Has your company or business been celebrating "Pride Month?"

Yes. It's on the homepage for my railroad and I've received numerous emails about it. I screenshotted them and sent them to my best friend. My gay brother.
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There will be a contingent from my hospital in the local pride parade. I personally feel that it is just enough. Glad they’re not ignoring it, but a hospital-based event probably would have been a bit much.
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No but most of my company including the owners are pretty conservative.

Besides we do commercial & industrial subcontracting so we're not all that concerned about trying to make the general public like us. Our currency is more in reputation with general contractors and architects.
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No. But they don’t celebrate straight people either.

If it wasn’t for social media I wouldn’t know.
A nearby area county conservation office in partnership with a city parks and rec department are hosting "LQBTQ+ OUTside Meetups" starting in June and throughout the summer. Various outdoor activities are being promoted. The comments section has gone the way one might expect. The conservation department's responses have been sarcastic, which is surprising. I would expect a level of professionalism.

It's a political month. That much is obvious. Further, it's inappropriate for government agencies to be involved with this.
My employer has done zero for Pride Month. However this past week I have noticed holes in the walls of the bathroom stalls.
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No but most of my company including the owners are pretty conservative.

Besides we do commercial & industrial subcontracting so we're not all that concerned about trying to make the general public like us. Our currency is more in reputation with general contractors and architects.

It's also "Sacred Heart of Jesus" month. :)

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