Have you actually flown private?

And in what manner?

  • Yes, I own a jet

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Yes, I subscribe to a jet service such as NetJets or WheelsUp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I regularly fly private via a business or social connection

    Votes: 11 13.6%
  • Yes, but only once or twice -- it's not a regular thing

    Votes: 35 43.2%
  • No, I have not flown private

    Votes: 32 39.5%

  • Total voters
When the Iowa Hawkeyes went to the Rose Bowl,
I was on a charter flight from Cedar Rapids to LAX.
It was great because we were treated liked royalty.

Lute my friend, you ARE royalty. :D

No yet, but hopefully soon. One promotion away from company saying you’re attending senior management meetings now. By the way the jet will be sent to pick you up. Can’t wait.
Lots of "I'll have my pilot fuel the jet" talk in these parts. I assume 99% of it is bloviating.

Not tooling around with your buddy in his Piper Cub. Actual private transportation.
Yeah, propeller and chopper. Hot air balloon back when those were a thing as well, in the '80's.

Everyone on HROT is a self-made millionaire, 6'4", 2+ Bill's, benches tree fiddy for fun, married a supermodel and banged all the other ones beforehand.

We're an elite club. And we know it.
After the RJR Nabisco merger, Nabisco's Ross Johnson came to "bucolic" Winston-Salem to check things out. The top brass here arrived to pick him up in a Buick. Johnson refused and demanded a limo. He was also shocked to find out that RJR execs almost always flew commercial - there was no private jet. RJR/Nabisco soon owned a private jet and a dedicated hanger at the local airport. There were also limos for the execs though the holdover RJR guys continued to drive their own cars to work.

That's the set-up to me getting flown to Chicago on the jet to look over a job for RJR. They were looking to set up at least one special marketing office in every state and they were looking at what the costs would be so I was spec'ing the Chicago deal. The plan would be me spending about a year and a half flying all over the country to different cities, hiring a local crew, and setting the offices up. I wasn't married at the time so it would have been a helluva adventure. Then Johnson and KKR got into their bidding war and the plan was killed but I did get that one round-trip flight.

I remember the fleet of jets (among other things) and Ross Johnson's luxuries in this book which I thought was great:

Amazon product ASIN B000FC10QG
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Yeah, propeller and chopper. Hot air balloon back when those were a thing as well, in the '80's.

Everyone on HROT is a self-made millionaire, 6'4", 2+ Bill's, benches tree fiddy for fun, married a supermodel and banged all the other ones beforehand.

We're an elite club. And we know it.
You forgot the 9-inch dicks. Never forget the 9-inch dicks.
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Maybe for a large fortune 100 company. But on demand charter is miserable. Always on call and pay sucks. Can’t drink, can’t afford to drink. Airlines are better. Much more stable and you work 12 days a month.
My BIL has done a lot of that. Spent about 20 years as a demo pilot for Cessna Citations, which sounded like a good job (he loved it). More recently spent a couple of years as pilot of a Citation X for a celebrity whose name you would recognize. But before that he did some of the on-call stuff, and some of the stories were not good. People who thought schedules were optional, and some who demanded they fly when the weather said no.
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I have relatives and friends that own planes and have many experiences.
great book, the movie was good too.

I didn't realize there was a movie. There's several good books from that time period about the raiders, LBOs, Milken and his junk bonds, KKR, etc.

They were seemingly easier to follow along then some of the derivative heavy stuff from the last financial crisis.

Although I did really like "When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital" which had some complexities.
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I have relatives and friends that own planes and have many experiences.
I figured they were talking about executive jets. My Dad had planes. I took lessons and had some solo flights. A lot of people have flown in private aircraft.
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I’ve done it more times than I care to count.
I am a private chef and my boss owns several planes (and a few helicopters). I travel with them to their vacation homes in Colorado and California. And I once flew on a Gulfstream 4 as flight attendant on a trip from Texas to London to Tokyo to Hong Kong to Singapore and back to the States. We stopped for fuel in Siberia and Anchorage.
The first time I did it, it was pretty damn cool. Driving up to the plane and getting on without dealing with checking in, security, and the rest of it was awesome. I guess it is still pretty damn cool, but it has lost a bit of its luster.

I have a buddy who had an affair with a hedge fund manager's wife. He went on a 26 day trip to Asia with her and they had a private chef on the plane, plus another gal who did everything for them.

I can only imagine the stories you could tell.

If I was that rich, I'd still have you make my grilled cheese with Velveeta. Gad damn it I love that stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I didn't realize there was a movie. There's several good books from that time period about the raiders, LBOs, Milken and his junk bonds, KKR, etc.

They were seemingly easier to follow along then some of the derivative heavy stuff from the last financial crisis.

