Harrahs casino in New Orleans refuses entry to a black female because

Right. And let me be clear: we all have unconscious biases for many reasons. Most of them are part of being human and not malicious in nature. My point is for good people, such as yourself, to consider the impact unconscious bias has on e.g. black women.

In this case, I 100% believe your military experience led you to believe something was fishy. Others in this thread, not so much. So, yes, whether it was you, Chis, myself, or anyone else who cared to comment, none of us knew shit. My point, again, was about human nature and the impact that
Solid post.

Had I not been a veteran, I'm honestly not sure how I would have reacted, I'd assume much differently. My unconscious bias was, "There's no way in hell a 23 year old was a prior-service 2nd LT in the grade of E-6." I couldn't get past that bias. :(
I had a PLDC instructor that was one of these unicorns. She was a 23 year old SSG. She was 2 years older and already 2 grades ahead. Magnificent ta-tas. Jamie Lee Curtis in uniform. Conversation turned to what was her career track. She was a General’s clerk.
She was good at her job but always helps to have someone in your corner and not have to compete for a slot in a company where everyone has the same MOS.
I got bored reading the thread, so I apologize if I am going to say the same damn thing. Look at her driver's license and that is the end of this debacle.
That was my initial reaction. The guy carding her is a complete moron and will probably lose his job. If she didnt film this, he's still going about his business being an asshole.
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Ah yes...let us continue to interject race into every situation possible even when it has no real bearing on the story.
You're a young black army officer. A white security guard won't let you in after seeing your military ID, your drivers license and your freaking pay stub. Then calls the police on you. What do you think the issue is if you're her?
You're a young black army officer. A white security guard won't let you in after seeing your military ID, your drivers license and your freaking pay stub. Then calls the police on you. What do you think the issue is if you're her?

He said he didn't think it was her by the video. I'm guessing she isn't the only person to be told that at a casino.
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Statement from Caesar's:

“To comply with gaming regulations, Harrah’s New Orleans checks IDs for our guests who appear to be under 30 years old. To do so, we use an approved electronic reader, similar to what you would find at an airport TSA checkpoint. Our Team Members are trained to evaluate identification in accordance with local regulations. In this case, Ms. Harrison, who appeared to be under 30, presented a Louisiana driver’s license that did not clear our electronic verification system. When asked for an alternative form of identification, she presented a military ID card, but the information on the military ID card did not match the information she had verbally communicated to our security officers. As a result, in compliance with applicable gaming regulations, our security officers did not permit Ms. Harrison to enter the casino. Caesars Entertainment has an unwavering commitment to diversity and our military. We are saddened by this situation and will continue to evaluate our processes to ensure that we uphold both our commitment to our guests and our regulators. We have reached out to Ms. Harrison, who let us know she will be retaining legal counsel; as such, we will have no further comment.”
Statement from Caesar's:

“To comply with gaming regulations, Harrah’s New Orleans checks IDs for our guests who appear to be under 30 years old. To do so, we use an approved electronic reader, similar to what you would find at an airport TSA checkpoint. Our Team Members are trained to evaluate identification in accordance with local regulations. In this case, Ms. Harrison, who appeared to be under 30, presented a Louisiana driver’s license that did not clear our electronic verification system. When asked for an alternative form of identification, she presented a military ID card, but the information on the military ID card did not match the information she had verbally communicated to our security officers. As a result, in compliance with applicable gaming regulations, our security officers did not permit Ms. Harrison to enter the casino. Caesars Entertainment has an unwavering commitment to diversity and our military. We are saddened by this situation and will continue to evaluate our processes to ensure that we uphold both our commitment to our guests and our regulators. We have reached out to Ms. Harrison, who let us know she will be retaining legal counsel; as such, we will have no further comment.”
Woah, woah, woah, you mean to tell me Caesars Entertainment, their approved electronic reader, their security officer, and gaming regulations laws are all racist?
Right, he didn't think it was her in either ID.

So if you're her what are you thinking after you show him both ID and a pay stub? You want to answer that question this time?

