Have Fun


Oct 13, 2001
Common theme with every Penn State wrestler interviewed. Coach Sanderson preaches it and would have to agree with that mindset. I am beginning to think Hawks maybe wrestle to tight.
It is all about talent level, the fun thing is bs. They have the best of the best practicing against each other every day. Winning is fun and with the best guys they win a lot. Easy to be loose when you always win and have a giant lead in the team race.
It is all about talent level, the fun thing is bs. They have the best of the best practicing against each other every day. Winning is fun and with the best guys they win a lot. Easy to be loose when you always win and have a giant lead in the team race.

Bingo. It's like the son of a guy worth $100M telling you "you just gotta take risks!" because he happened to found a tech company that made him billions.
He strikes me as someone who knows the talent he gets, and applies his mindset from when he wrestled... You see it in psu styles at times. I also think he knows he has to remain humble about it, which he does, which drives many of us crazy. I agree, he is insufferable and even smug to a degree, but he is winning. he landed on a gold mine and remains humble, which I think to him is the calmness and the fun.. I do dislike his get up and go from isu, abandoned them, but do u blame him? Coaches go to where they can win. And he is winning.
Have to out recruit him. I guess incorporate some fun, which goes into be humble. Brands is brash, at times, and that seems too tough or boastful, apparently that doesn't seem too fun.....
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I don't get it. The guy founded a company that made him billions but he's only worth $100M?? What happened to the rest of his money?

The SON of a guy worth $100M. As in, he could take risks and let it fly because he basically had a safety net made out of diamonds.

Speaking as a fan, he's been one of the worst things about wrestling in the last 15 years. One of the few Americans I've ever rooted against in the Olympics.
Why would you say that?I hate them winning but he doesn't seem like a bad guy.
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Some of you meat heads are so clueless. You don't have to be a camo wearing, raccoon shooting, chainsaw wielding maniac to be successful. Acting like billy b.a. isn't getting it done anymore. You act like what PSU is doing is cheating. They have the best of the best for a reason. They have a coaching staff that is willing to change/adapt with the times, and adapt to each wrestler individually.
Why are you quoting my post with that crap? Idiot
How has he made wrestling worse for the last 15 years?
He probably means that Cael built a powerhouse that doesn't make it so fun for the other 93.2% of the fans out there. And before you question the percentages....I checked with Mark Hall. He says it's legit...
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Speaking as a fan, he's been one of the worst things about wrestling in the last 15 years. One of the few Americans I've ever rooted against in the Olympics.
Over the top much? Back away from the keyboard. They record these threads you know.
How is that over the top? I like watching the sport as entertainment. From an entertainment perspective he's been one of the worst things to happen to it. He's dreadful.

Win or lose, are you seriously going to say Cael's wrestlers have not been entertaining? They open up and score, flash moves you rarely see... but if you want to see two guys in front head locks trying to push each other around the mat I guess you'll need to wait for the Hawks to hit the mat again next year.
Win or lose, are you seriously going to say Cael's wrestlers have not been entertaining? They open up and score, flash moves you rarely see... but if you want to see two guys in front head locks trying to push each other around the mat I guess you'll need to wait for the Hawks to hit the mat again next year.

Link to my comments on PSU wrestlers and their lack of entertainment value?
It is all about talent level, the fun thing is bs. They have the best of the best practicing against each other every day. Winning is fun and with the best guys they win a lot. Easy to be loose when you always win and have a giant lead in the team race.

This, so obviously. He has uniquely spectacular talent that can win from match one, and dominate from match one. Of course he can tell them to have fun.

That's not an excuse, good for them, it is astounding what they have. Each of those 5 would be seen as generational talents if on separate teams.
Carl has talent to burn. I think the having fun thing is a thing they like to preach and say to the cameras as a PR tool. It is easy to have fun when you get the best kids in the country and are winning.

