimes against humanity, but they're not as bad as a terrorist group! So whatever"
I haven’t defended anything.

Just responding to the OP.
Here's the deal. We get you're an Israel supporter. I was too in October 2023. But overreaching has its own consequences. Even US policy is heading towards tolerating Israel and not carte blanche supporting it. The rest of the world has mostly dumped Israel ages ago. Nothing to be proud of. Kind of sad, honestly.
There really isn't any measure of overreaching they can do imo.
I want to be perfectly clear. The Palestinian people celebrated 9/11 in the streets and they also celebrated the dead bodies of the raped and murdered women.

Destroy ever single Hamas and if it means collateral damage of 50k people…so be it.
War sucks but especially when you elect Hamas and then they go out and kill, rape, behead, etc. They need wiped off the face of the earth.
Would you rather drop smart bombs or dumb bombs?

It would have been cleaner if Biden said we'd continue with defensive munitions but halt offensive munitions.

Sure, we'd nitpick to death what counts as offensive and defensive. And, sure, some weapons are dual purpose. But it's a reasonable distinction to make.

Viewed that way, the answer to your question is, no we shouldn't provide kits to smarten-up our dumb bombs, because they are still offensive weapons, either way.
God sent us Hamas to remind us that not everything bad in the world is attributable to Republicans.

Some Republicans are mad about that. They've worked so hard to earn that reputation, and now these Hamas jerks come along.
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I'm waiting for someone to defend Hamas.

Since that seems unlikely, what do you think Hamas would say in its defense?

I imagine Hamas folks think they are the good guys. And that Israeli forces and government are the bad guys.

So, from their point of view, does that justify what they did? I assume so, or they wouldn't have done it. But how would they explain that out loud?
I think this is a good resource to understand where Hamas is coming from. Again not condoning killing innocent people at all. But it's a tough spot to be in when you're Israel, the openly say they want to completely wipe out your people, and have fired rockets at you. What would the US do if we were in the same spot? What would any of us do if we were in charge? There is no simple solution.
I think this is a good resource to understand where Hamas is coming from. Again not condoning killing innocent people at all. But it's a tough spot to be in when you're Israel, the openly say they want to completely wipe out your people, and have fired rockets at you. What would the US do if we were in the same spot? What would any of us do if we were in charge? There is no simple solution.
I don't disagree with what you're saying but the question was how would Hamas justify its actions and what you answered with was how Israel justifies its actions.
Still 100 x better than the treatment Israeli children received last fall before members of Hamas beheaded them.
Does it comply with both Israeli and international law? Put that aside, lowering yourself to the level of terrorists isn’t a wise course to chart.
You also assume everyone at this facility is guilty of being a Hamas fighter.
They care about the Jews. They really do. Except when they want to proselytize them, or blame them for killing Jesus.
Gotta support the Jews. When they all die and go to Hell in the rapture it’s my ticket to Heaven!!


Evangelical Jihadists.

No rational person denies Israel’s right to defend itself or to destroy Hamas. It’s also okay to ask what the end game is, what is being done to get the hostages released, and when will there be accountability inside of Israel? A lot of Israelis are asking these questions.
Does it comply with both Israeli and international law? Put that aside, lowering yourself to the level of terrorists isn’t a wise course to chart.
You also assume everyone at this facility is guilty of being a Hamas fighter.
I don’t assume anything.

Nor am I defending Israel’s treatment of prisoners (I’m not condemning it either).
I don't disagree with what you're saying but the question was how would Hamas justify its actions and what you answered with was how Israel justifies its actions.
Hamas justifies it’s actions by stating their belief system is the correct belief system, and its God wants them to eradicate the Jews and claim the land that rightfully belongs to them.
Hamas justifies it’s actions by stating their belief system is the correct belief system, and its God wants them to eradicate the Jews and claim the land that rightfully belongs to them.
Two thirds of that are the same things that Israel says.

As for the eradication claim, what do the numbers say about who is eradicating whom?
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It would have been cleaner if Biden said we'd continue with defensive munitions but halt offensive munitions.

Sure, we'd nitpick to death what counts as offensive and defensive. And, sure, some weapons are dual purpose. But it's a reasonable distinction to make.

Viewed that way, the answer to your question is, no we shouldn't provide kits to smarten-up our dumb bombs, because they are still offensive weapons, either way.
Defensive only? Why is it the left is all about “rooting out problems at the source” for everything (immigration, crime, climate change, school shootings) except when it comes to those trying to exterminate Jews? For that, it’s just “prolong the problem for as long as we can without ever solving it”.