I'm thinking where is the next casino I am going to go spend my money at and leaving.
Statement from Caesar's:

“To comply with gaming regulations, Harrah’s New Orleans checks IDs for our guests who appear to be under 30 years old. To do so, we use an approved electronic reader, similar to what you would find at an airport TSA checkpoint. Our Team Members are trained to evaluate identification in accordance with local regulations. In this case, Ms. Harrison, who appeared to be under 30, presented a Louisiana driver’s license that did not clear our electronic verification system. When asked for an alternative form of identification, she presented a military ID card, but the information on the military ID card did not match the information she had verbally communicated to our security officers. As a result, in compliance with applicable gaming regulations, our security officers did not permit Ms. Harrison to enter the casino. Caesars Entertainment has an unwavering commitment to diversity and our military. We are saddened by this situation and will continue to evaluate our processes to ensure that we uphold both our commitment to our guests and our regulators. We have reached out to Ms. Harrison, who let us know she will be retaining legal counsel; as such, we will have no further comment.”
As Paul Harvey would say, "The rest of the story".

Doesn't matter...the outrage is page 1, the rebuttal is page 64. As I stated on a previous page, I had a valid, military issued ID card that was taken because the issuer forgot the seal and the bar staff had been well trained on how to recognize fakes. Mine matched that criteria. Didn't stop me from getting pissed, though. It happens. And I completely understand why she was pissed off...she knew she was right.
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Statement from Caesar's:

“To comply with gaming regulations, Harrah’s New Orleans checks IDs for our guests who appear to be under 30 years old. To do so, we use an approved electronic reader, similar to what you would find at an airport TSA checkpoint. Our Team Members are trained to evaluate identification in accordance with local regulations. In this case, Ms. Harrison, who appeared to be under 30, presented a Louisiana driver’s license that did not clear our electronic verification system. When asked for an alternative form of identification, she presented a military ID card, but the information on the military ID card did not match the information she had verbally communicated to our security officers. As a result, in compliance with applicable gaming regulations, our security officers did not permit Ms. Harrison to enter the casino. Caesars Entertainment has an unwavering commitment to diversity and our military. We are saddened by this situation and will continue to evaluate our processes to ensure that we uphold both our commitment to our guests and our regulators. We have reached out to Ms. Harrison, who let us know she will be retaining legal counsel; as such, we will have no further comment.”
I'd like to know more about that. How does a casino in NO have a scanner that wouldn't clear a local state issued ID? Then, when given a military ID that matched the license for a person to then say wait you said 2LT but ID says E-6... something doesn't add up.
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I'd like to know more about that. How does a casino in NO have a scanner that wouldn't clear a local state issued ID?
Maybe there was an issue with either the reader or the ID itself. That's possible right?

Then, when given a military ID that matched the license for a person to then say wait you said 2LT but ID says E-6... something doesn't add up.
Not sure what I'd do if a person handed me a DL that didn't scan, then that person said, wait, I'm a 2nd LT in the Army...then pull out an E-6 ID. Wouldn't you (the employee) be thinking something seems very fishy?

Had her DL just processed correctly (and I would like to know why it didn't), there wouldn't even be a story here. ...but, again I understand her perspective, she knows who she is.

I still wonder if there is more. I'd love to see an entire video.
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I'd like to know more about that. How does a casino in NO have a scanner that wouldn't clear a local state issued ID? Then, when given a military ID that matched the license for a person to then say wait you said 2LT but ID says E-6... something doesn't add up.
I’ve had my ID scanned in multiple locations for alcohol, lottery tickets, etc.
Me too, but weird a place that relies on one couldn't get an ID from the same state to scan. Never seen that happen before. I'm guessing it does happen, but seems weird.
Seriously, I'd love to see video footage of the entire encounter, not just the start of the film once it had already escalated. There are security cameras everywhere, right?
Happily wrong.

She's got a great story that should inspire all women. If that means I dine on crow tonight so be it.

