Hamas is Terrible

Is anyone willing to discuss that the numbers on women, children and overall Civilian deaths are being generated by Hamas lead Gazan Health Ministry who are bigger liars than even Russians? The UN, who have been completely MIA on the genocide in Ukraine, just took them and ran with them and have just now started revising downward. Obviously a ton innocents are being killed but history will show they are way way way overstated. Like would not surprise me by 80 percent or more inflated. This won’t be the first time they are revised down.

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Israeli forces issue evacuation orders for Kuwaiti hospital in Rafah​

Al Jazeera's Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Deir el-Balah in the Gaza Strip, says medical staff at the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah have received an evacuation order from Israeli forces.

He said although the situation in the area has been "dire", until today, the Israeli forces had not placed a call to the hospital's director.

Medics based at the hospital fear that an attack on the hospital would mean a "complete collapse" of the limited medical system in Rafah, he added.
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Gaza authorities say health system on the verge of collapse​

The enclave's Health Ministry says without fuel for hospital generators, the health system across Gaza could collapse in "a few hours".

"A few hours separate us from the collapse of the health system in the Gaza Strip as a result of the failure to bring in the fuel necessary to operate electricity generators in hospitals, ambulances, and transport employees," the ministry said in a post on social media.
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Is anyone willing to discuss that the numbers on women, children and overall Civilian deaths are being generated by Hamas lead Gazan Health Ministry who are bigger liars than even Russians? The UN, who have been completely MIA on the genocide in Ukraine, just took them and ran with them and have just now started revising downward. Obviously a ton innocents are being killed but history will show they are way way way overstated. Like would not surprise me by 80 percent or more inflated. This won’t be the first time they are revised down.

Israel refuses to provide more accurate numbers.

Israel denies journalists access, so it's hard to get an independent account.

I see you call what Russia is doing in Ukraine "genocide." Do you also call what Israel is doing in Gaza "genocide"?
Israel refuses to provide more accurate numbers.

Israel denies journalists access, so it's hard to get an independent account.

I see you call what Russia is doing in Ukraine "genocide." Do you also call what Israel is doing in Gaza "genocide"?
It is definitely starting to border on that and for sure Israel has done themselves no favors by being silent and having a no ****s given attitude. Bibi sucks and should have been kicked out within 10 days of the October 7th event that happened on his watch and could be argued was partially a result of his policies, though no good argument could ever be made to excuse what happened October 7th 2023.

There is a yuge difference though in both happenings.

In Ukraine, a peaceful, smaller country was invaded for purposes of simply conquering by the supposed second best army in the entire world. The Russians committed horrible crimes and the death toll to citizens three years in dwarfs the uncertain one in Gaza.

In Gaza Strip, an entity supported by 80% in a separate part of the same country invaded and attacked a much much much stronger foe simply to kill innocent civilians and take many back in there as hostages. As I have posted elsewhere, an apples to apples comparison to a similar attack on the US would be like us having a Native American walled area where we kept these dangerous people that hated us confined to within our borders having a breech where thousands of them escaped, went on a killing spree that left 40,000 US Citizens and soldiers dead and returned with a couple thousand hostages as the entire enclave partied and celebrated, since the same 80% believe every single non Native American in US must die. After some initial success, it also becomes clear most of the hostages are now dead. We are talking 20K dead women and children among the 40K dead overall from this attack. So when you see what is going on in Gaza and the retaliation being inflicted on them by Israel, you have to look at it through this apples to apples lense and consider what we would be doing right now to this group of people in our country. And we would be doing the same-the Indian Reservation would cease to exist. And one other thing to add to make this apples to apples, is add in that no other Reservation nor foreign country wants to let any of these war torn civilians into their Reservation/County because they view them as too dangerous.
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Israeli forces issue evacuation orders for Kuwaiti hospital in Rafah​

Gaza authorities say health system on the verge of collapse​

It may or may not be, but when you've been saying that since last November, people start to not believe you.
It is definitely starting to border on that and for sure Israel has done themselves no favors by being silent and having a no ****s given attitude. Bibi sucks and should have been kicked out with in 10 days of the October 7th event that happened on his watch and could be argued was partially a result of his policies, though no good argument could ever be made to excuse what happened October 7th 2023.

There is a yuge difference though in both happenings.

In Ukraine, a peaceful, smaller country was invaded for purposes of simply conquering by the supposed second best army in the entire world. The Russians committed horrible crimes and the death toll to citizens three years in dwarfs the uncertain one in Gaza.