The one thing I will definitely give Carl credit for (other than somehow getting all that talent with 9.9 schollies) is that he gets his guys to peak in March and wrestle loose in the NCAAs. Like it or not, it looks like we are wrestling too tight - and you wrestle your worst when you are tight and best when you wrestle loose. The talent gap will narrow (we likely won't overtake them), but we need to get our guys to wrestle loose. Gilman is a great example of how not to wrestle in some of the most important matches of your life (and I love me some TG).
How is that over the top? I like watching the sport as entertainment. From an entertainment perspective he's been one of the worst things to happen to it. He's dreadful.

I find his wrestlers quite entertaining to watch. Many people outside of Iowa at one time also felt that Dan Gable was one of the worse things for wrestling because his teams were so dominant. As a Hawk fan it didn't bother me one bit as his wrestling teams were always's entertaining to watch.
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Some of you meat heads are so clueless. You don't have to be a camo wearing, raccoon shooting, chainsaw wielding maniac to be successful. Acting like billy b.a. isn't getting it done anymore. You act like what PSU is doing is cheating. They have the best of the best for a reason. They have a coaching staff that is willing to change/adapt with the times, and adapt to each wrestler individually.
Easy "JustSnowFlake" if you want a trophy or a participation ribbon we can give you one so you will shut up and go away. Really you are the best of the rest.

The racoon shooting chain wielding maniacs and Billy Bad Ass
PSU is having fun. I wonder how much fun Suriano is having? He is probably just yucking it up because nothing matters but having fun. I hope people don't fall for that line of fun crap.
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PSU is having fun. I wonder how much fun Suriano is having? He is probably just yucking it up because nothing matters but having fun. I hope people don't fall for that line of fun crap.

Actually Nick was laughing this morning at the hotel with Zain and the fellas. Meanwhile, Tom Ryan is shooting horse tranquilizers into his heavyweight in an attempt to win at all costs.

I love Cael, and I like the Brands brothers. I despise Ryan and Perry.
PSU is having fun. I wonder how much fun Suriano is having? He is probably just yucking it up because nothing matters but having fun. I hope people don't fall for that line of fun crap.

I have no idea what this means.

Are you saying Cael broke Suriano's ankle?
It is all about talent level, the fun thing is bs. They have the best of the best practicing against each other every day. Winning is fun and with the best guys they win a lot. Easy to be loose when you always win and have a giant lead in the team race.
Agree 100%..You can have fun when your team is winning. Ask Tom Brady, Michael Jordan and the list goes on. Did Iowa State have FUN when Cael was coach there? They probably had a party every day.
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Common theme with every Penn State wrestler interviewed. Coach Sanderson preaches it and would have to agree with that mindset. I am beginning to think Hawks maybe wrestle to tight.
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The talent gap is why Penn State wins!!! Hard not to win with a lineup of Blue-Chip, 5-star, top 10 recruits at every weight class. It's like they always have 6-8 Brent Metcalfs....
The talent gap is why Penn State wins!!! Hard not to win with a lineup of Blue-Chip, 5-star, top 10 recruits at every weight class. It's like they always have 6-8 Brent Metcalfs....
You have to step up the quality of wrestler from Brent Metcalf to describe Zain Nolf bo and mark, all of whom will win just as many/more titles than Metcalf.
How is that over the top? I like watching the sport as entertainment. From an entertainment perspective he's been one of the worst things to happen to it. He's dreadful.
His team is as entertaining as it gets in the sport. He lets the kids be the story, not him. No theatrics. No flailing of arms. No screaming. It's a little thing, but look at Championship photos of his team. One has to look for him, usually in the back, with a hat pulled down to his eyes. It's always about the kids' accomplishments.
Penn State is aggressive as can be, they all go out and want to pin their opponent, a mentality that Iowa used to have but doesn't any more.
It is all about talent level, the fun thing is bs. They have the best of the best practicing against each other every day. Winning is fun and with the best guys they win a lot. Easy to be loose when you always win and have a giant lead in the team race.
This, x1,000,000. How people don't understand this is beyond me.
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I had fun when Carl was at ISU..........
'Fun' at psu is Nick Saban's 'process'. The basic idea that winning is not a goal, but the outcome when you do what you're supposed to.
Its not new thinking, and doesnt separate them from the pack. They both have the best athletes their sport has to offer.