You're not happily wrong, you're a complete idiot. Back a few pages you mentioned about her CC should be pissed about her behavior, well your behavior was is completely unacceptable in this thread. You're still trying to figure out how a black women can reached the level she did. If it was a white male, you wouldn't think twice about it. You really need to look in the mirror and make some personal changes.
You're not happily wrong, you're a complete idiot. Back a few pages you mentioned about her CC should be pissed about her behavior, well your behavior was is completely unacceptable in this thread. You're still trying to figure out how a black women can reached the level she did. If it was a white male, you wouldn't think twice about it. You really need to look in the mirror and make some personal changes.

When that happens it is usually due to the ID, not the scanner.
This 100% unless they had trouble with all the other ID’s they scanned. I get mine scanned at liquor stores and even Target when I return something without a receipt.
There's nothing convenient about racism.

Would you agree/disagree that if society makes every negative interaction between white and black people about race, we'll never heal and move forward?

Honestly, you have to be able to understand the difference between facts and assumptions:

Harrahs Casino in New Orleans denied entry to a 23 y.o. Black woman because she showed her military ID and the white employee doesn’t believe she could’ve made the rank of E-6. Called the police on her

Instigation of Assumption:
Harrahs Casino in New Orleans denied entry to a 23 y.o. Black woman because she showed her military ID and the white employee doesn’t believe she could’ve made the rank of E-6. Called the police on her.

You just had several veterans recognize the extreme rarity of this situation and site a plethora of evidence in support of our stance, none of which were based on race. Yes, it turned out we were all wrong, but it should suffice there was enough evidence supporting the assumption this wasn't race related.

I expect this type of behavior from Chis, but you're a smart guy, Bel. Surely you see another side to all this race baiting. Heck, even Lt Harrison avoids bringing race into this. She is only discussing the merits of her credentials, not her race.
That's all well and good about the military ID question, but I don't believe for a minute this would have happened if it was a white woman. Once she showed her other supporting identification she would have been let in, but this woman was not. The problem is this is not a rare exception that can be easily ignored - this shit happens all too often and needs to be called out until it stops.
I’ve read through most of the comments in this thread and here are my takeaways:

1. Nobody in this thread knows shit.

2. How many minors would take it as far as she did if she were full of shit? Not many.

3. We don’t know the casino worker’s reasons for denying her entrance. In his mind, it could have been standard procedure with no consideration of race. Or, it could have been an unconscious bias because of race and/or gender. Or, it could have been blatant prejudice due to race and/or gender. Only the gentleman in the video knows for sure.

4. With #3 in mind, I will offer this as food for thought: Is it more or less common for black people and/or women to be given the benefit of the doubt in that type of situation? If it were a 23-year-old white dude showing two valid forms of ID, how likely would it have been that the police were called? I’m guessing not likely.

Here’s the deal. More times than not, these conflicts do not arise from blatant racism, although some unfortunately still do. However, even if this was an honest case of unconscious bias, which I believe it most likely was, some of you who are white need to put yourself in black people’s shoes and consider how you would handle being subjected to actual racism and/or unconscious biases as regular occurrences in your everyday life. Think how exhausting, degrading, and vexing it must be to deal with that all the frickin time. On top of that, you have white people constantly telling you racism no longer exists and to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that incidents like in the OP aren’t because of your race. If you consider yourself to be a decent person and not a racist piece of shit, just think about it for a little bit.

Yes, we still need to not immediately jump to conclusions. Yes, going straight to Chis-bomb mode isn’t the answer. However, some of you in this thread who were quick to impugn this young woman’s integrity while being equally quick to defend the casino worker as deserving the benefit of the doubt “until all the facts came out,” might want to ask yourselves why your instincts were not to do that in reverse. Just think about it. 🤔

And for those who don’t know, I’m a 40-year-old white dude.
BRAVO!!!! Very, very well stated. I hope the message gets through.
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4. With #3 in mind, I will offer this as food for thought: Is it more or less common for black people and/or women to be given the benefit of the doubt in that type of situation? If it were a 23-year-old white dude showing two valid forms of ID, how likely would it have been that the police were called? I’m guessing not likely.
Two forms of ID, one which allegedly did not process through their unbiased systems and another which allegedly did not align with what the person said.
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You're not happily wrong, you're a complete idiot.

That is your opinion.