In Gaza Strip, an entity supported by 80% in a separate part of the same country invaded and attacked a much much much stronger foe simply to kill innocent civilians and take many back in there as hostages. As I have posted elsewhere, an apples to apples comparison to a similar attack on the US would be like us having a Native American walled area where we kept these dangerous people that hated us confined to within our borders having a breech where thousands of them escaped, went on a killing spree that left 40,000 US Citizens and soldiers dead and returned with a couple thousand hostages as the entire enclave partied and celebrated, since the same 80% believe every single non Native American in US must die. After some initial success, it also becomes clear most of the hostages are now dead. We are talking 20K dead women and children among the 40K dead overall from this attack. So when you see what is going on in Gaza and the retalition being inflicted on them by Israel, you have to look at it through this apples to apples lense and consider what we would be doing right now to this group of people in our country. And we would be doing the same-the Indian Reservation would cease to exist.
We've done, precisely what you've described, learned and evolved from those days of barbarism. Israel, on the other hand, hasn't and feasts on it. That's the key difference.
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We've done, precisely what you've described, learned and evolved from those days of barbarism.

You beat me to it. Though I'm not sure we've learned and evolved. I've seen too many posts here recently, lamenting that we can't have Hiroshima II in Gaza, to think otherwise. As a California based poster on our old board once said "the bloodlust around here is disturbing"
We've done, precisely what you've described, learned and evolved from those days of barbarism. Israel, on the other hand, hasn't and feasts on it. That's the key difference.
I disagree. Look what we did after losing 3K on 9/11. Trillions spent and how many innocent lives lost in the Chaos in Iraq and A-stan for 20 years? So imagine an entity within our borders kills 12 times that amount? What we would do to them would be just as brutish....maybe even more so. Don't confuse this with me rooting for it or being pro blood lust. Just trying to point out many are not really seeing how we would behave if the same event happened here at same scale.
It is definitely starting to border on that and for sure Israel has done themselves no favors by being silent and having a no ****s given attitude. Bibi sucks and should have been kicked out within 10 days of the October 7th event that happened on his watch and could be argued was partially a result of his policies, though no good argument could ever be made to excuse what happened October 7th 2023.

There is a yuge difference though in both happenings.

In Ukraine, a peaceful, smaller country was invaded for purposes of simply conquering by the supposed second best army in the entire world. The Russians committed horrible crimes and the death toll to citizens three years in dwarfs the uncertain one in Gaza.

In Gaza Strip, an entity supported by 80% in a separate part of the same country invaded and attacked a much much much stronger foe simply to kill innocent civilians and take many back in there as hostages. As I have posted elsewhere, an apples to apples comparison to a similar attack on the US would be like us having a Native American walled area where we kept these dangerous people that hated us confined to within our borders having a breech where thousands of them escaped, went on a killing spree that left 40,000 US Citizens and soldiers dead and returned with a couple thousand hostages as the entire enclave partied and celebrated, since the same 80% believe every single non Native American in US must die. After some initial success, it also becomes clear most of the hostages are now dead. We are talking 20K dead women and children among the 40K dead overall from this attack. So when you see what is going on in Gaza and the retaliation being inflicted on them by Israel, you have to look at it through this apples to apples lense and consider what we would be doing right now to this group of people in our country. And we would be doing the same-the Indian Reservation would cease to exist. And one other thing to add to make this apples to apples, is add in that no other Reservation nor foreign country wants to let any of these war torn civilians into their Reservation/County because they view them as too dangerous.
It's hard to get numbers on Ukraine, too. One recent US number put the Ukrainian losses at 70K, but it wasn't clear whether that was just civilian or civilian and military. Zelensky has said the military losses are 31K.

Ukraine has 38 million people. Gaza 2.2 million.

Russian has been killing civilians in Ukraine for over 2 years. Israel has been killing civilians in Gaza for 7 months.

The body count between Ukraine and Gaza doesn't need to be proportional. And it isn't. Far from it. On a population basis it's 5 times worse in Gaza - and that's after trimming the Gaza count by 20% to "correct" for exaggeration (even though exaggeration has never been proved).

Adjust for the time differential, and the body count is 15 times worse in Gaza. Because they've achieved their 5x body count in a third the time.

As I said, body counts don't have to be proportional. But if people are going to get worked up about the Ukraine body count, it sort of seems like they should get even more worked up about the much higher body count in Gaza.
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Maybe you should watch the video.
I did. It starts off with the lie that "many people say it ever happened."

I have never heard anyone deny that many despicable things happened on 10/7. Yes, some of the claims have been shown to be lies and fakes, but that still leaves plenty of atrocious, vicious behavior carried out on 10/7.

So . . . since many people are NOT, in fact, saying it never happened, what's the point?
It's hard to get numbers on Ukraine, too. One recent US number put the Ukrainian losses at 70K, but it wasn't clear whether that was just civilian or civilian and military. Zelensky has said the military losses are 31K.

Ukraine has 38 million people. Gaza 2.2 million.

