- Sep 13, 2002
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American "conservatives" are now much more aligned in their thinking with the populace and politicians of places like Turkey, Russia and Hungary than our former peers in Western Europe, Canada, Australia and other liberal democracies.
New Data: Republican Voters Want AuthoritarianismInside the World Values Survey.
1. Values VotersWhy did a plurality of voters choose Trump?The question is a Rorschach. The most complete answer is that voters chose him for all the reasons. Seventy-seven million people voted for the guy. No matter what basket of reasons you want to come up with, there is a bucket of voters who chose Trump based on them.¹ So I want to preface today’s conversation by emphasizing that the answer isn’t either/or. It’s and/both. That said: One of my theories about the last eight years is that a growing number of Americans have become not just tolerant of, but affirmatively for, authoritarianism. The corollary being: In 2024, some significant portion of voters chose Trump not in spite of his explicitly authoritarian program but because of it. Today we have some hard data to support this theory. Republican voters have—objectively—become more fascist and authoritarian in their values and political preferences. Last week the Financial Times published an extraordinary piece by John Burn-Murdoch.² He looked at data from the most recent World Values Survey and found that Republican voters in America have changed their outlook in recent years. They no longer want their country to be liberal. They want it to be illiberal. Here’s Burn-Murdoch: You have to see the data to believe it: I want you think about this—and I mean really think about it: Republicans aren’t just closer in worldview to Turkey and Russia than they are to Democrats. The right-wing European parties are closer to Democrats than they are to Republicans. Let me give you some context. The World Values Survey is a battery of questions designed to get at people’s social outlook. Do they trust institutions? Do they tolerate corruption? How central is politics to their identity? You can look at the Wave 8 questionnaire here. Some sample questions: Please sit with this again: In responses to questions like these, Republican answers lined up neatly with the answers from Turks and Russians and were close to answers from people in China. I do not know any way to assimilate this data except to propose that many Republicans chose Trump because they heard his authoritarian pitch, believed it, and voted for him to implement it. As for how many Republican voters operated this way, based on this data the most likely answer is: More than you previously thought. |