Back a few pages you mentioned about her CC should be pissed about her behavior, well your behavior was is completely unacceptable in this thread. You're still trying to figure out how a black women can reached the level she did. If it was a white male, you wouldn't think twice about it. You really need to look in the mirror and make some personal changes.

Yes, I was very clear in why I was trying to figure out how this person (not a black woman) was able to attain the rank of E-6 in unprecedented speed. I wasn't alone in that assertion and it had absolutely zero to do with her sex or color. Furthermore, I immediately owned the fact I was wrong, but did sincerely express my desire to know how she was able to accomplish it because (again) it's pretty rare.

At least I owned my inaccurate assumptions. I doubt you'll do the same.
Two forms of ID, one which allegedly did not process through their unbiased systems and another which allegedly did not align with what the person said.
And a third that did align with all of them. Not to mention that the Military ID had not been updated with a recent promotion which is quite understandable - if you want to understand.
That's all well and good about the military ID question, but I don't believe for a minute this would have happened if it was a white woman. Once she showed her other supporting identification she would have been let in, but this woman was not. The problem is this is not a rare exception that can be easily ignored - this shit happens all too often and needs to be called out until it stops.
And that's the part where Bel's comments about convenience does have merit.

The only way to know in this instance, is if the full video footage is released. If I understand @NoleATL 's comments correctly, the employee who should have originally checked/scanned her ID was the man in the red coat who was a Black American. If he had issues, then called the gentlemen with the tie over, then I would think that would be a vital detail to any claims of racism/discrimination.
Two forms of ID, one which allegedly did not process through their unbiased systems and another which allegedly did not align with what the person said.
Hence why I said nobody knows for sure what the motive for that level of scrutiny was and if the same scrutiny would be exercised if the person in question were a white male. I don’t know. Can you honestly say you do?

Regardless, my point on racism and unintentional biases still stands regardless of how that truth makes you or anyone else feel. Frankly, I don’t give a good goddamn about yours, Chis’s, or anyone else’s delicate sensibilities. Racism and unconscious bias very much exist in our society whether you choose to believe it or not. Was racism or unconscious bias present in this incident? Again, no idea. And, as already stated, you don’t have the first clue either.

While it’s true that wanting to make every incident involving a minority about prejudice is reckless and irresponsible, it’s equally reprehensible, if not more, to always default to “no racism or prejudice” is in play unless the person in question is wearing a hooded white robe and dropping the n-bomb. Any reasonably educated adult should have a little more cognitive dexterity than that. At least, I would hope. The greater point is as a white male I have the luxury of intellectualizing this because I never face such scrutiny. Ever. Black people, on the other hand, have to wonder all the time if the treatment they are receiving is normal or due to their race. I’m sorry, not sorry, if the truth of that makes some white people uncomfortable, but just a little bit of empathy would go a long way in healing some pretty deep-seated wounds. Honestly, it’s not that difficult to be a little understanding. It’s really not. I wish more people would try it.
The convenient thing about racism is that there's usually no way to prove it.
Of course there is. If someone is accused of racism and they deny it, that's a pretty good indicator that they're a big ol' racist.

The more forceful the denial of accusations of racism, the greater evidence that the accusation was, indeed, correct.

This is basic logic.
That is your opinion.

Yes, I was very clear in why I was trying to figure out how this person (not a black woman) was able to attain the rank of E-6 in unprecedented speed. I wasn't alone in that assertion and it had absolutely zero to do with her sex or color. Furthermore, I immediately owned the fact I was wrong, but did sincerely express my desire to know how she was able to accomplish it because (again) it's pretty rare.

At least I owned my inaccurate assumptions. I doubt you'll do the same.

You spent pages trying to justify why she was a fake, rather than giving her the benefit of the doubt. You're still having a hard time believing it, you want to know how she accomplished it. I'm not sure you'll ever be able to accept it.

You and the other posters who quickly called her a fake are part of the problem with the world today. It doesn't even matter if she was a fake or not, the fact you and others came to a quick judgement is just wrong.
You spent pages trying to justify why she was a fake, rather than giving her the benefit of the doubt. You're still having a hard time believing it, you want to know how she accomplished it. I'm not sure you'll ever be able to accept it.