Russian has been killing civilians in Ukraine for over 2 years. Israel has been killing civilians in Gaza for 7 months.

The body count between Ukraine and Gaza doesn't need to be proportional. And it isn't. Far from it. On a population basis it's 5 times worse in Gaza - and that's after trimming the Gaza count by 20% to "correct" for exaggeration (even though exaggeration has never been proved).

Adjust for the time differential, and the body count is 15 times worse in Gaza. Because they've achieved their 5x body count in a third the time.

As I said, body counts don't have to be proportional. But if people are going to get worked up about the Ukraine body count, it sort of seems like they should get even more worked up about the much higher body count in Gaza.
Honestly, I don't get too worked up about body count numbers. Collateral damage is what it is, especially in urbanized zones. I do get worked up about the intended target of a given attack, and while I'm sure the Israelis have from time to time been relatively liberal in their interpretation of intelligence data for targeting purposes, here's about how i'd rank them:

Queensbury Rules



Hamas - Plain old terrorists
I did. It starts off with the lie that "many people say it ever happened."

I have never heard anyone deny that many despicable things happened on 10/7. Yes, some of the claims have been shown to be lies and fakes, but that still leaves plenty of atrocious, vicious behavior carried out on 10/7.

So . . . since many people are NOT, in fact, saying it never happened, what's the point?

Im glad that most people you know don't agree that it never happened. The reality is that there are many 10/7 deniers. Its pretty obvious from the reaction of people watching this video that they didnt know what happened.
It’s a horrible situation all around. Netanyahu is a dangerous fook, Hamas are radical brutish terrorists and murderers and for the most part the citizens on both sides suffer the most. Everything just seems to escalate each day, vengeance and retribution run amuck.

Twixxers using descriptions of campus protesters like “degenerate gender-based leftist Islamic jihadist rebellion” isn’t helping. I’m not even sure what that word salad is meant to convey other than anger and trolling college kids. Seems counterproductive.
Nobel Peace Prize recipient and Code Pink founder talks about the lessons she learned while living on a kibbutz in Israel as a teenager

Meet Medea Benjamin, the Queen of anti-war activism in US

This is very much worth watching

What This Jewish Professor At Columbia Wants You To Know

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We've done, precisely what you've described, learned and evolved from those days of barbarism. Israel, on the other hand, hasn't and feasts on it. That's the key difference.
We didn’t ’learn’.
We won.
We conquered them.
And they surrendered.
Then there was peace.
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This list is interesting

There are good people in every religion. There are bad people in every religion. Stop cherry picking and be less of a bigot. It might help you in your life.

Ya know, I'm Hindu and had a reflexive hate of Muslims. Then I asked myself, why is that? I found no good answer. Are there Islamic terrorists who harm Hindus? Yes, many. Are there good muslims? Yup. I know many.
Are there bad Hindus? Look at the shameful Modi government and his lying stooges. They single handedly have ruined India. Much like Trump or Netanyahu. I am sure there are fine Jewish people. But right now, I am good to say that all sides should stop killing each other. Like now. This very nanosecond. Then, we can administer justice LAWFULLY.
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But right now, I am good to say that all sides should stop killing each other. Like now. This very nanosecond. Then, we can administer justice LAWFULLY.

How do you propose ‘we can administer justice LAWFULLY’ to Hamas?

Yeah, sure, it’d be nice if everyone would be nice. But Hamas said, ‘let’s settle this with killing’, and Israel is obliging the request.
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There are good people in every religion. There are bad people in every religion. Stop cherry picking and be less of a bigot. It might help you in your life.

Ya know, I'm Hindu and had a reflexive hate of Muslims. Then I asked myself, why is that? I found no good answer. Are there Islamic terrorists who harm Hindus? Yes, many. Are there good muslims? Yup. I know many.
Are there bad Hindus? Look at the shameful Modi government and his lying stooges. They single handedly have ruined India. Much like Trump or Netanyahu. I am sure there are fine Jewish people. But right now, I am good to say that all sides should stop killing each other. Like now. This very nanosecond. Then, we can administer justice LAWFULLY.

My life is great and I’m not a bigot. I do understand the dangers of religious radicals. Syria and Lebanon used to be primarily Christian countries, Iran used to be a secular country, Afghanistan used to be a Buddhist country. Radicals don’t stop unless they are eliminated.

Hamas rejected numerous ceasefire proposals.
My life is great and I’m not a bigot. I do understand the dangers of religious radicals. Syria and Lebanon used to be primarily Christian countries, Iran used to be a secular country, Afghanistan used to be a Buddhist country. Radicals don’t stop unless they are eliminated.

Hamas rejected numerous ceasefire proposals.
And Israel is killing civilians and water is wet. Thanks for the fresh take.
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