Although I did really like "When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital" which had some complexities.

not really related but I’d suggest the smartest guys in the room too. That’s the one about Enron.
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Our company has the equivalent of a "time share" private jet that shuttles back and forth between the cities of our two corporate offices. I've only taken that trip twice, though. It's more for the owner.
I flew out of Fort Dodge to St. Louis a few weeks ago. I was the only passenger they had. Big large leather seats , it was pretty nice. The ticket was only like $45. Apparently it is hit or miss but if you fly out in a Tuesday afternoon like I did , good chance you’ll have the plane to yourself. Air Choice One
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I’ve done it more times than I care to count.
I am a private chef and my boss owns several planes (and a few helicopters). I travel with them to their vacation homes in Colorado and California. And I once flew on a Gulfstream 4 as flight attendant on a trip from Texas to London to Tokyo to Hong Kong to Singapore and back to the States. We stopped for fuel in Siberia and Anchorage.
The first time I did it, it was pretty damn cool. Driving up to the plane and getting on without dealing with checking in, security, and the rest of it was awesome. I guess it is still pretty damn cool, but it has lost a bit of its luster.

Is your boss someone we’d know?
Is your boss someone we’d know?
No, not likely, but they are related to someone you probably have heard of. And no, I'm not going to say who that is.
And to respond to an earlier post, I don't really have a lot of stories that anyone would find terribly interesting. That Asia trip involved some activities that I wasn't a part of and that didn't happen on the plane, but most trips I go on, I'm with several members of the family, including small children. Nothing too exciting happens and that's the way everyone likes it. Most of my time on the plane is spent asking everyone what they want to eat while we are wherever we are going. They are on vacation. I am not.
No, not likely, but they are related to someone you probably have heard of. And no, I'm not going to say who that is.
And to respond to an earlier post, I don't really have a lot of stories that anyone would find terribly interesting. That Asia trip involved some activities that I wasn't a part of and that didn't happen on the plane, but most trips I go on, I'm with several members of the family, including small children. Nothing too exciting happens and that's the way everyone likes it. Most of my time on the plane is spent asking everyone what they want to eat while we are wherever we are going. They are on vacation. I am not.

hijacking my own thread.

that seems like a cool job. Do you always travel with them? Do you cook three meals a day? Are you responsible for the shopping, prep, and cleanup? Do you eat what they eat? What’s your signature dish? What do they do when you’re on vacation; lots of restaurants? Do you ever have late night rap sessions with your bosses, like would happen in a romcom?
hijacking my own thread.

that seems like a cool job. Do you always travel with them? Do you cook three meals a day? Are you responsible for the shopping, prep, and cleanup? Do you eat what they eat? What’s your signature dish? What do they do when you’re on vacation; lots of restaurants? Do you ever have late night rap sessions with your bosses, like would happen in a romcom?
It is a very cool job, mostly because I work for a great family. Let's see if I can knock a few of these out...
No, I generally don't cook three meals a day. How much I cook on a given day largely depends on where we are and what time of year it is. When we are at their place in the mountains during the holidays, I do breakfast every morning and dinner every night. They eat lunch while they are skiing and I try to have something warm available for apres ski. I myself get to ski as well, but I usually go every other day. Grocery shop one day, ski the next. When we are in California, I mostly keep their refrigerator stocked, and do a dinner party twice a week. At home base in Texas, I usually leave something for them in the warming oven. Today it was eggplant lasagna.
A big part of my job is keeping everything stocked. Liquor, mixers, cut fruit, beer, and soft drinks for the bar, coffee, creamer, condiments, and salads in the fridge. I do all the shopping, prep, and I clean the kitchen. For dinner parties over six people, we get a server to help with wine and food running. The server cleans the dishes, sliver, and glassware. I generally do not eat what they do, but only because by the time dinner rolls around, I've been tasting it so much, I don't want to eat it.
I can't really say I have a signature dish. I have a few dishes that I make fairly often, but I try to do something different whenever I can. I generally take my vacations when they are vacationing in Europe or somewhere they do not have a home. Also, they are very active socially so they get invited to many dinners at other people's houses, clubs, functions, etc.
I have had a few late night rap sessions, but I can talk with them about just about anything any time. They are football fans so we talk Hawkeyes and Longhorns and Cowboys and a few other teams. He went to grad school at SMU so we've been talking about the Ponies quite a bit this season.
It's a great gig. I did restaurants for 15 years and I do not miss the stress. Whenever I start stressing in this job, I just look out the window at the mountains or the palm trees and remember just how good I have it.
Bringing things back to the private plane, I have gone with him on his plane, to a few football games. He's a pilot, so he was in the left seat and I was in the right. Sitting in the cockpit of a private plane is just as freaking cool as you might expect.
Great friends who love football and will go all over to see games. I get to tag along.

10 passenger Cessna jet now. I think it’s the best thing going, but a few years ago we were at ND-Usc at night in South Bend and the aircraft there was incredible. We were in a puddle jumper. SEC championship, bowl games it’s great. There’s a lot of money in this world.

The convenience of private airfields can’t be overstated. To be in your bed even after a night game is incredible. To just get off the plane and get in a car to the game and no security lines is amazing.

Many years ago out in Arizona dot com millionaire friends who my wife couldn’t stand so I listened to her, got a plane to go to the Super Bowl with the Giants vs Ravens. 4 guys and 10 strippers. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t listened to her. Ok most of the time on that one.

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