You and the other posters who quickly called her a fake are part of the problem with the world today. It doesn't even matter if she was a fake or not, the fact you and others came to a quick judgement is just wrong.
Yes, we all did and we listed justification as to why. and it had ZERO to do with her being a woman or black, so I think you're the one who needs to look in the mirror. I've been 100% transparent about my Not so much.

It doesn't even matter if she was a fake or not, the fact you and others came to a quick judgement is just wrong.
And I owned that I was wrong.

Let me ask you a question. Let's say you're a manager of a store...been doing it for 25+ years and you know for a fact it takes about 4-6 hours to take inventory. Why? Because it's your field and you're expert in said field. Then one day a new employee claims to have accomplished inventory in 30 minutes. You're telling me you'd simply accept that at face value? You wouldn't question that?

Then lets say it turns out the new hire actually did accomplish the task as claimed. Wouldn't you want to know how he/she did it? Wouldn't you apologize for making the mistake then want to understand how it was done so you could replicate that throughout your store/staff?

Maybe it's a bad analogy, but that was my mindset. I served 20 years, then served another 7 on the civilian side. I have, what I thought at least, a thorough understanding of the military promotion system. This was an outlier and I gained knowledge from the experience. I was wrong, she's pretty amazing and none of this has the slightest to do with race or sex. Not sure how to make that any clearer for you.
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Yes, we all did and we listed justification as to why. and it had ZERO to do with her being a woman or black, so I think you're the one who needs to look in the mirror. I've been 100% transparent about my Not so much.

And I owned that I was wrong.

Let me ask you a question. Let's say you're a manager of a store...been doing it for 25+ years and you know for a fact it takes about 4-6 hours to take inventory. Why? Because it's your field and you're expert in said field. Then one day a new employee claims to have accomplished inventory in 30 minutes. You're telling me you'd simply accept that at face value? You wouldn't question that?

Then lets say it turns out the new hire actually did accomplish the task as claimed. Wouldn't you want to know how he/she did it? Wouldn't you apologize for making the mistake then want to understand how it was done so you could replicate that throughout your store/staff?

Maybe it's a bad analogy, but that was my mindset. I served 20 years, then served another 7 on the civilian side. I have, what I thought at least, a thorough understanding of the military promotion system. This was an outlier and I gained knowledge from the experience. I was wrong, she's pretty amazing and none of this has the slightest to do with race or sex. Not sure how to make that any clearer for you.

I see where you're trying to go with the analogy but it's not quite that. You're not the store owner who knows everything, you may think you do, but you obviously don't (and that's ok, no one is a complete expert). You're more like an employee who's been working at the store for years, you have a decent amount of knowledge of inventory but you're not an expert.

When the women showed proof of who she was, she deserved the benefit of the doubt. You were unwilling to give her that. It's like a few months back when a women slapped a military person at a pizza place because the women thought he was a fake. When people provide the proof, they deserve the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. That doesn't mean people call them fake or slap them.
I see where you're trying to go with the analogy but it's not quite that. You're not the store owner who knows everything, you may think you do, but you obviously don't (and that's ok, no one is a complete expert). You're more like an employee who's been working at the store for years, you have a decent amount of knowledge of inventory but you're not an expert.
Which is why I admitted I was wrong, and was actually the only person in the thread to do so. I wasn't even one of the one's who flat out called her a liar, but yet I was called out. I was called an idiot AND a racist (by you) without the "benefit of the doubt". Heck, even that [idiot] wasn't an accurate assessment of my thread participation.

a stupid person.

You should have gone with arrogant. :cool:

having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

When the women showed proof of who she was, she deserved the benefit of the doubt. You were unwilling to give her that.
And I admitted very specifically that was due to my unconscious bias; based on 27+ years of military experience, not race or sex. Not sure what else I can do in that regard.

It's like a few months back when a women slapped a military person at a pizza place because the women thought he was a fake. When people provide the proof, they deserve the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. That doesn't mean people call them fake or slap them.
I'm not familiar with this incident. I agree a person shouldn't be slapped and I'm glad the woman in the [casino] video wasn't physically harmed, escorted out forcefully, or anything of that nature.

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